



  • 外文名:padded
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:['pædid]
  • 釋義:有裝填墊料的;腳底有厚肉的|填補(pad的過去分詞形式)


pad /pæd/ CET4 TEM4 ( padding, padded, pads )
1.N-COUNT A pad is a fairly thick, flat piece of a material such as cloth or rubber. Pads are used, for example, to clean things, to protect things, or to change their shape. (清洗、保護或防止變形用的) 墊; 護墊
2.N-COUNT A pad of paper is a number of pieces of paper attached together along the top or the side, so that each piece can be torn off when it has been used. 便箋簿
3.V-I When someone pads somewhere, they walk there with steps that are fairly quick, light, and quiet. 輕步快走
4.N a dull soft sound, esp of footsteps 低沉的(腳步)聲音
5.N-COUNT A pad is a platform or an area of flat, hard ground where helicopters take off and land or rockets are launched. (直升機) 停機坪; (火箭) 發射台
6.N-COUNT The pads of a person's fingers and toes or of an animal's feet are the soft, fleshy parts of them. 指頭肚; 爪墊
7.V-T If you pad something, you put something soft in it or over it in order to make it less hard, to protect it, or to give it a different shape. (用軟物) 填充; 墊襯
8. padded ADJ 填充的; 有襯墊的
9.V-T If you pad or pad out a piece of writing or a speech with unnecessary words or pieces of information, you include them to make it longer and hide the fact that you do not have very much to say. (添加不必要的詞句或信息以) 拉長 (文章或演講)
10.V-T If an employee with an expense account pads their expenses, they claim that their expenses are greater than they really are in order to get more money from their employer. 虛報 (花費)
11. → see also padding


padded chair 有坐墊的椅子
padded vest 填棉背心
un padded 聯合國填充 ; 聯合國襯墊
Padded Sculpin 厚身
padded jersey 橄欖球衫 ; 襯軟墊運動衫
padded lint 襯墊夾
padded upholstered 有襯墊軟包
padded headrest 軟頭靠


