- 外文名:overstep
- 詞性:及物動詞
- 英式發音:[ˌəʊvəˈstep]
- 美式發音:[ˌoʊvərˈstep]
超越,漢語辭彙。拼音:chāo yuè 釋義:①越過;輕快地跨過:超越重重阻礙|飛似地超越過去。 ②超過;勝過:超越優勝者|超越前輩。釋義 [exceed;surmount;overstep] 逾越;勝過 超越許可權 出處 漢桓寬《鹽鐵論·和親》:“丁壯弧弦而出斗,老者超越而入葆。”例句 1、高遠;高超。三國 魏劉劭《人物誌·體別》...
三個“O”代表:original(初心),opportunity(機遇),overstep(超越)。Lebooo力博得前身為Lebond。2018年Lebooo力博得重點投入智慧型牙刷的技術研發,立志打破歐美大牌對電動牙刷市場的壟斷。同年重新定義力博得,將Lebond升級為Lebooo。(*註:Lebond源自拉丁語“超越”)品牌部分專利 1、電動牙刷高頻振動電機,專利號:201010155468....
Unadhesive 《Unadhesive》是由Overstep演唱的一首英文歌曲,收錄在2003年12月1日發行的專輯《The Bullring By The Sea》中。
BADVILLAIN(배드빌런)是BPM Entertainment於2024年6月3日推出的韓國女子唱跳組合,由EMMA(宋憓旻)、Chloe Young、HU'E(金仁惠)、INA、YunSeo、Vin、KELLY七名成員組成。2024年6月3日,發行首張單曲專輯《OVERSTEP》,從而正式出道;隨即,舉辦出道秀《NPOP LIMITED EDITION - BADVILLAIN DEBUT》;6月...
上疊式擴展(overstep propagation)為逆沖推覆構造中疊瓦式逆沖斷層的發育順序和擴展方式。上疊式擴展疊瓦構造的各分支斷層和斷片是有序地發生和發展的,如每一新的逆沖斷層發生在先存逆沖斷層上盤,各逆沖岩席(斷片)依次向逆衝來源方向或腹陸擴展,就稱後展式;因新生斷片依次疊置在老斷片之上,故又稱上疊...
Overstep.Trample,trample.古籍解釋 康熙字典 《廣韻》良涉切《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》力涉切,𠀤音獵。《玉篇》踐也。《爾雅·釋言》跋躐也。《疏》李巡曰:跋前行曰躐。《禮·玉藻》登席不由前曰躐席。《疏》失節而踐曰躐席。又《學記》學不躐等也。《疏》躐,逾越也。《楚辭·九歌》凌余陣兮躐余...
[O] Overstep跨越 跨越國界,擁抱世界。NOGO樂果以全球化行銷視野為世界用戶提供無縫式溝通,因地制宜推進品牌的本土化策略,四海之道融合為一。行業創新者 力創中國數碼移動音箱行業第一品牌 專注於打造數位化、移動化的個人音樂互動平台 NOGO樂果品牌構築絕非朝夕之功,NOGO樂果國際是新峰龍工業有限公司逐步發展而形成...
後撤沖斷層序列 後撤沖斷層序列(overstep thrust sequence)是1993年公布的地質學名詞。公布時間 1993年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《地質學名詞》第一版。
玄朱妮,1985年8月1日出生於韓國,韓國女演員、歌手,前4人女子樂團BellaMafia主唱。2008年2月發行首張MINI專輯《Over Step》而出道。2008年9月出演首部電視劇《貝多芬病毒》。2009年在愛情電影《天空與海洋》中首次擔綱主演,並出演KBS諜戰片《IRIS》。2010年出演SBS勵志電視劇《我是傳說》。2012年出演KBS愛情喜劇《...
Every Step, Overstep 自分信じて Anytime, Anywhere 高く Every Step, Overstep 明日を変える涙で Get Your Dream!力の限り走る君が 世界の壁を壊してく 道は果てしない夢に続く 始まりは一歩 踏みだそう Let's Goin'煌めきと溜め息 代わる代わるに まだ見ぬ夢をみる 仲間たち巻き込んで ...
所以樂果正腳踏實地的以行動來服務用戶、感動用戶、對客戶感恩,並激勵著我們開發出更多更好的音頻產品和提供更好的服務去回報用戶。[O]Overstep跨越 跨越國界, 擁抱世界。NOGO樂果以全球化行銷視野為世界用戶提供無縫式溝通,因地制宜推進品牌的本土化策略,四海之道融合為一。
- 創建可接受的行為限制規則和當小朋友們違規時應該怎么辦 To establish acceptable limits of behavior and know what to do when the children overstep them.班級教師可以告訴你小朋友們喜歡什麼和影響他們行為和學習的因素是什麼 · _成為每天熟悉的部分Become_a_familiar_part_of_their_day 事實是小朋友們看到...
OVERSTEP~關於那首我想唱給你的歌~ [69] 中文 2014-10-09 大音樂祭主題曲 百鬼亂 [70] 中文 2014-08-18 《錦瑟》專輯收錄曲 幻想神域 [71] 中文 2014-08-14 《幻想神域》官方中文主題曲 疾行 [72] 中文 2014-07-10 《次元學院 逆時空》主題曲 Glimmer [73] 中文 2014-03-06 動畫《納米核心》主...
《Le Casio》是一首英文作品。Le Casio (Live)-Athlete Give it up another time never meant to overstep the line Skip across to mexico to get away from all you know Give it up another time never meant to overstep the line Skip across to mexico to get away from all you know Give it up ...
I ain't tryna overstep, so that is why I tiptoe 我不想越過界限,所以我小心翼翼 But we ain't talkin' forever, we talkin' 'bout tonight 但我們不用在意“永遠”,我們只歡愉今夜 So I, I think I'm gonna go'n and jump on in 所以我想,我會奮不顧身躍入其中 Even if the water's ...
孤獨さえ侁こなす 壁は Overstep 習慣了乘著孤獨 跨越壁壘 雨の中も Hang in there Running 即使在雨中 也要繼續奔跑 巻き起こすこの時代に Cyclone 在這個時代里捲起颶風 Every single day 燃やす Double passion 每一天 燃燒雙倍的激情 Impossible to stop 絕不停止 Ayo! Last corner is about to approach....
pitilessly,英語單詞,主要用作為副詞,用作副詞譯為“無情地;冷酷地”。短語搭配 punish pitilessly 無情地打擊 雙語例句 She had scorned him pitilessly. 她無情地鄙視他。All those who overstep the limit are pitilessly punished by her. 所有那些逾越界限的人們都將受到她無情的鞭笞與懲罰。Those ...
《dirty little sercets》是由鞏新亮演唱的英語歌曲,該歌曲收錄於鞏新亮2013年發行的專輯《Dirty little sercets》中。歌曲歌詞 These a dark desire in my mind So tell me when i overstep the line Behind these walls i need to touch I need to know your bad enough Stop into my universe Show me what...
I ain't tryna overstep Just want to reason with you Lord Give us back our loved ones And take the evil with you Lord Send them suckers straight to hell They don't need a vigil Woo I need you to give us back Martin Luther Take Martin Shkreli Take Give us back Malcolm take R. Kelly...
and you know that you overstep the border,uhuh one for the money and the free rides Its two for the lie that you denied (ooooh)all rise (all rise)all rise (all rise,all rise)three for the calls you've been making (yeah)it's four for the times you've been faking all rise (all...
《So They Say》是The Strypes演唱的歌曲,由Evan Walsh、Ross Farrelly、Pete Ohanlon、Josh Mcclorey作詞作曲,收錄於《4 Track Mind》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Jump into the middle forget about beginnings she don't wanna waste any time how far can you go when you can never overstep the line Cut it to...
Welcome to this place in here come overstep all your fears...Where have you all been once when I was alone?When I was a hero in their crazy wicked show you've sent no little spark into my darkened view of life.Did not make me ask for what is wrong and what is right.And still I...
So tell me when i overstep the line Behind these walls i need to touch I need to know your bad enough Stop into my universe Show me what i deserve Come on come on Oh hey oh My dirty little secrets Na na na na Oh hey oh My dirty little secrets Come on come on Oh uh uh oh oh...
If any n***a overstep they boundaries you supposed to shoot And it's enough money in it for all of us are posting music I know this s**t is a façade I ain't gon' let 'em fool me I can't put my trust in no broad I ain't gon' ...
organization into the course by using different personae. 我通過運用不同的人物將這家客戶機構介紹到課程中來。Players present dramatic dramatis personae to audience, and yet can't overstep the limit of music. 演員既要充分地把所扮演的人物生動形象地展現給觀眾,但又不能超出音樂上帶來的局限。
《Icarus in the Boardroom》是Oxford University Press, USA出版的圖書,作者是David Skeel 內容簡介 Americans have always loved risktakers. Like the Icarus of ancient Greek lore, however, even the most talented entrepreneurs can overstep their bounds. All too often, the very qualities that make Icar...
And you know that you overstep the border uhuh One for the money and the free rides It's two for the lie that you denied All rise All rise Three for the calls you've been making It's four for the times you've been faking All rise All rise One for the money...