英 [ˌɔːθəˈdɒntɪk] 美 [ˌɔːrθəˈdɑːntɪk]
adj. 畸齒矯正的,齒列矯正的
orthodontic treatment
正畸治療 ; 牙矯正術 ; 矯正治療 ; 正畸矯治
orthodontic wires 正畸金屬絲
orthodontic appliances 正畸矯正器 ; 畸齒校整儀器
Orthodontic anchorage 正畸支抗 ; 支抗 ; 傳動直絲弓矯治技術 ; 正畸矯治器
orthodontic ligature 牙列矯形線 ; 翻譯
orthodontic brackets 正畸托架 ;
正畸托槽orthodontic burner 整牙用燈
orthodontic pliers 正牙鉗
Orthodontic force [口腔] 正畸力
Part 6: Risks in orthodontic treatment. 第6部分:風險的矯正治療。
Fixed orthodontic treatment is rarely used on primary dentition. 固定正畸治療一般很少在乳牙列上進行。
Effective leaders share the practice vision with the orthodontic team. 有效的指導人分享遠見的做法與正畸隊。
Objective To investigate the health of children with orthodontic treatment. 目的:探討兒童正畸患者的口腔保健情況。
Objective: To investigate the significance of orthodontic clinical compliance. 目的:探討依從性在口腔正畸臨床中的意義。
To evaluate the time effect on mechanical properties of orthodontic arch wires. 目的評價臨床使用時間的長短對弓絲機械性能的影響。
Objective to establish an animal model for research of orthodontic tooth movement. 目的建立正畸牙移動的實驗動物模型。
Objective: To study the stability of micro implant anchorage under orthodontic force. 目的:研究微型純鈦種植體承受正畸力後的穩定性。
Pain is a terrible feeling, which can make one horrid, even give up orthodontic treatment. 疼痛是令人不愉快的感覺,它使患者懼怕甚至放棄正畸治療。
The shape of dental arch for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment is of great significance. 牙弓形狀的檢測對正畸診斷和治療具有重要的意義。
Objective: To observe clinical effect on orthodontic treatment with first molar extraction. 目的:觀察採用拔除第一磨牙方法正畸治療的臨床效果。
AIM: to investigate the effect of zinc supplement on orthodontic tooth movement in rabbits. 目的:通過外源性補鋅觀察鋅對兔牙正畸移動的影響。
Objective to investigate the factors relating to root resorption after orthodontic treatment. 目的研究影響正畸治療後牙根吸收的部分臨床因素。
The use of implants anchorage for the orthodontic and orthopedic treatment is a effective method. 利用種植體作為支抗來進行口腔正畸和矯形治療是一種有效、理想的方法。
The bonding strength of the new adhesive completely meets the requirements of orthodontic adhesives. 這種新型粘合劑的粘接強度完全滿足了正畸粘合劑的要求。
Objective: To analyze the usual extraction models of orthodontic patients with periodontal diseases. 前言:目的探討牙周病患者正畸矯治常見的臨床拔牙模式。
Results 1. Plaque index for orthodontic teeth can evaluate the buccal plaque of orthodontic teeth well. 結果1正畸菌斑染色指數可以很好的評價正畸牙齒不同區域的菌斑堆積情況。
How to promote periodontium remodeling shorten orthodontic course is a hotspot in orthodontic research. 摘要促進正畸牙周組織的骨改建從而縮短矯治療程,一直是目前口腔正畸學研究的熱點。
Objective To investigate the hard tissue impaction of orthodontic extraction treatment with extraction. 目的研究青少年拔牙矯治對顱面部硬組織的影響。
PURPOSE: To explore the relationship between orthodontic treatment and temporomandibular joint disorder. 目的:探討正畸治療和顳下頜關節紊亂病的關係。
Therefore, these substitutions have a very profound effect on the efficiency of an orthodontic practice. 因此,這些替代具有非常深遠的影響效率的一個矯正的做法。
Objective \ To evaluate the prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment priority in adolescent. 目的研究青少年錯畸形的嚴重程度和治療的迫切性。
Conclusion: Bone remodel around the permanent tooth germ resulted from primary tooth orthodontic movement. 結論:狗乳牙正畸移動後恆牙胚牙周組織發生骨改建。
Functional analysis is a important part of orthodontic analysis, and make it more comprehensive and perfect. 功能分析是正畸診斷不可或缺的重要部分,是對形態學診斷的完善與補充。
METHODS:The edgewise appliance orthodontic theory and method were applied in the replantation of dropped teeth. 方法:利用方絲弓固定正畸術的矯治原理和矯治方法,套用於脫落牙的再植。
We must pay attention to enhancing vertical anchorage of molars besides sagittal anchorage in orthodontic treatment. 在正畸治療中不但要增強磨牙的前後向支抗,還要重視垂直向支抗。
Results Orthodontic treatment with circumferential fibrotomy can make new attachment and increase the height of crest bone. 結果結合牙齦環切的正畸治療後患牙牙槽嵴頂高度增加,產生新附著。