- 外文名:numerator
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈnjuːməreɪtə(r)]
- 美式發音:[ˈnuːməreɪtər]
定義 先觀察N點DFT的公式如下 在這裡定義旋轉因子(twiddle factor)為:其中kn項稱為Numerator,N項稱為Denominator 特性 旋轉因子具有以下兩種特性 共軛複數對稱性(Complex conjugate symmetry)對n,k有周期性(Periodicity in n and k)
QUOTIENT(numerator, denominator)QUOTIENT 函式語法具有下列參數:Numerator必需。 被除數。Denominator必需。 除數。其他信息 如果任一參數是非數值的,則 QUOTIENT 返回 錯誤值 #VALUE!。實例 例如,要除以 5 2,您將鍵入= 5/2到單元格...
int numerator() const;int denominator() const;private:...};這是一個沒有一點用處的類。(用條款18的術語來說,接口的確最小,但遠不夠完整。)所以,要對它增加加,減,乘等算術操作支持,但是,該用成員函式還是非成員函式,...
The common denominator the ni**a numerator Never know who the hater niggaz cater to your ego I'm sorry like atari whose the cousin to coleco vision Caught a rico back on the street like chico debarge He ...
1.boundedness of numerators of characters 2.use of patching conditions 3.formula for discrete series characters 4.schwartz space 5.exhaustion of discrete series 6.tempered distributions 7.limits of discrete series 8.discrete ...
4. C. H. Fu, Y. J. Du and B. Feng, ``An algebraic approach to BCJ numerators,''JHEP 5. Y. J. Du, B. Feng and C. H. Fu, ``Note on Permutation Sum of Color-ordered Gluon Amplitudes,''Phys 6. Y....
在數學界裡,分子表示分數中寫在分數線上面的數。一般情況下,分子為整數,當分子不為整數時,需利用分數的基本性質將其化為整數。 中文名 分子 外文名 numerator 讀音 fēn zǐ 分類 數學 釋義 表示分數中寫在分數線上面的數 特點...
The numerator, or number of new cases of disseminated BCG disease, was derived from multicentre surveillance data collected prospectively on infants with a confirmed HIV infection during 2004–2006.將播散性卡介菌病新增病例的...
比例尺分母 denominator level 除數水平 denominator effect 分母效應 numerator denominator 分子分母 denominator identity 分母恆等式 prime denominator 素分母 denominator E 分母 specific denominator 公分母 denominator å 分母 ...
The common denominator the nigga numerator Never know who the hater niggaz cater to your ego Im sorry like atari whose the cousin to coleco vision Caught a rico back on the street like chico debarge He large and got ...
[OBSOLETE]短語搭配 conglutinate operation 貼上運算 conglutinate letters 粘連字元 group of conglutinate automorphisms 粘合自同構群 adhere to conglutinate conglutination 粘附 cell conglutinate numerator-1 細胞間粘附分子 ...
1 P. H. Wang, L. Zhan, Q. H. al, “Generation of the 11th order rational harmonic mode-locked pulses with an arbitrary numerator in fiber-ring lasers”, Optics Communications, Vol.238, No.4-6 ,2004.2 ...