

ntsd是一個用戶態進程調試工具,從Windows 2000就開始被附隨在System32目錄下。它能夠結束除System、smss.exe、csrss.exe、lsass.exe及各種rootkit程式外所有的程式。但在Windows Vista及以上版本的Windows中不含ntsd,必須手動下載至電腦中才可使用。


  • 中文名:WindowsNT系統調試工具
  • 外文名:Windows NT System Debugger
  • 屬性:進程調試工具
  • 非適用:System、SMSS.EXE、csrss.exe
  • 職責:負責本地賬戶安全
  • 程式名:ntsd.exe
  • 所在路徑:%Windir%\System32\


打開cmd 後輸入以下命令就可以結束進程:
命令格式:ntsd -c q -p pid
命令範例: ntsd -c q -p 4 (結束System進程。當然,System進程是殺不掉的)
或者使用taskkill /pid 1234 /f 也可以達到同樣的效果(但某些程式有簡單的進程保護就結束不了)。
rem 複製以下內容到記事本,另外儲存為pid.bat
@echo off
mode con cols=30 lines=10
rem 調整視窗大小
color 1e
rem 設定視窗顏色
set /p t=請輸入進程名:
echo PID NAME& echo ============
for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%i in ('tasklist /fo csv /fi "imagename eq %t%.exe" /nh') do ntsd -c q -p %%i&echo %%i %t%
pause >nul
命令格式:ntsd -c q -pn ***.exe (***.exe 為進程名,exe不能省)
命令範例:ntsd -c q -pn explorer.exe
taskkill/f/im ***.exe(***.exe 為進程名,exe不能省)


有一些高等級的進程,tskill和taskkill或許無法結束,那么我們還有一個更強大的工具,那就是系統debug級的ntsd.準確的說,ntsd是一個系統調試工具,只提供給系統開發級的管理員使用,但是對我們殺掉進程還是很爽的.基本上除了WINDOWS系統自己的管理進程,ntsd幾乎都可以殺掉。NTSD 調試程式在啟動時要求用戶指定一個要連線的進程。使用 TLIST 或 PVIEWER,您可以獲得某個現有進程的進程 ID,然後鍵入 NTSD -p pid 來調試這個進程。NTSD 命令行使用如下的句法:
NTSD [options] imagefile
其中,imagefile 是要調試的映像名稱。
用法usage: ntsd [-?] [-2] [-d] [-g] [-G] [-myob] [-lines] [-n] [-o] [-s] [-v] [-w]
[-r BreakErrorLevel] [-t PrintErrorLevel]
[-hd] [-pd] [-pe] [-pt #] [-pv] [-x | -x{e|d|n|i} <event>]
[-- | -p pid | -pn name | command-line | -z CrashDmpFile]
[-zp CrashPageFile] [-premote transport] [-robp]
[-aDllName] [-c "command"] [-i ImagePath] [-y SymbolsPath]
[-clines #] [-srcpath SourcePath] [-QR \\machine] [-wake ]
[-remote transport:server=name,portid] [-server transport:portid]
[-ses] [-sfce] [-sicv] [-snul] [-noio] [-failinc] [-noshell]
where: -? displays this help text
command-line is the command to run under the debugger
-- is the same as -G -g -o -p -1 -d -pd
-aDllName sets the default extension DLL
-c executes the following debugger command
-clines number of lines of output history retrieved by a remote client
-failinc causes incomplete symbol and module loads to fail
-d sends all debugger output to kernel debugger via DbgPrint
-d cannot be used with debugger remoting
-d can only be used when the kernel debugger is enabled
-g ignores initial breakpoint in debuggee
-G ignores final breakpoint at process termination
-hd specifies that the debug heap should not be used
for created processes. This only works on Windows Whistler.
-o debugs all processes launched by debuggee
-p pid specifies the decimal process Id to attach to
-pd specifies that the debugger should automatically detach
-pe specifies that any attach should be to an existing debug port
-pn name specifies the name of the process to attach to
-pt # specifies the interrupt timeout
-pv specifies that any attach should be noninvasive
-r specifies the (0-3) error level to break on (SeeSetErrorLevel)
-robp allows breakpoints to be set in read-only memory
-t specifies the (0-3) error level to display (SeeSetErrorLevel)
-w specifies to debug 16 bit applications in a separate VDM
-x sets second-chance break on AV exceptions
-x{e|d|n|i} <event> sets the break status for the specified event
-2 creates a separate console window for debuggee
-i ImagePath specifies the location of the executables that generated
-lines requests that line number information be used if present
-myob ignores version mismatches in DBGHELP.DLL
-n enables verbose output from symbol handler
-noio disables all I/O for dedicated remoting servers
-noshell disables the .shell (!!) command
-QR <\\machine> queries for remote servers
-s disables lazy symbol loading
-ses enables strict symbol loading
-sfce fails critical errors encountered during file searching
-sicv ignores the CV record when symbol loading
-snul disables automatic symbol loading for unqualified names
-srcpath <SourcePath> specifies the source search path
-v enables verbose output from debugger
-wake wakes up a sleeping debugger and exits
-y <SymbolsPath> specifies the symbol search path (see _NT_SYMBOL_PATH)
-z <CrashDmpFile> specifies the name of a crash dump file to debug
-zp <CrashPageFile> specifies the name of a page.dmp file
to use with a crash dump
-remote lets you connect to a debugger session started with -server
must be the first argument if present
transport: tcp | npipe | ssl | spipe | 1394 | com
name: machine name on which the debug server was created
portid: id of the port the debugger server was created on
for tcp use: port=<socket port #>
for npipe use: pipe=<name of pipe>
for 1394 use: channel=<channel #>
for com use: port=<COM port>,baud=<baud rate>,
channel=<channel #>
for ssl and spipe see the documentation
example: ... -remote npipe:server=yourmachine,pipe=foobar
-server creates a debugger session other people can connect to
must be the first argument if present
transport: tcp | npipe | ssl | spipe | 1394 | com
portid: id of the port remote users can connect to
for tcp use: port=<socket port #>
for npipe use: pipe=<name of pipe>
for 1394 use: channel=<channel #>
for com use: port=<COM port>,baud=<baud rate>,
channel=<channel #>
for ssl and spipe see the documentation
example: ... -server npipe:pipe=foobar
-premote transport specifies the process server to connect to
transport arguments are given as with remoting
Environment Variables:
Specify symbol image path.
Specify an alternate symbol image path.
Specify a path which should be searched first for extensions dlls
Specify executable image path.
Specify source file path.
If specified, all output will be written to this file from offset 0.
If specified, all output will be APPENDed to this file.
Specifies the size of a server's output history in kilobytes
Control Keys:
<Ctrl-B><Enter> Quit debugger
<Ctrl-C> Break into Target
<Ctrl-F><Enter> Force a break into debuggee (same as Ctrl-C)
<Ctrl-P><Enter> Debug Current debugger
<Ctrl-V><Enter> Toggle Verbose mode
<Ctrl-W><Enter> Print version information
ntsd: exiting - press enter ---
-d將輸出重定向到調試終端-g 使執行自動通過第一個斷點
-G使 NTSD 在子程式終止時立即退出o啟用多個進程的調試,默認值為由調試程式衍生的一個進程
-p指定調試由進程 ID 標識的進程
例如,假設 inetinfo.exe 的進程 ID 為 104。鍵入命令“NTSD -p 104”將 NTSD 調試程式連線到 inetinfo 進程 (IIS)。也可使用 NTSD 啟動一個新進程來進行調試。例如,NTSD notepad.exe 將啟動一個新的 notepad.exe 進程,並與它建立連線。一旦連線到某個進程,您就可以用各種命令來查看堆疊、設定斷點、轉儲記憶體,等等。
命令含義~顯示所有執行緒的一個列表KB 顯示當前執行緒的堆疊軌跡~*KB顯示所有執行緒的堆疊軌跡R顯示當前
幀的暫存器輸出U反彙編代碼並顯示過程名和偏移量D[type][< range>]轉儲記憶體BP設定斷點BC[]清除一個或多個斷點BD[]禁用一個或多個斷點BE[< bp>]啟用一個或多個斷點BL[]列出一個或多個斷點。
c:\>set _NT_DEBUG_LOG_FILE_APPEND=c:\pdw.txt
注意,雖然輸出重定向了,但是我們的輸出依然會繼續顯示在螢幕上,而且會進入到debug模式,我們使用-c q參數,就可以避免這個問題.
c:\>ntsd -c q -v notepad.exe


