



  • 外文名:normalization
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式讀音:[ˌnɔːməlaɪˈzeɪʃn]
  • 美式讀音: [ˌnɔːrmələˈzeɪʃn]


normalization [ ,nɔ:məlai'zeiʃən, -li'z ]
n. the imposition of standards or regulations
同義詞: standardization standardisation normalisation


normalization method [分化] 歸一法 ; 歸一化法 ; 歸一化方法 ; 標準化方法
Normalization Factor 標準化因子 ; 歸一化因子 ; [數] 歸一化因數 ; [數] 正規化因子
database normalization 資料庫規範化 ; 資料庫標準化 ; 正規化
normalization rules 規範化規則
Dialog Normalization 歸一化 ; 對白歸一化 ; 白歸一化
amplitude normalization 振幅標準化
normalization transformation 規範變換 ; 稱為規格化變換 ; 正規化變換 ; 翻譯
early normalization 提早標準化 ; 提早規範化
time normalization 時間歸一化 ; 時間標準化 ; 時間歸一化法 ; 時間多路傳輸


  • 1The two sides would like to see the normalization of diplomatic relations.雙方都願意看到外交關係的正常化。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Any normalization constants will be rescaled.任何歸一化常數都將被重新排序。
  • 3The process is formally known as normalization.該過程形式上被認為是標準化。
  • 4Normalization applies to spelling variations.規範化會套用到拼寫變化中。
  • 5RDA helps architects in normalization of the developed model.RDA幫助架構師對開發的模型進行標準化。
  • 6The linguistic processing applies spelling normalization.語言處理還包括了拼寫規範化。
  • 7Normalization is the process of decoding URL-encoded requests.標準化就是對URL編碼請求進行解碼的過程。
  • 8It checks the naming conventions, syntax, and normalization levels.它檢查命名約定、語法以及標準化級別。
  • 9The main concern in design is for the proper normalization of tables.設計過程中主要關心的問題是對表進行適當的 標準化。
  • 10This de-normalization process is sometimes done for performance reasons.這種反標準化的過程常常是由於性能的原因而進行的。
  • 11We also use DJs for batch processing, normalization, and transformation.我們還用DJs來做批處理、格式化及轉換。
  • 12It is important to maintain integrity and normalization within the glossary.維持術語表的完整性和規範化是很重要的。
  • 13To achieve selective normalization, use the F&O function normalize-unicode().要實現選擇性規範化,可使用 F&O 函式 normalize-unicode()。
  • 14For example, the example pictured in Figure 2 probably has a normalization problem.例如,圖2所描繪的示例可能有標準化問題。
  • 15This process, called normalization, restructures the data to limit redundancy.這個過程稱為規範化(normalization),重組數據以限制冗餘。
  • 16He was pleased to the normalization of relationship between the police and the people.他很高興警方和人民之間關係的正常化。
  • 17Note that normalization is standard practice in any database-oriented application.注意數據的規範化在任何面向資料庫的應用程式中都是標準實踐。
  • 18The de-normalization causes difficulty on data retrieval, analysis, and quality control.這種不規範將為數據檢索、分析和質量控制增加難度。
  • 19Sometimes there are also images and layout elements to update as part of the normalization process.有時候修改圖像和布局元素也是標準化過程的一部分。
  • 20Often, the result of the normalization process places related information into separate tables.通常,規範化過程最終將相關的信息放入不同的表中。
  • 21The normalization checking attribute, if set to on, will normalize the input text if necessary.如果打開了規範化檢查屬性,那么會在必要時對輸入文本進行規範化。
  • 22China's economic growth has remained resilient as the macro stance moved towards normalization.在巨觀政策立場趨於正常的情況下中國經濟成長仍穩健。
  • 23Filtering rules are not the same thing as the normalization rules that aim at reducing data redundancy.篩選規則與針對減少數據冗餘的標準化規則不是一回事。
  • 24The introduction of overlapping service contexts, which runs contrary to service -normalization (131).重複服務上下文的引入,這和服務標準化(Service - Normalization, 131)相違背。
  • 25No one said this explicily, but I presume there is a lot of de-normalization going on if you are avoiding joins.雖然沒有人直說,但我想如果你要避免使用表連線,就會有很多去正規化工作。
  • 26Suffice it to say that anyone wanting to create a database system must be familiar with the concept of normalization.任何想要創建資料庫系統的人們必需熟悉標準化的概念,只要說明這個就夠了。
  • 27More complex methods such as frequency weighting and frequency normalization go beyond the scope of this article.更複雜的方法,比如頻率加權和頻率歸一化,超出了本文範疇。
  • 28For more information about normalization, check out related links in the Resources section at the end of this article.獲取更多有關標準化的信息,請查閱本文末尾參考資料部分的相關連結。


