- 外文名:nonrestrictive
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[,nɒnrɪ'strɪktɪv]
- 美式發音:[,nɑnrɪ'strɪktɪv]
子句也被分為限定子句 (restrictive clauses) 與非限定子句 (nonrestrictive clauses).有兩個字有時也被用來分別表達跟 restrictive 和 nonrestrictive 相同的意思,那就是 「必要」(essential) 和「非必要」( nonessential).一個非限定子句對句子的意思並非必要,它可從句子中移除而不會改變句子的基本意思. 非限定...
A restrictive adjective helps identify the referent of the noun by describing its distinctive qualities. Whereas a non-restrictive adjective merely provide some additional information which is usually not essential for the identification of the referent. 48. Point out instances of the stative and dynami...
Use commas to bracket nonrestrictive phrases, which are not essential to the sentence\'s meaning.Do not use commas to bracket phrases that are essential to a sentence\'s meaning.When beginning a sentence with an introductory phrase, include a comma.To indicate possession, end a singular noun ...