鋼琴:Daniel Powter 鍵盤:Daniel Powter 架子鼓:Nathan Wetherington 貝斯:Paul III 吉他:Pete Thron, Linda Perry
I woke up early to baby blue eyes from afar And when the sun comes through Lights you like the angel you are I know I do you wrong When I'm with you I've been gone
With every season change it looks the same November to June And on these empty streets I skip a beat the flowers don’t bloom
I can't believe I missed your birthday again And I want to come back But I just don't know when, now
And I'm so lonely You're not here with me That’s why I'm gonna be on the next plane home
The road that never ends Round the bend I see you smile I'd swim across the sea To be with you for awhile Cause I made a life of being gone Now the way that I feel is that I just don't belong here
And I'm so lonely You're not here with me That's why I'm gonna be on the next plane home And you're, you're zhe800y.com place I wanna see That’s why I'm gonna be on the next plane home
I stand around trying to make every moment And be somebody yeah anybody It seems the whole world is taking me over I need somebody to help me get back to you
And I've always been a million miles away But things are gonna change I just wanna come home And you're, you're the only place I wanna see That's why I'm gonna be on the next plane home
Yeah I'm taking the next plane home Now I'm getting the next plane home Now I'm taking the next plane home
MV拍攝於加利福尼亞蘭卡斯特的一個沙漠機場。在MV中丹尼爾·波特一邊彈琴歌唱一邊等待女兒,他身後的天空中一架雙翼飛機通過飛行“畫”出各種圖形。最後飛機降落,女兒走下飛機和父親團聚。Next Plane Home MV截圖
Swedish Singles Chart
UK Singles Chart
丹尼爾·理察·波特(Daniel Richard Powter,1971年2月25日-),亦作丹尼爾·帕德,加拿大唱作音樂人。2005年以出道首發單曲《Bad Day》紅遍歐洲隨後又席捲北美而為全世界樂迷熟知。丹尼爾細膩獨特的感受力及出色的琴藝,讓他總是能夠在平淡無奇的生活中,找到音樂創作的題材,因此有著“城市琴人丹尼爾”的稱號。