- 外文名:neighboring
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式發音:['neibəriŋ]
- 釋義:鄰近的;附近的(等於neighbouring)|與…為鄰;位於附近(neighbor的ing形式)
鄰國(neighboring country),漢語辭彙,國土接壤或鄰近的國家。詞語信息 【出處】《孟子·梁惠王上》:“王如知此,則無望民之多於鄰國也。”《晏子春秋·內篇諫上》:“君苟美樂之,諸侯必或效我,君無厚德善政以被諸侯,而易之...
當給電子基團不在同一個碳上時,仍然可促進碳正離子的形成,這一現象稱為鄰位參與(鄰基參與)(neighboring group participation),也稱為鄰位促進(anchimeric assistance)。釋義 鄰基參與是有機化學中一個很重要的概念,它能解釋...
鄰帶方里網(grid of neighboring zone),是投影帶邊緣圖幅上繪製的相鄰投影帶的坐標網,即相鄰投影帶的直角坐標網。規定每投影帶的西邊緣經差30′以內的圖幅,以及東邊緣經差7′30″(1∶2.5萬)、15′(1∶5萬)以內的各圖幅,...
復旦大學中國與周邊國家關係研究中心(Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries, CCRNC)成立於2013年11月11日,隸屬於復旦大學國際問題研究院。復旦大學中國與周邊國家關係研究中心以復旦大學優勢學科政治學和國際關係為...
neighboringly sympatric 鄰接同地域性 sympatric coexistence 同域共存 sympatric ecies 分布區重疊種 sympatric hybridization[農學] 同域雜交 sympatric segregation 同地性分離 ; 共存性分離 adjacently sympatric 鄰接同地域性 sympatric semi...
When these grasp on to the hooklets of neighboring barbules, they create a structural network that's featherlight but remarkably strong.當這些小鉤子與鄰近羽刺上的類似結構結合在一起後,便形成了羽毛的結構網路,看似輕柔,但...
s LivelihoodEurasian Continental Bridge Resurgence of the Continental Bridge Layout of Land and Air Transportation Oil and Gas Pipelines Stretching for MilesPassageway of Friendship and Prosperous Ports The Eight Neighboring ...
PartVI.Neighboring Subsystem 26. Neighboring Subsystem: Concepts 27. Neighboring Subsystem: Infrastructure 28. Neighboring Subsystem: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 29. Neighboring Subsystem: Miscellaneous lopics Part VII...
Meanwhile, hundreds of university students took to the streets of Jalalabad in neighboring Nangarhar province to protest the killings.與此同時,數百名大學生到鄰近的楠格哈爾省賈拉拉巴德的街道上抗議平民被殺。
In the neighboring states of North and South Carolina, the storm made roads and major highways impassible, forcing many drivers to abandon their vehicles. 在相鄰的北卡羅萊納州和南卡羅萊納州,風暴使大小公路無法通行,很多駕車...
他們派出一個小組去保護反對派領導人。A team of specialists is dispatched to protect the leader of a Middle Eastern country from a neighboring dictator who has designs on his country.演員表 職員表 ...
Pericecal inflammation in8cases abscess ahead of psoas major in2cases local thickening of the end of cecum in4cases fluid accumulating in the lacune neighboring the right colon and pelvis in3cases.盲腸周圍炎8例,腰大肌...
The presence of communication packets on the power line from a neighboring household can become significant in multifamily dwellings such as apartment buildings.通信小包出現在輸電線從一個鄰居家庭可能變得重大在多家庭住宅例如公寓...