



  • 1Aim To prepare Adriamycin Liposomal Nanoparticle Compound.目的製備阿黴素磷脂毫微粒複合體。
  • 2Nanoparticle has been the focus in recent research of vectors.納米粒是近年來載體研究中的熱點。
  • 3Gold nanoparticle has been widely used as a good labeling substance.金納米顆粒作為一種性能優異的標記物套用廣泛。
  • 4Solid lipid nanoparticle is a new drug delivery system of nano-range.固體脂質納米粒是一種新型的納米給藥系統。
  • 5Gold nanoparticle (GNP) probes have aroused more and more interest recently.金納米顆粒(GNP)探針正引起科學家們越來越多的興趣。
  • 6A nanoparticle array consists of metal particles with a diameter of 0.5-5 nanometers.一個納米顆粒組合由直徑在零點五到五納米的金屬粒子組成。
  • 7The organic stabilizers can also be used as the templates of nanoparticle self-assembly.主要探討了有機穩定劑對納米粒子形狀和尺寸控制的影響。
  • 8It is therefore, as Dr Jerbyadmits, too early to claim victory for the nanoparticle hypothesis.因此,正像Jerby博士所承認的,此時承認納米假說的勝利還為時過早。
  • 9The mean diameters of sliver nanoparticle are measured by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).用透射電子顯微鏡(TEM)測量了銀納米微粒的平均粒徑。
  • 10The method is simple, providing a new way to synthesize nanoparticle organic fluid in a large scale.這種方法製備工藝簡單,為工業上大規模製備納米流體提供了新的思路。
  • 11The components, preparation and applications of nanoparticle magnetic fluid were introduced detailedly.對納米磁流體的組成、製備、套用進行了詳細的綜述。
  • 12Environmental catalytic material of iron nitride nanoparticle was synthesized by Benzene-thermal method.採用苯熱法合成環境催化材料納米氮化鐵。
  • 13The sulfur plus gold sensitization causes the photosensitivity of this nanoparticle AgBrI emulsion to rise.對納米粒子乳劑進行硫—金協同敏化可以提高其感光度。
  • 14A metal coated nanoparticle consists of a nanometer scale dielectric core surrounded by a thin metallic shell.金屬包裹納米粒子是一種納米量級的介質球核外包裹薄金屬層的納米粒子。
  • 15ZnO nanoparticle is an important oxide semiconductor material, which is of potential applications in many areas.納米氧化鋅顆粒是重要的氧化物半導體材料,具有廣泛的套用範圍。
  • 16The perfect nanoparticle vectors should be specific-targeting, controlled release, nontoxicity? biodegradation, and so on.理想的納米粒載體應有特異靶向性、藥物釋放可控性,無毒性以及可生物降解等。
  • 17The cause of obtaining gold nanoparticle with different size is the different space effect and hydrophobic property of PEG.根據PEG分子的空間位阻、疏水性等解釋了PEG分子量不同而獲得不同粒徑金納米粒子的原因。
  • 18The investigative results indicated that the gold nanoparticle aggregation 2 might act as an efficient DNA-cleavage reagent.研究結果表明, 金納米粒子聚集體2可以作為一種有效的DNA切割試劑。
  • 19In the present thesis, we make use of the unique effects of nanoparticle materials to enhance the current response of biosensor.本文的思路是利用納米顆粒材料的多種獨特效應來提高葡萄糖感測器的回響電流。
  • 20Nanoparticle zirconium is fabricated by surface modification of polymer and drying process of organic solvent substituting water.用高分子表面改性-有機溶劑置換乾燥工藝製備了納米氧化鋯微粉。
  • 21Objective to evaluate the mechanism of anti-cancer and acute toxicological reaction of hydroxyapatite nanoparticle (HAP) on mice.目的研究羥基磷灰石納米顆粒(HAP)溶膠對小鼠的抗癌及其急性毒性作用機制。
  • 22The unique formulation of nanoparticle technology, such as the Essence of the eye as to your skin to give light and comfortable feel.而納米粒子技術的獨特配方如精華露般給您的眼部肌膚賦予輕盈舒適的感覺。
  • 23Abdolvand aims to fabricate a range of metal-glass composites, including silver-ion implanted and silver-nanoparticle implanted glasses.Abdolvand的目標是製作出一定範圍的金屬玻璃複合材料,包括銀離子玻璃和銀納米粒子植入玻璃。
  • 24Nanoparticle tagging DNA probe, which combines of nano-technology, gene project and DNA detection, is the focus of recent research field.納米粒子標記DNA探針的研究是納米技術、基因組學、DNA檢測等學科交叉的研究熱點。
  • 25Part two: Study on the Resonance Light Scattering analysis to determine thrombin by using gold nanoparticle-labeled DNA aptamer as probe.第二部分:利用金納米粒子標記的DNA適配子為探針測定凝血酶的共振光散射分析。
  • 26Silicon oxide nanoparticle are prepared by chemical precipitation process, with sodium metasilicate and hydrochloric acid as raw material.以工業矽酸鈉和鹽酸為原料,採用化學沉澱法製備出納米二氧化矽。
  • 27As the liquid evaporated, the ink became richer in gold, the fluid flowed over the holes, and a single nanoparticle of gold dropped into each one.隨著液體的蒸發,墨水的含金量也就隨著增多,而當流體流過模板上的小孔時,一個單一的黃金納米顆粒就會進入小孔內。


