



  • 外文名:namely
  • 詞性:副詞


英 [ˈneɪmli] 美 [ˈneɪmli]
adv. 即,也就是


Namely clear吐字不清
Namely Default即默認情況下
Namely Red分別為


  • A district should serve its clientele, namely students, staff, and parents. 一個學區應該服務於其主顧,即學生、教職員工和家長。
  • We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30. 我們需針對我們的聽眾對象,即年齡在20到30歲之間的婦女。
  • Generally, a lantern riddle consists of three parts, namely the riddle, the hint and the answer. 燈謎通常由三部分組成,即謎面、謎目和謎底。
  • The content word alone can convey the meaning of the sentence, namely: "Andrew brushes teeth every morning." 單獨的實義詞就能表達這個句子的意思,那就是說:“安德魯在每個早上都會刷牙。”
  • This led to an important decision being taken: namely to carry out the lifting operation in three very distinct stages. 這導致了一個重要的決定,即在三個非常不同的階段進行起重作業。
  • He faced the problem that complicates the lives of cannibals, namely: that a single victim cannotbe used over and over. 他面臨著使食人族生活更加複雜的問題,那就是:一個受害者不能被反覆使用。
  • Many couples, who already have one healthy, happy child, are facing a dilemma, namely, the issue of whether or not to have a second child. 許多已經生過一個健康快樂的小孩的夫婦,正面臨著一個兩難的困境,即要不要生二胎。
  • Wealthy universities talk up the benefits their name will give graduates; namely, strong alumni networks, star faculty, and a résumé boost. 富有的大學大談自己的名聲會給畢業生帶來的好處;也就是,強大的校友網路、明星教員和為簡歷增光添彩。
  • Wealthy universities talk up the benefits their name will give graduates: namely, strong alumni networks, star faculty, and a résumé boost. 經費充裕的大學大談自己的名聲會給畢業生帶來的好處:即強大的校友網路、名師和簡歷提升。
  • Even if I don't spell out all the details, you can still make some useful logical inferences, namely, the shop is open and it sells coffee. 即使我沒有把所有的細節都說出來,你仍然可以做出一些有效的邏輯推論,也就是說,這家店是開著的,而且它賣咖啡。
  • The residence times for the Great Lakes of North America, namely, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, are, respectively, 190, 100, 22, 2.5, and 6 years. 北美五大湖,也就是蘇必利爾湖、密西根湖、休倫湖、伊利湖和安大略湖,它們的停留時間分別是190年、100年、22年、2.5年和6年。
  • Grassland songbirds often nest in the same grassland-wetland complexes as waterfowl, particularly in a certain part of those complexes, namely, upland habitats surrounding wetlands. 草原鳴禽經常在與水禽相同的草原濕地複合體中築巢,特別是在這些複合體的某一部分,即濕地周圍的高地棲息地。
  • In 1995 the Galileo spacecraft captured data about Jupiter's atmosphere—namely, the absence of most of the predicted atmospheric water—that challenged prevailing theories about Jupiter's structure. 1995年,伽利略號宇宙飛船捕獲了關於木星大氣的數據——也就是說,大部分預測的大氣中沒有水——這挑戰了關於木星結構的主流理論。
  • In 1995 the Galileo spacecraft captured data about Jupiter's atmosphere—namely, the absence of most of the predicted atmospheric water—that challenged prevailing theories about Jupiter's structure. 1995年,伽利略號宇宙飛船捕捉到了木星大氣的數據——也就是說,大部分預測到的大氣水的存在——這挑戰了關於木星結構的主流理論。
  • In 1995 the Galileo spacecraft captured data about Jupiter's atmosphere– namely, the absence of most of the predicted atmospheric water–that challenged prevailing theories about Jupiter's structure. 1995年,伽利略號太空船捕獲了關於木星大氣層的數據——也就是說,大部分預測的大氣中沒有水——這挑戰了關於木星結構的主流理論。
  • The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux. 這本書是受一個叫塔瑪拉·德特羅的人啟發而寫成的。
  • It can be difficult to see yourself from the outside, but knowing who you are, namely self-awareness, can help you understand feelings and make friendships closer. 從外界認識自己是很難的,但是知道自己是誰,也就是擁有自我意識,可以幫助你理解感情,拉近友誼。
  • The railroad connects two cities, namely, New York and Chicago. 這條鐵路連線兩個城市,即紐約與芝加哥。
  • The solar system also has two analogous classes of objects, smaller than planets—namely, asteroids and comets. 太陽系也有兩類類似的物體,比行星還小——即小行星和彗星。
  • They were, namely, casts of female friends, whose bodily or mental deformities were here most faithfully preserved. 它們都是女性朋友們的,她們的身體或心理缺陷都在這裡得以保存。
  • Sure, in the past electric vehicles have their problems, namely, a limited driving range, and very few recharging points, which limited their use. 當然,在過去,電動汽車曾面臨一些問題,如有限的行駛里程和緊缺的充電站,這都限制了人們對電動汽車的使用。
  • The empirical evidence, such as it is, suggests an altogether different function for yawning—namely, that yawning prepares us for a change in activity level. 很多實驗證據證實了打哈欠的另一個不同的功能,它能讓我們做好準備,改變活動狀態。
  • In 1995 the Galileo spacecraft captured data about Jupiters atmosphere—namely, the absence of most of the predicted atmospheric water—that challenged prevailing theories about Jupiters structure. 1995年,伽利略號太空船捕捉到關於木星大氣層的數據——數據中心缺少大部分預測的大氣水,這挑戰了關於木星結構的主流理論。
  • Stace distinguished two types of mystical experience, namely extrovertive and introvertive mysticism. 斯泰斯區分了兩種神秘體驗,即外向型和內向型神秘主義。
  • Study on the representation of Macau in Elizabethan England (1589-1600), namely in Richard Hakluyt's Navigations. 研究澳門在英國伊莉莎白女王時代(1589-1600年)的形象,即《理察·哈克路特的航海》中的代表性。
  • The mineralization system has three giant system, namely mantle magmatic system, penetrability deep-fault and ore-bearing pneumato-hydrothermal system. 礦化系統具有地幔岩漿系統,滲透性深層斷層和含礦性氣熱熱液系統三大系統。
  • Several monophyletic clades of seed plants, namely eudicots, rosids, and asterids, were supported by molecular data with their united morphological synapomorphies. 根據分子數據結合形態上近裔共性,若干分支的單系性得到支持,這些分支包括真雙子葉植物、薔薇分支和菊分支等。
  • Four compounds, namely 10 nonacosane, 24 methylenecycloartanol, stigmasterol and dacosterol have been isolated from the precipitate of the plant's methanol extract. 從月腺大戟根甲醇提取液的沉澱部分,鑑定了4種化合物,分別為二十九烷醇10、24亞甲基環阿爾廷醇、豆甾醇和達考甾醇。
  • They're just one thing, namely Venus. 它們就是一個東西,即金星。
  • Namely, the derivative of f. 我們叫他f的導數。


