Goddess Mut Temple Karnak Luxor ancient Thebes Egypt
Goddess Mut Temple at Karnak Thebes Egypt was dedicated to the feminine counterpart of Amon Re or Ra as a triad she was the mother of Menthu the god of war but eventually Khensu, Khons or Khonsu a lunar god replaced Menthu; they were the preferred triad in Egypt after the Theban families took power as rulers Egypt during the “New Egyptian Empire” period.
Mut is a word that in ancient Egyptian meant mother, usually she is depicted as goddess mother represented by a white vulture also by a lion headed woman that at times wears a serpent’s crown as a serpent or by a woman wearing the crowns of North and South Egypt.
Goddess Mut during the “Old Egyptian Empire” period she was a self begotten celestial goddess, associated with Mut or Nanuet the female counterpart of Mu; two deities of the primeval Ogdoad that represent the cosmic eternal waters from where everything sprung out during the creation, they were the creators.
Being the gaddesses Wadjet and Nekhebet, the serpent and vulture goddesses of symbol of Lower and Upper Egypt respectively as well Bast and Sekhmet the Lioness goddesses that represented the two eyes of Ra along with the two parts that conformed Egypt when this country was reunified again specially during the “New Egyptian Empire” period, all these goddesses were absorbed by Mut.
As the Theban pharaohs grew in power during eighteenth dynasty thought the twentieth dynasty, Mut became more popular in all Egypt and many temples were built in her honor at different cities however Mut’s principal worshiping center was at Thebes for the reason that she was the goddess of this capital city; her temple was located in the road East to West that connected Karnack and Luxor temples; all the rituals and administrative deeds were performed solely by women at this sanctuary and the Queen was the highest authority of the temple. Mut was the invisible deity and the pharaoh’s symbolic mother.
Goddess Mut also had a precinct with trapezoidal perimeter and an artificial lake with half moon shape at the Karnack complex right by the side of Amon Ra place of worship at Karnak there were celebrated the festival of Nut that consisted in placing her statue in a barge and made her navigate in the lake celebrating the new year festival.
God Amon also visited the crescent shaped lake in its own boat as a fertility ritual; water rituals where of great importance in ancient Egypt surrounded by deserts water was the most meaningful symbol of life and related water with the cosmos it represented the eternal waters where the sun, moon and stars navigated daily and the associated it as the place were gods dwell and will be the abode for their spirits in afterlife.
Mut was the cosmogony goddess mother of everything and Imperial deity, in the form of Lioness she also was the goddess that protected Egypt.
Her worship lasted over two thousand years but there is no doubt that Mut was preferred when related to Nekhebet the vulture Mother goddess of Upper Egypt because she was more akin to this goddess than any other goddess but eventually Amon was absorbed by Ra Mut was absorbed by Hathor and finally all were absorbed by Isis, her believes and rituals were practiced for many centuries deep in the present Era and spread out to Rome, Greece and as far as Britain.
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