- 外文名:multisensory
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[,mʌltɪ'sensərɪ]
- 譯義:多種感覺的;使用多種感覺器官的
- 美式發音:[,mʌltɪ'sensərɪ]
《The Multisensory Museum》是2014年Rowman & Littlefield Publishers出版社出版的圖書,作者是Nina Levent 、 Alvaro Pascual-Leon。內容簡介 In The Multisensory Museum: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Touch, Sound, Smell, Memory, and Space, museum expert Nina Levent and Alvaro Pascual-Leone, professor ...
多重感官學習法 多重感官學習法(multisensory learning)是2013年公布的教育學名詞。定義 在學習過程中,綜合利用多種感官功能如視、聽、味、觸、嗅等促進兒童學習的方法。出處 《教育學名詞》第一版。
10. Yu L, Rowland BA,Xu J, Stein BE (2013)Multisensory plasticity in adulthood: cross-modal experience enhances neuronal excitability and exposes silent inputs.J Neurophysiol。11. Cai R, Zhou X, Guo F,Xu J, Zhang J, Sun X (2010). Maintenance of enriched environment-induced changes of ...
Chapter 3 Multisensory Reading Interventionr 3.1 TraditionaI multisensory interventionr 3.1.1 Explicit phonics instruction 3.1.2 Intensive and prolonged instruction 3.1.3 Multiple senser 3.1.4 Multiple representationr 3.1.5 Limitations oftraditional multisensory intervenfionr 3.2 Computational ...
Liping Yu, Cristiano Cuppini, Jinghong Xu, Benjamin A. Rowland and Barry E. Stein. Cross-modal competition: The default computation for multisensory processing.Xu,J., Bi,T., Keniston,L.,Zhang,J., Zhou,X.,Yu,L.#Deactivation of Association CorticesDisrupted the Congruence of Visual and ...