adv. 此外,而且
1She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely.她看到的確有個男人緊跟在她身後。而且,他還在怪異地觀察著她。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
2Moreover, you're a social being.而且,你是個社會人。
3Moreover, there was no evidence of adaptability to the noise.此外,沒有證據表明我們對這種噪音有適應性。
4Moreover, these perceptual changes can be profound and durable.此外,這些感知變化可能是深刻和持久的。
5Moreover, the country offers modern facilities at modest prices.而且,該國以適中的價格提供現代化設施。
6Moreover, mood states appear capable of enhancing a consumer's memory.此外,情緒狀態似乎能夠增強消費者的記憶。
7He had stubbornly refused to act; moreover, he was always trying to escape.他固執地拒絕採取行動;此外,他總是企圖逃跑。
8Moreover, understanding the brain is not the same as understanding the mind.此外,理解大腦並不等同於理解思維。
9Moreover, the new growing techniques are contributing to acidic soil conditions.此外,這一新技術也會導致土壤酸化。
10Moreover, in the domestic rabbits, the warts were no longer benign, but malignant.此外,家兔的疣不再是良性的,而是惡性的。
11Moreover, looking at your watch during an event is even considered as bad manners.此外,在活動期間看手錶甚至被視為不禮貌的行為。
12Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was reduced to a little college French.此外,我的外語知識退化到只剩一點大學學的法語。
13Moreover, these containers are so widely available that they are quite cheap to buy.此外,這些容器廣泛存在,購買價格相當便宜。
14Moreover, other compounds that block phosphodiesterase's activity are not stimulants.此外,其他阻止磷酸二酯酶活性的化合物不是興奮劑。
15Moreover, some have been found to have a valuable function in building up soil fertility.此外,已經發現一些在提高土壤肥力方面有重要作用。
16Moreover, IQ tests do not necessarily predict so well once populations or situations change.而且,一旦種群或環境發生變化,智商測試就不一定預測得那么準確。
17Moreover, it can be used to assess economic performance both across countries and over time.此外,它既可以用於對比國與國之間的經濟業績,也可以用於評估某個國家在某個時間段的經濟業績。
18Moreover, the amount a physician receives leans heavily toward medical or surgical procedures.此外,醫生的收入在很大程度上來源於醫療或外科手術。
19Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interaction—and fairly constantly so.此外,我們必須通過社會互動來維持人性——而且是相當穩定的社會互動。
20Moreover, people in diverse cultures recognize the emotions manifested by the facial expressions.此外,不同文化的人們都能從面部表情看出其中展現的情緒。
21Moreover, the underlying message is that the family's native language is not important or valued.此外,潛在的信息是,這個家庭的母語並不重要,也不受重視。
22Moreover, European society was relatively stratified; occupation and social status were inherited.此外,歐洲社會相對來說是分階層的;職業和社會地位是通過繼承得到的。
23Moreover, we are grieving various kinds of loss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house.此外,我們還會因各種各樣的,例如友誼、愛情或房子的損失感到悲傷
24Moreover, I completed the senior course of Computer Basics, plus five relevant pre-college courses.此外,我完成了計算機基礎的高級課程,加上五門相關的大學預科課程。
25Moreover, the Moon's composition, though similar to that of Earth's mantle, is not a precise match.此外,月球的成分雖然與地球的地幔相似,但並不完全吻合。
26Moreover, in order to be curious, "you have to be aware of a gap in your knowledge in the first place."此外,為了保持好奇心,“你必須首先意識到自己見識上的不足。”
27Language, moreover, is a very public behavior, so it is easy for different usages to be noted and criticized.此外,語言是一種公共行為,因此其不同的用法很容易受到注意和招致批評。
28Moreover, the participants reported feeling more full when they thought they'd consumed a higher-calorie shake.此外,參與者認為,當自己攝入了更高熱量的奶昔時,他們會感覺更飽。
29Moreover, make sure that a smoker washes his hands and face, and changes his clothes before picking up the baby.此外,確保吸菸者在接孩子前洗手、洗臉、換衣服。
30Moreover, some studies suggest that even moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and colon cancer.此外,一些研究表明,即使是適度飲酒也可能增加乳腺癌和結腸癌的發病率。