



  • 外文名:mixer
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 類型:英語單詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈmɪksə(r)]
  • 美式音標:[ˈmɪksər]


英 [ˈmɪksə(r)] 美 [ˈmɪksər]
n. 攪拌機;調酒用的飲料;(善於)交際的人;<舊>交誼會;聲音(圖像)混合器,聲音(圖像)混合操作員;(可與罐裝濕食混拌的)寵物乾性食物;(錄音,電影攝影)混頻器
【名】 (Mixer)(英、德)米克瑟(人名)
[ 複數 mixers ]


concrete mixer 混凝土混合機
static mixer 靜態混合器
internal mixer 密煉機;密閉式混合機
electric mixer 電動攪拌機
cement mixer 水泥漿攪拌機
mixer truck 混凝土攪拌車
continuous mixer 連續混煉機;連續攪拌機
banbury mixer 密煉機;班伯里密煉機;班布里混合機
metal mixer 金屬混合爐;混鐵爐
food mixer 食品攪拌器
spiral mixer 蝸旋混合器
concrete mixer truck 混凝土攪拌車


  • 1Well, in that case, you might like a mixer.好吧,那樣的話,你可能會喜歡攪拌器。
  • 2A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour.水泥攪動機將水泥攪拌至可以倒出。
  • 3Living in this world is similar to the fate of a stone in a cement mixer.生活在這個世界上就像命運在水泥攪拌機里的一塊石頭。
  • 4Separate the eggs, beat the yolks and sugar in a mixer until pale to double the size.把雞蛋分開,把蛋黃和糖放在攪拌機里打至顏色發白,攪拌至原來兩倍體積。
  • 5Similarly, if you really want to save time you do not make cakes with an electric mixer, you buy one in a shop.同樣地,如果你真的想節省時間,你不要用電動攪拌機做蛋糕,你可以在商店買一個。
  • 6I figured out a precise schedule and learned how to tell the mixer to skip a batch when the production line stopped.我基本揣摩出一個比較精確的時間表,並學會了一旦生產線停止,如何讓攪拌機跳過一批。
  • 7Devastator looks like a gorilla and has the cement mixer drum in the center of his chest, which he can use as a weapon.大力神看起來像一隻大猩猩,他的胸膛中央有一個水泥攪拌桶,可當武器使用。
  • 8It is first ground into mince and then steamed and rotated in an oven angled like a cement mixer so that the juices run off.它首先被磨成肉末,然後蒸煮,在烤箱中烘烤;烤箱像一個水泥攪拌器一樣傾斜著放,這樣可以讓肉汁流走。
  • 9Prepare an ice-water bath; set aside. Put yolks, sugar, and salt into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment.預備一個冰水盆;放置在一邊。把蛋黃、糖和鹽放入裝有攪拌器的電動攪拌機中。
  • 10His inventions and innovations included batteries, cement mixer, the sound recording telephone, double- and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.他的發明和革新包括蓄電池、水泥攪拌機、錄音電話、雙工式和多工式電報系統、鐵路用制動器等。
  • 11However, if the "click" of an opening door is part of an ominous action such as a burglary, the sound mixer may call attention to the "click" with an increase in volume.然而,如果開門的“咔噠”聲是入室搶劫之類的不祥之兆,混音器可能會提高音量,提醒人們注意這個聲音。
  • 12Cooper was a good mixer, he was popular.庫珀是個善交際的人,很受歡迎。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13A concrete mixer has to be employed.不得不使用混凝土攪拌器。
  • 14An online office mixer?一個網上的辦公室混合體?
  • 15If using an electric mixer, mix at medium speed for 8 to 10 minutes.如果使用機械攪拌器,用中等速度攪拌8到10分鐘。
  • 16I would much prefer vodka and a light mixer such as Lime or Diet coke.我比較喜歡沃卡和輕的萊姆或庫克點心混合物。
  • 17Use the eyespot Mixer to edit and combine your videos, music and photos online!線上使用eyespot混合器來編輯並整和你的錄象,音樂和圖片。
  • 18low and high. For mass production, a high speed horizontal mixer will be suitable.對於大規模生產,宜用高速臥式混合機。
  • 19The mixer has no power cord and is equipped with a Powermat receiver on the inside.這台攪拌器沒有電源線,但是內置有Powermat接收器。
  • 20In reality, Mixer C hadn't been built yet, nor had lines 3 or 5. So the arrangement was.實際上,攪拌機c還沒有建成,並且也沒有3號或者5號生產線。
  • 21You probably have arelaxed and laid-back work environment if your superior is a Mixer.如果你的上司是一個社交能人,你可能會有一個輕鬆悠閒自在的工作環境。
  • 22The video below shows a stand-up mixer running on nothing else but the Powermat technology.下面的視頻展示了一台立式攪拌器僅僅依靠Powermat的技術就可以運行。
  • 23Function, Mixer is flour and water will stir rubs surfacegroup stir or other physical mixer.作用;和面機是將麵粉和水攪揉成麵團或攪和其他物理的攪拌機。
  • 24THE ICING ON THE CAKE: With an electric mixer, cream the frosting ingredients together until smooth.蛋糕上的糖霜:用一個電攪拌棒,使冰凍的原料成為奶油狀,直到其光滑為止。
  • 25Because the color mixer application is just one Windows Form, I declare a Form object to represent it.因為顏色合成器應用程式只是一個Windows窗體,所以我聲明一個Form對象來表示它。


