- 外文名:midwifery
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˌmɪdˈwɪfəri]
- 美式發音:[ˌmɪdˈwɪfəri,ˌmɪdˈwaɪfəri]
《Accountability in Nursing and Midwifery》是2004年Blackwell Pub出版的圖書,作者是Tilley, Stephen (EDT)、 Watson, Roger (EDT)。內容簡介 Accountability is a key concern for nurses and midwives in the NHS today. Professional accountability - being responsible for your actions and for the outcomes of...
《Essential Communication Skills for Nursing and Midwifery》是2010年出版的圖書,作者是Sully Philippa、Dallas Joan、Nicol Maggie。內容簡介 Effective communication skills are crucial in all aspects of nursing and midwifery practice - this book will enable readers to communicate effectively and with confidence...
The Art of Death Midwifery 《The Art of Death Midwifery》是一本圖書,作者是St Pierre DDIV, Joellyn。
A General Treatise of Midwifery. Faithfully Translated from the French of Monsieur Dionis, ...《A General Treatise of Midwifery. Faithfully Translated from the French of Monsieur Dionis, ...》是一本圖書,作者是Dionis, MR
產婆術(art of midwifery),亦譯“接生術”、“助產術” ,別稱“理智助產術”、“精神助產術”。是指古希臘蘇格拉底關於尋求普遍知識的方法。通過雙方的交談,在問答過程中,不斷揭示對方談話中自相矛盾之處;從而逐步從個別的感性認識,上升到普遍的理性認識、定義、知識。蘇格拉底一貫自稱無知,但卻能幫助別人...
護理學院&助產學Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery MAHSA大學是馬來西亞第一所提供護理和助產學各層次學術研究的私立大學。教師由高素質的專業人士組成,他們致力於幫助學生成為最好的醫護人員,他們可以在理論和實踐之間取得平衡。護理技能是在MAHSA設備精良的技能實驗室和模擬病房以及馬來西亞的政府醫院和社區衛生設施中傳授的...
16. 助產學 -- BSc in Midwifery 學制:三年,6個學期 語言要求:雅思5.0分或者相當水平,並參加網路面試,或者參加預科課程 申請要求:高中,中專,大專畢業 開學時間:每年9月初 申請截止日期:每年7月31日 17. 護理學(護理方向) -- BSc in Nursing and Patient Care- Nursing Specialization 學制:三年,6...
臀位助產術(Breech midwifery),手術名。適用於胎臀位等情況。操作名稱 臀位助產術 適應證 臀位助產術適用於:1.死胎或估計胎兒於出生後難於存活者。2.具備下列條件者:孕齡≥34周、單臀或完全臀位、估計胎兒體重2000~3500g(尤適合於經產婦)、胎頭無仰伸、骨產道及軟產道無異常、無其他剖宮產指征。3.無...
The Nursing and Midwifery Council The Forensic Science Society The BBC Academy The Institution of Engineering and Technology British Computer Society NationalCouncilfortheTrainingofJournalists Engineering Council Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers Institution of Engineering and Technology 國際合作 2...
2012年美國大學助產護理專業研究生排名(Nursing-Midwifery) 第29 2012年美國西部地區大學排名 第33 2012年美國最佳本科工程類排名 第60 2012年美國大學語言病理學專業研究生排名(Speech-Language Pathology) 第113 《美國新聞與世界報導》美國全國性大學排名2018年202 《福布斯》美國最佳大學排名2017年363 《美國新聞與...
School of Community Health and Midwifery 社區衛生與助產學院 School of Dentistry 牙科學院 School of Engineering 工程學院 School of Film, Media and Performance 電影、媒體與表演學院 School of Forensic and Applied Sciences 法醫與套用科學學院 School of Health Sciences 健康科學學院 School of Humanities and ...
其真理的發現,是在討論和問答法中進行,所以有人叫這種方法為“產婆法”,為知識接生的藝術(The art of intellectual midwifery),以為知識原存於對方的心靈內,不過他自己因受其他錯誤的觀念所蔽,而沒有發現罷了。蘇氏自比產婆,從談話中用剝繭抽絲的方法,使對方逐漸了解自己的無知,而發現自己的錯誤,建立...
21. Li, J., Tang, S., Liu, M., Liu, W., Cheng, C., Li, Y., Sun, M., & Qin, C. (2019). The relationship between salivary cortisol and perinatal depression in women undergoing termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly: A prospective cohort study. Midwifery, 75, 103-109. doi:...
Charts the progress of childbirth, midwifery, and obstetrics The series provides readers with key primary sources that illuminate the history of childbirth, midwifery and obstetrics. For example, general historical texts note that childbed (puerperal) fever claimed hundreds of thousands of maternal lives...
1. Gao LL, Sun K, Chan S. Social support and parenting self-efficacy among Chinese women in the perinatal period. Midwifery. 2014; 30(5):532-538.2. Gao LL, Xie W, Yang X, Chan SW. Effects of an interpersonal-psychotherapy-oriented postnatal programme for Chinese first-time mothers: A...
2003.10~ 2006.6 Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery, King’s College London, England,獲護理學博士學位 2009.10 & 2010.8~ 9 參加 Sida Advanced International Training Programme (266): Strengthening Midwifery Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Services, Sweden,並獲證書...
[4] Chan MF , Lou FL , Zang YL ,et al.Attitudes of midwives towards perinatal bereavement in Hong Kong .Midwifery, 23 (3): 309-321 ,2007. (SCI 收錄).[5] Fan YD,Liu ZX, Fang XL,et al. Differential expression of full-length telomerase reverse transcriptase mRNA and telomerase activity...
births and supported or at least condoned the social midwives close to them. . . . Kaisarina, while working as the leading professional midwife in the country, and working almost totally in hospital practice herself, simultaneously assisted her mother-in-law with her social practice of midwifery...
7.Number of nursing and midwifery personnel護理人員及助產士數 8. Density of nursing and midwifery personnel (per 10000 population)護理人員及助產士密度(每萬人)9.Number of environment and public health workers環境與公共衛生人員數 10.Density of environment and public health workers (per 10000 ...
Smellie improved the forceps and wrote a bestselling practical midwifery handbook. 斯梅利改良了產鉗,並寫下了實用的助產術手冊。Sterilization of biopsy forceps by autoclaving or cyclo-ethane take up 26.78%. 活檢鉗採用壓力蒸汽與環氧乙烷滅菌26.78%。Reserve the other two pairs of forceps for ...
Socrates Theory of Knowledge: Intellectual Midwifery 39 Socrates Moral Thought 42 Socrates Trial and Death 43 Chapter 3 Plato 46 Platos Life 46 Theory of Knowledge 49 The Cave 49 The Divided Line 51 Theory of Forms 55 Moral Philosophy 59 The Concept of the Soul 59 The Cause of Evil: ...
smellie,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“(Smellie)人名;(英)斯梅利”。短語搭配 Smellie's scissors 斯梅利氏剪 雙語例句 Smellie improved the forceps and wrote a bestselling practical midwifery handbook.斯梅利改良了產鉗,並寫下了實用的助產術手冊。In England the wealthiest and most influential...