Mia Rose(中文譯名:米亞玫瑰,原名瑪麗亞·安東尼·桑帕約·羅莎(Maria Antónia Sampaio Rosa),1988年1月26日出生於英國倫敦溫布爾登村,是一名網紅及歌手。
- 中文名:米亞玫瑰
- 外文名:mia rose
- 國籍:英國
- 出生地:英國倫敦
- 出生日期:1988年1月26日
原名瑪麗亞·安東尼·桑帕約·羅莎(Maria Antónia Sampaio Rosa),是一名通過在YouTube上分享視頻(用戶名miaarose)而出名的歌手,她亦是YouTube上被訂閱(subscribe)總次數最多的前五名音樂家之一。
她仿唱並張貼出各種影片中的插曲 ,並在一個月內成立一個音樂家訂閱人數的紀錄。截至2009年12月,她擁有超過222,000 YouTube的訂閱用戶。目前,她是YouTube上訂閱數排名第一的英國音樂家, 她自己的MV已被YouTube的用戶觀看了1.04億次。
[名曲]What would Christmas be like(中文譯名:聖誕節是什麼樣子的?),這是一首有關聖誕和愛情的歌曲,Mia Rose的成名曲,響徹寰宇之代表作 。
What would Christmas be like:(原曲大體歌詞如下)
What would christmas be like without you here
sitting at the bottom of the mistletoe waiting for you to come home,
What would Christmas be like without the songs
Sitting by the fire place reminiscing while we sing along..
And i always believed there's magic on christmas evethen Santa comes round,
& im so glad we found this love we swore to keep
we walk in the snow, letting our troubles go
to a far away place so that we embrace christmas spirit all around and i say
Merry Merry christmas... today
What would christmas be like without the wait
Crowded round the presents counting minutes, even seconds till we celebrate
What would christmas be like without the smiles
laughing with the twilight moon shining through our window room as we smile..
And i always believed there's magic on christmas eve
then Santa comes round, & im so glad we found this love we swore to keep
And we walk in the snow, letting our troubles go
to a far away place so that we embrace christmas spirit all around and i say

Merry Merry christmas... today
And i always believed there's magic on christmas eve
then Santa comes round, & im so glad we found this love we swore to keep
And we walk in the snow, letting our troubles go
to a far away place so that we embrace christmas spirit all around and i say
Merry Merry christmas... today
Special thank you to my best friends Ines and Maria!
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Mia Rose其翻唱的著名歌曲有:
Heaven (原唱 Bryan Adams) Unwritten (原唱 Natasha Bedingfield) Bubbly (原唱 Colbie Caillat) Break Away (原唱 The Beach Boys) 等
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