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mesh,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“ 網,網狀物;錯綜複雜的局面,陷阱,圈套;嚙合;吻合,匹配,適合”等。


  • 外文名:mesh
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[meʃ]
  • 美式音標:[meʃ]


英 [meʃ] 美 [meʃ]
n. 網,網狀物;錯綜複雜的局面,陷阱,圈套;網眼,網孔;網狀結構,互相交織的結構;(計算機)格線,格網;(計算機)網狀網路(尤指 n 維點陣)
v. 嚙合;吻合,匹配,適合;(使)交纏在一起;將……轉化成格線,將……生成格線;以網捕捉
[ 複數 meshes 第三人稱單數 meshes 現在分詞 meshing 過去式 meshed 過去分詞 meshed ]


wire mesh 金屬絲網;鐵絲網
steel mesh 鋼網;鋼絲網
metal mesh 金屬網;鋼絲網
mesh belt 網狀腰帶
mesh point 格線點,網點
welded wire mesh 電焊網;焊接鋼絲網
screen mesh 絲網;篩孔,篩眼
mesh size 篩孔尺寸;格線大小;目徑
stainless steel wire mesh 不鏽鋼金屬網
mesh fabric 網眼織物
mesh network 網狀網路
mesh bag 網袋;聚丙烯網眼袋
mesh structure 網狀結構,格狀構造
gear mesh 齒輪嚙合
mesh screen 篩孔;網篩
square mesh [機械]方網眼
coarse mesh 粗格線;粗篩
mesh division 分格
fine mesh 細篩孔;細格線;細網目
mesh filter 篩網過濾器


  • If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping. 如果嵌齒不能完好嚙合,齒輪就會脫落。
  • The mesh structure is particularly obvious on the Internet. 網路結構在網際網路上尤為明顯。
  • The different rods, placed at a height of two meters, shape a continuous mesh that "cuts down" the height of the establishment. 不同的桿,放置在兩米的高度,形成一個連續的格線,“削減”了設施的高度。
  • The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh. 底樓的窗戶被鐵絲網罩著。
  • His theories mesh together various political and religious beliefs. 他的理論把各種政治和宗教信仰完美地結合起來了。
  • These use carbon or mesh to catch impurities. 這些使用碳或篩網來過濾雜質。
  • The fresh flesh on the mesh refreshed the dog. 格線上的新鮮肉使狗恢復了體力.
  • Geographically scattered nodes in a mesh topology. 以格線拓撲結構在地理上分散節點。
  • For this end a mesh with a 5ox5o spacing was used. 為此目的採用了格距為5ox5o的格線。
  • However the riverbed mesh is not an isolated infrastructure. 然而,河床網不是一個孤立的基礎設施。
  • Smart power meters form "mesh networks" to relay their readings. 智慧型電錶構成了“網狀網路”,以此轉發讀數。
  • Links within your body text should mesh well with the text, naturally. 當然,文檔體文本中的連結應該與文本相適應。
  • The vertical faces are dressed with screens which look like a terracotta mesh. 豎直的牆面上安裝了螢幕,看起來像赤褐色的網孔。
  • If an infection occurs in the mesh, it may need to be removed or replaced. 如果放置的醫用補片發生感染,就需要更換或拆除補片。
  • Loop quantum gravity can be visualised, as its name suggests, as a mesh of loops. 顧名思義,環圈量子重力可以想像成一個由環組成的網。
  • That benevolent attitude didn't seem to mesh with Microsoft's public statements. 如此仁慈的態度似乎和微軟公司公眾聲明並不融合。
  • We make other teams aware of how we work and enable their work styles to mesh with ours. 我們讓其他團隊知道我們如何工作,並且使它們的工作方式與我們嚙合。
  • Both of you should be facing the stairs, and your bodies should mesh together tightly. 雙方都面朝樓梯,兩個人的身體應該緊密貼合。
  • Wednesday, Aug. 19, 9:30 a.m. – Man-wearable tactical mesh point and mesh viewer solution. 周三,8月19日,上午9:30 –穿戴式單兵戰術格線節點和格線瀏覽解決方案。
  • It might also be hard to mesh a notion such as the purported intrinsic value of people. 也很難與人們所宣傳的,人類內在價值之類的觀念相吻合。
  • He says employers constantly fear hiring someone who lacks proper skills or doesn't mesh. 他說僱主經常擔心僱傭了缺乏適合技術或者壓根沒有聯繫的雇員。
  • The wire mesh window screen was thick and kept the bright sunlight from entering my room. 我屋裡的鋼絲紗窗很密,這幫我阻擋了大多進入我屋子的刺眼的光線。
  • Walls were connected together with steel mesh, and joined to the roof and floor with iron bars. 牆體用鋼絲網連線在一起,屋頂和樓板用鐵棒連線。
  • The MIT suit, called the Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit (GLCS), is made of elastic mesh. 麻省太空衣,全稱為重力負荷對策緊身衣(GLCS),是由彈力網布製成。
  • In this pattern, a website USES Live Mesh as a pipeline to communicate with Live Mesh users. 在這個模式中,網站使用LiveMesh作為一個聯繫Live Mesh用戶的管道。
  • Wire mesh covers the ceiling to prevent big pieces from falling into the roadways or hitting miners. 為了防止大塊碎片掉落到坑道上或砸傷礦工,天花板上覆蓋了金屬網。
  • Also, socks are usually a challenge - use mesh bags, one for clean socks and another for dirty ones. 同樣,襪子通常讓人頭疼——可以用網袋,一個裝乾淨的一個裝髒的。


