韓裔美國人,生於舊金山,非常成功的喜劇演員(在美國,說單口相聲的演員),活動主持人,暢銷書《I Have Chosen to Stay and Fight》作家,部落格作者,得到紐約時報盛讚 喜劇演出有《I’m The One That I Want,》 《Notorious C.H.O.,》 《The Sensuous Woman,》 她的電視演出始於ABC的喜劇《All-American Girl》 。以及《美女上錯身》(Drop Dead Diva )第一二季最近在VH1電視台的《The Cho Show》。出演最新電影《17 Again》
Margaret Cho的信條是“當你覺得自己美麗時,就更願意用自己的聲音說話”,她帶領我們探討美麗與醜陋、美麗中的好和壞,指出我們的世界正被醜陋的政客和市場商人操縱著。
Dependent 發行日期:2010年8月
Cho Assassin發行日期:2005年10月
Notorious C.H.O.發行日期:2002年6月,Nettwerk
I'm the One That I Want
發行日期:2001年6月,Margaret Cho
Drunk with Power
發行日期:1996年10月,Uproar Ente.edian of the Year, and in 1994, she won the American Comedy Award for Best Female Comedian. Ms. Chohas also contributed writing and acting to several movies. In August 2002, Choissued The Notorious C.H.O., a double-disc capturing the last night of her 2001 North American comedy tour at Carnegie Hall. A film of the same name followed in late September. Two years later, Cho once again captured her sold out Revolution tour on both CD and DVD. Revolutionwent on to be nominated for a Grammy for best comedy album of the year. Assassin, which was filmed at the Warner Theatre in Washington D.C., was released in October 2005. Cho Dependent, her first long player devoted to music, arrived in 2010. The album featured guest appearances fromTegan & Sara, Ani DiFranco, Fiona Apple, and others. ~ Sandy Lawson, Rovimargaret cho