- 外文名:maintainable
- 詞性:形容詞
- 美式發音:[men'tenəbl]
- 釋義:可維持的;可主張的;可維修的
Designing Maintainable Software 《Designing Maintainable Software》是一本圖書,作者是Smith, Dennis D.
可維護性(MAIntainable):軟體系統的維護包括兩方面,一是排除現有的錯誤,二是將新的軟體需求反映到現有系統中去。一個易於維護的系統可以有效地降低技術支持的花費。客戶體驗(Customer Experience):軟體系統必須易於使用。市場時機(Time to Market):軟體用戶要面臨同業競爭,軟體提供商也要面臨同業競爭。以最快的...
l 克萊沃PDU基於創新的SUM(Sustainable可持續、Upgradeable可升級、Maintainable可維護)設計理念,支持個性化定製以滿足用戶的獨特需求,致力於為每一個伺服器機架或者網路機櫃提供安全穩定的電力。l 模組化數據中心LINKEO模組化數據中心解決方案擁有一個完整的數據中心所需要的機櫃、配電、布線、消防、監控和空調等。這些都...
My brief definition is, correct, maintainable, and adequately fast. 我的簡單定義是,正確,可維修,足夠快。I think this adequately describes a typical business enterprise. 我認為上述充分地描述了典型的業務企業。Any room where gas is used must be adequately supplied with air. 任何使用煤氣的房間都...
know in order to start effectively leveraging the Hibernate framework. Discarding the old, XML based, -hbm- mapping files, Hibernate Made Easy will show you how to simplify your designs by leveraging both Hibernate and JPA annotations together, making your applications more manageable, maintainable,...
The author has a lot to say about class design, whether using inheritance or composition. Tips on designing methods show you how to create understandable, maintainable, and robust classes that can be easily reused by others on your team. Sections on mapping C code (like structures, unions, ...
1. Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications 3 Thinking About Data Systems 4 Reliability 6 Hardware Faults 7 Software Errors 8 Human Errors 9 How Important Is Reliability? 10 Scalability 10 Describing Load 11 Describing Performance 13 Approaches for Coping with Load 17 Mainta...
to design more complex data structures and algorithms, and powerful abstract data types. Throughout, the author maintains an elegant and sophisticated coding style, adhering faithfully to the current ISO/ANSI standards, helping to ensure that your software will be even more portable, maintainable and...
Since it's quite terse and provide powerful features for succinctness, it should be very maintainable.既然它很簡潔,同時又為這種簡潔性提供了強大的特性,那么它應該很容易維護。Its clever succinctness lets you code in five minutes the report generators, network probes, text filters, and process ...
Coming to grips with C++11 and C++14 is more than a matter of familiarizing yourself with the features they introduce. The challenge is learning to use those features effectively - so that your software is correct, efficient, maintainable, and portable. That's where this practical book comes ...
《Effective Ruby》是Addison-Wesley Professional出版的圖書,作者是Peter J. Jones 內容簡介 If you’re an experienced Ruby programmer, Effective Ruby will help you harness Ruby’s full power to write more robust, efficient, maintainable, and well-performing code. Drawing on nearly a decade of Ruby ...
- database design primer, normalization, a logical data-modelling methodology, physical database design. Part III MySQL programming: database applications - architecture connections and transactions, object/relational modelling; Perl - introduction to DBI, DBI and CGI, a general model for maintainable ...
《SQL and Relational Theory》是O'Reilly Media出版的圖書,作者是C.J. Date 內容簡介 Understanding SQL's underlying theory is the best way to guarantee that your SQL code is correct and your database schema is robust and maintainable. On the other hand, if you're not well versed in the ...
(8)Li Xinxing,Xu Yongmei,Kuang Zhili. AN ENHANCED ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS SCREENING OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. Proceedings of ICRMS 2001. The 5th Internation Conference on Reliability, Maintainable and Safety. Dalian, China 28-31 August,2001:714-719.(9)徐詠梅,孫東川. 企業生命力持續性的動力...
Object Oriented programming methods are used, which make this software expansile and maintainable with a friendly interface easy to operate for clients.該軟體採用的是面向對象的編程方法,擴展性和可維護性強,具有友好的用戶界面,操作簡單。Although fiscal crisis has not broken out yet, fiscal risks are ...
這些顏色指示符與 FxCop 規則 AvoidUnmaintainableCode 所使用的嚴重級別相對應。如果可維護性指數低於 10,則此規則將激發錯誤;如果指數介於 10 和 20 之間,則激發警告;如果指數高於 20,則既不激發錯誤,也不激發警告。可維護性指數是以下三種度量值的綜合體現:圈複雜度、代碼行數以及算術複雜度。可維護性指數...
· Understand evaluation contexts and the CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE functions · Perform time-based calculations · Use calculation groups and calculation items · Use syntax of variables (VAR) to write more readable, maintainable code · Express diverse and unusual relation...
topics such as managing concurrency and securing your data and code through proper privileges and authorization. Alastair places focus on sound development and architectural practices that will help you become a better developer, capable of designing high-performance, robust, maintainable database ...