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  • 外文名:madly
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈmædli]
  • 美式發音:[ˈmædli]


madly /ˈmædlɪ/
1.ADV You can use madly to indicate that one person loves another a great deal. 瘋狂地


Madly Madagascar 英文片名
wreck madly 瘋狂地破壞
Madly Driving 狂野駕駛
cafe madly 讀者投稿
Madly Musical 非常音樂家
inject madly 瘋狂地注入
scream madly 瘋狂地發出尖叫聲
bid madly 瘋狂地命令


  • 1She's madly in love with him.她瘋狂地愛著他。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She has fallen madly in love with him.她瘋狂地愛上了他。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3They're madly in love.他們瘋狂地相愛。《牛津詞典》
  • 4I'm madly in love with this hot biker chick.我瘋狂地愛上了這個迷人的騎機車的妞。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Down in the streets people were waving madly.下面大街上,人們在瘋狂地揮手。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6She coddled her youngest son madly.她過分溺愛她最小的兒子。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7His heart thudded madly against his ribs.他的心都要跳出來了。《牛津詞典》
  • 8She was rushing around madly trying to put out the fire.她瘋了似地跑來跑去,試圖把火撲滅。《牛津詞典》
  • 9Well might the terrified weasels dive under the tables and spring madly up at the windows!驚恐萬分的黃鼠狼很可能鑽到桌子底下,瘋狂地從窗戶跳出來!
  • 10When she arrived home from work, the dog threw itself against the door and barked madly at her.當她下班回家時,那隻狗撲到門上對她狂吠。
  • 11When she arrived home from work, the dog threw itself against the screen door and barked madly at her.她下班回到家時,那條狗撲到紗門上,沖她狂吠。
  • 12Couples kiss madly, hug madly.情侶們會瘋狂地親吻、擁抱。
  • 13I'm madly love with you.我瘋狂地愛著你。
  • 14I'm madly in love with him.我愛他愛的發狂。
  • 15He dashed around madly in the street.他在大街上橫衝直撞。
  • 16But hold hands madly?但他們會瘋狂地牽手么?
  • 17Prince Zhi has loved me madly for years.公子治已經苦苦的愛了我很多年。
  • 18Pretending to be madly active, I suppose.我想是為了假裝非常活躍。
  • 19He loved her madly.他非常愛她。
  • 20Remember a time when you were madly in love?還記得你熱戀那會兒嗎?
  • 21Some folks are attached to madly spinning wheels.一些人緊貼著瘋狂旋轉的腳踏車輪。
  • 22We’d fallen madly in love in three weeks; that was fun.只用了三個星期我們就瘋狂地墜入愛河;真有意思。
  • 23They were in their own world, madly making out in their booth.他們在自己的世界裡,在他們的卡座上瘋狂。
  • 24Many female dancers came onto the scene and started to move madly.許多舞女來到台上開始瘋狂的舞蹈。
  • 25Even if you are still madly in love, bathroom time should be private time.即使你們仍然處在瘋狂的相愛中,衛生間時間仍然是私人時間。
  • 26Because they're madly in love and they want to consummate their marriage.因為他們仍然深深相愛,想同房成婚。
  • 27Could Trantridge in two or three short hours have metamorphosed itself thus madly!誰能想到,有兩三個小時,特蘭里奇竟會變得這樣的瘋狂。
  • 28Previous work has found this region is also active in people who are madly in love.之前的研究已經發現,這片區域在人們陷入痴狂的愛情中時,也一樣的活躍。
  • 29I miss Israel madly when I'm not there, but an artist can, in my view, work anywhere.不在以色列的時候,我非常想念以色列,但在我看來,藝術家在哪裡都可以工作。
  • 30Isabella, now eighteen, falls madly in love with Heathcliff, seeing him as a romantic hero.十八歲的伊莎貝拉把希斯·克里夫當成了一個傳奇式的英雄,瘋狂的愛上了他。


