Luke Thompson的家在紐西蘭港市陶朗加,成長於芒格努伊山的白色沙灘,沐浴著盛夏的陽光,Luke衝浪、游泳並不斷完善著自己的吉他彈奏技巧。Luke 7歲開始寫歌,高中畢業後,獲得了Rockquest獎學金並前往Hamilton,在Waikato Institute of Technology開始自己的音樂與歌曲寫作的學習生涯,並在2004年獲得媒體藝術學學士學位(Bachelor of Media Arts)。
22歲時,其單曲Morning Light入圍紐西蘭廣播電台前40名,這支單曲同時還入圍了2006年Juice TV Awards的最佳獨唱歌手。
2014.12.22-Released Single Song-《A Christmas Song》
A Christmas Song
About the Album 《To the Common Dark》
I want to give these songs the best start in life they can get, I want people to hear them and hopefully connect with them. Lately I have come to realize that I don’t make music for money… Sometimes I make money from music, but it’s not why I make music. It’s not the main reward. The main reward is when someone shares with me how they connected with a song, or felt the same way I did. That’s when I feel most useful as a person.
So this album is free.
Feel free to share it with your friends and family. if you want to pay something for it click donate below. Or just buy somebody an ice-cream this week or donate to a charity give some money to a stranger etc etc etc.
I hope you like it. I hope it makes you feel something.