



  • 外文名:lifeguard
  • 詞性:名詞、不及物動詞 
  • 英式發音:[ˈlaɪfɡɑːd]
  • 美式發音:[ˈlaɪfɡɑːrd]


英 [ˈlaɪfɡɑːd] 美 [ˈlaɪfɡɑːrd]
n. 救生員;警衛
vi. 當救生員
[ 複數 lifeguards ]


Data Lifeguard 數據衛士
submarine lifeguard ship 潛艇救護艦
Data LifeGuard Tools 數據衛士工具 ; 此款程式包 ; 數據保護工具 ; 此款步伐包
LifeGuard Full 瘋狂救生員
lifeguard submarine 救生潛艇 ; 救生潛艦
The Lifeguard 救生員
lifeguard raft 救生筏
lifeguard line 救生索
DKL LifeGuard 人體生命探測器 ; 雷達生命探測儀


  • He's more like a film star than a lifeguard, really. 與其說他像個救生員,倒不如說他像個影星,真的。
  • There is always a lifeguard to ensure that no one comes to any harm. 任何時候都有一名救生員以確保沒有人會受到傷害。
  • Do you need the help of a lifeguard? 你需要救生員的幫助嗎?
  • Where is the lifeguard? 救生員在哪裡?
  • Did you see that good-looking new lifeguard? 你有沒有看到那個新來的、長得很好看的救生員?
  • He couldn't swim, so I had to call the lifeguard. 原來他不會游泳,我只好去叫救生員。
  • The child who fell into the water was saved by the lifeguard. 那名落水兒童被救生員救了上來。
  • The lifeguard was keeping a watch on the children playing in the surf. 救生員在孩子們玩耍的海浪上值班。
  • The lifeguard told my friends and me to stop horsing around in the pool. 救生員讓我和朋友停止在泳池周圍胡鬧。
  • Of course, being a lifeguard working long hours in the sun makes the situation worse. 當然,成為一個在長時間在太陽下工作的救生員讓情況更嚴重。
  • When you first get to the beach, you should check with the lifeguard to find out how strong the waves are. 當你第一次去沙灘時,你應該向救生員了解海浪的強度。
  • "Your son's been in an accident," the lifeguard reported to my husband Mike over the phone hurriedly. “你的兒子發生了意外。”救生員在電話中匆匆向我丈夫邁克報告。
  • I sobbed in his arms, telling him how awful I felt about not being there when the lifeguard called. 我在他的懷裡抽泣,告訴他救生員打電話來時我不在現場的感覺有多糟糕。
  • In fact, he's a lifeguard. 事實上,他是個救生員。
  • The good people of the village decided to build a lifeguard station. 村裡的好人決定建一個救生站。
  • The rich man gets up on the lifeguard tower and all his friends look up at him. 這個有錢人站上救生塔,所有朋友都仰頭看著他。
  • Tonya is a beautiful lifeguard. 譚雅是位美麗的救生員。
  • Yes, I have worked as a lifeguard. 是的,我做過(游泳場的)救生員。
  • No, I haven't worked as a lifeguard. 不,我沒有做過(游泳場的)救生員。
  • Is there a lifeguard? 這裡有救生員嗎?
  • I was also a lifeguard in a swimming club. 我還做過游泳俱樂部的救生員。
  • I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary. 我可以從我當救生員的收入拿出來還你。
  • Waiter: So what do you expect me to do, call a lifeguard? 侍應:那你希望我怎么做,叫一個救生員?
  • Her stint as a lifeguard usually consumes three hours a day. 救生員這項工作每天通常花費她三個小時。
  • The lifeguard jumped into the pool and rescued the drowning boy. 救生員跳進泳池裡,救起那個溺水的男孩。
  • Robbie: I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool. 羅比:我申請了一個在社區游泳池作救生員的工作。
  • The lifeguard watched the swimmers from his perch above the pool. 救生員從游泳池上方高高的坐位上注視著游泳的人們。


