- 外文名:libelous
- 詞性:形容詞
- 美式發音:['laɪbələs]
- 釋義:誹謗的;損害名譽的;用言語中傷他人的
Libelous Darcy 中傷達西
libelous poster 揭貼
libellous libelous 損害名譽的
libelous action 誹謗行為
libelous per se 權行為施以嚴格責任
The scandalous, seditious and libelous books that need to be brought to justice in this remarkable sentence are suddenly revealed to have a soul.在這一非凡的判決中,需要被繩之以法的誹謗、煽動性和誹謗的書籍,突然間顯露出了靈魂。
All articles are edited by a professional team of editors, so ensuring that the articles contain no malicious or libelous content and as few inaccuracies as possible.所有的文章都是由一個專業的編輯團隊進行編輯,從而能夠保證發表的文章不含有惡意或中傷他人的內容,也儘可能地減少了錯誤。
Thus, for example, if a student posts a libelous message to our Usenet server and we never learn of it, the student alone will be liable if the message results in a lawsuit.那么,我舉個例子,如果一個學生貼了一張誹謗世界新聞組網路的帖子,但我們沒有意識到它是具有誹謗性質的,那一旦這條帖子被訴訟,只有這個學生需要承擔法律責任。