- 外文名:leadoff
- 詞性:名詞、形容詞
- 英式發音:['liːdɒf]
- 釋義:開始;著手;第一棒打擊手|最初的
lead,英語單詞,既可用作及物動詞也可用作不及物動詞,作及物動詞時意為“領導;致使;引導;指揮”,作不及物動詞時意為“導致;用水砣測深”,該詞還可作名詞意為“領導;鉛;導線;榜樣,(英)利德(人名)”。基本用法 lead的基本意思是“站在別人前頭,拉著手加以引導”,強調以領導者身份走在前頭...
v. 領導(lead 的現在分詞形式)短語搭配 leading position 基礎地位;首要地位 leading role 主導作用;主導地位 leading technology 領先技術 leading company 領導公司 leading edge 前沿;居領先優勢;最先著風的帆緣 leading enterprise 龍頭企業;(行業中的)龍頭老大 leading industry 主導產業 leading up 籌款人...
offlead 海上船舶或浮式結構的前傾
宣洩(Catharsis),漢語辭彙。拼音:xuān xiè 釋義:(動)①排出積水。②吐露;發泄:宣洩胸中鬱悶。漢語辭彙 釋義 1、 [blaze]∶當眾發泄以引起注意 他對願意聽的人宣洩了他的憤怒 2、[lead off (liquids)]∶使積水流出去 低洼地區 由於雨水無法宣洩,往往造成內澇 出處 《漢書·劉向傳》例句 1、亦作“...
【詞根duct/duce=draw,lead拽,拉,引;前綴ab一=from,away from,off表示“偏離,脫離或離開”;ab-=not,no表示“不,非”ab-=intensively,thoroughly加強意義】6.contractor承包人;契約當事人 【詞根tract/train/treat=draw拖,拽】7.acceptor票據承兌人 【詞根ceive/ceiv/cept/ceit/ceipt/cipat/cap=...
4、SDRAM Leadoff Command(SDRAM初始命令)選項:3、4 調節數據存儲在SDRAM之前所需的初始化時間,它會影響到突發傳輸時的第一個數據。如果你的記憶體速度夠快,儘量使用“3”。在超頻的時候,選擇“4”會讓系統更穩定,增加OC成功率。5、SDRAM Bank Interleave(SDRAM組交錯)選項:2-Bank、4-Bank,Disabled 調整...
2003: 2nd, 100m fly (WR - semis); 1st, 200m fly (WR - semis); 1st, 200m IM (WR, also WR in semis); 1st, 400m IM (WR); 2nd, 800m FR (AR, also AR as lead-off); 1st, 400m MRp 2001: 1st, 200m fly (WR)泛太平洋游泳錦標賽 Pan Pacific Championships 2002: 2nd, 200m ...
5、 領導能力(Leadship)領導能力主要表現為指明方向、制定決策和影響他人。項目經理必須善於激勵、意志堅強、精力充沛、充滿激情和自信。在團隊處於焦慮或失去信心的時候,項目經理需要給他們以鼓舞、方向感;在項目進展順利時,他需要指出項目可能面臨的問題和困難。另外,項目經理還需要具備足夠的政治意識和勇氣。6、 ...
Lead/首攻:在一輪牌中先出牌的玩家。lead suit/首攻花色牌:在一輪中頭一張打出的花色的牌。Long/長套:同一花色有多張牌時稱為長套。如果一手牌中含有五張以上同一花色的牌,即為“長套”。N Nil/零:零叫牌。如果玩家“零”叫牌並且確實獲得零墩牌,則該組可以得到 100 分獎勵。但如果“零”叫牌的...
He grabbed a pencil, and the lead immediately broke. 他抓起一支鉛筆,鉛筆芯立刻就斷了。Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately. 她的好意幾乎立即被拒絕。He was immediately isolated from the other prisoners. 他被立刻與其他囚犯隔離開來。Dr. Samuels immediately disavowed the newspaper story...
202. lead, guide, conduct, direct 203. lengthen, extend. prolong 204. like, be fond of, love, prefer 205. list. catalogue, roll 206. living, livelihood, support 207. load, burden 208. look, see 209. magnificent, splendid, superb 210. make. construct. fashion 211. mean, intend 212....
"there's something substantial here." An onslaught of substance is more what it feels like, actually, and it grabs hold early. Though each of these songs is distinctive enough to avoid congealing with the others into a gorgeous glop of introspection, heavy sighs, and reflection, leadoff trac...
The two disused tunnels lead off both to the north and south of St. James station, in between the two tunnels currently in use. The platform of St. James Station is in fact two separate island platforms, with a space between them for the tunnel tracks; but this space has been covered ...
《Lords Of The Atlas》是D A D演唱的歌曲,收錄專輯《No Fuel Left For The Pilgrims》中。專輯簡介 No Fuel Left for the Pilgrims was an outstanding international debut from Danish rockers D:A:D, following two promising efforts on the European Mega label. Irresistible lead-off single "Sleeping...
lead——領先 比賽時,小豪幾乎每場必說的一句話是“我要一口氣領先到底!”他向珠美老師承諾“我一定會第一個沖向終點的!”這成為了他的喜好,包括試膽大會都要求第一個出發,第一個跑完。也許他太喜歡享受領先的快感了吧!marvellous——不可思議的 小豪不止一次地給我們帶來驚奇,尤其是旋風衝鋒。他普通又不...
Imma lead off and I'm freaky yeah.They copy my domineer.I'd be rockin and I know their watching But I'd be actin like I don't see em.Yeah I'll never stop Keep me on my job and they be trynna copy and paste me copy and paste me.I'm on and I begin my song and they be ...
Lead-in; Introducing a presentation; Concluding a presentation; Bug tracking in the testing process; Workaround to a tough problem Unit Closing Off 項目總結 ...129 Lead-in; A sample presentation; Identifying project accomplishments and contributions; Reviewing problem areas 附錄 Having a Winning Inte...
His visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations. 他的訪問預計會導致外交關係的恢復。The two sides would like to see the normalization of diplomatic relations. 雙方都願意看到外交關係的正常化。He will need to sharpen his diplomatic skills in order to work with Congress. 他...
引導某人或某物〖lead〗。如:帶將(帶,領);你帶路,我們跟你走 兼管〖also;beconcurrentlyinchargeof;lookafter〗謝為太傅長史被彈,王即取作長史,帶晉陵郡。——《世說新語·言語》具有某種標誌或特徵〖have〗。如:帶葉子的橘子 帶 帶 dài 【連】表示兩個動作同時進行,相當於“又”〖also〗。如:〖他〗連...
Martin Graves,a Consultant Clinical Scientist and lead of the Cambridge University Hospitals MR Physics group. He also holds an Affiliated Lecturer position with the University of Cambridge Clinical School. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), a Fellow ...
She has a 12-point lead over her nearest rival. 她領先緊隨其後的對手12分。This year the newspaper has outsold its main rival. 今年該報的發行量已超過了它的主要對手。He was indignant that his rival was offered the job. 他對他的對手得到了那份工作感到憤憤不平。Their smaller rival is ...
Section i lead-in 234 Section ii businessscenes 235 Part 1 making astart 235 Part 2 key factors of asuccessfulpresentation 239 Part 3 finishing off 242 Unit 19 skills forsuccessful negotiation 246 Section i lead-in 247 Section ii businessscenes 249 Part 1 different negotiatingstyles of different...