



  • 外文名:laborer
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:['leɪbərə]
  • 美式發音:['lebərɚ]


laborer /ˈleɪbərə/ ( laborers )


casual laborer 散工 ; 臨時工 ; 零工 ; 臨時勞動者
Peasant laborer 農民工 ; 農夫工 ; 正在翻譯
day laborer 臨時工 ; 做散工的人 ; 按日計酬的零工
LABORER ROOM 勞動者室 ; 勞動者的房間 ; 工人房
agricultural laborer 農業勞動者
contract laborer 包身工 ; 契約工
rural laborer 農村勞動力 ; 民間勞動力
outside laborer 非會員工人 ; 非會員勞動者英語
surplus laborer 富餘勞動力


  • 1And these industries were large enough to offer jobs to each class of worker, from unskilled laborer to manager or engineer.這些行業的規模足夠大,可以為每一類工人提供工作,從非技術工人到經理或工程師。
  • 2As the only laborer in the family, she does a lot of farm work—weeding, watering the field, and growing vegetables.作為家裡唯一的勞動力,她做很多農活——鋤草、澆水、種菜。
  • 3He looks more like a laborer than an artist.他看上去不像一個畫家,倒像一個勞工。
  • 4If you work with your hands, you are a laborer.將雙手投入工作,你是一個勞動者。
  • 5His father, an agricultural laborer, drank and gambled.他的父親,一名農業勞動者,酗酒而且好賭。
  • 6Any common laborer can afford a cheap nylon satchel.任何一個普通人都買的起一個便宜的尼龍包。
  • 7Indemnity can be deducted from the salary of laborer.賠償金額可以從勞動者的工資扣除。
  • 8His fellow laborer, Nesar Ahmad, sees a brighter side.他的同事內薩·阿邁德則看到較為光明的一面。
  • 9Will Allen is the son of a laborer who could not read.威爾艾倫是一個目不識丁的工人的兒子。
  • 10His hands were embrowned like those of a common laborer.他的一雙手象農場工人的手那樣是古銅色的。
  • 11The problem of "peasant laborer shortage" has its deep causes.“民工荒”問題背後隱藏著深層次原因。
  • 12I see, too, some laborer pushed up against you as you came along.我也知道,在你趕來時,有一位勞工與你擦身而過。
  • 13He started working as a laborer at a state-owned food wholesaler.他起先在一個食品批發部門做工人。
  • 14Where harm is done to the laborer, it shall assume compensation liability.給勞動者造成損害的,應當承擔賠償責任。
  • 15Love the game we have become friends, all of the game 's free laborer.熱愛遊戲的朋友,咱們已經成為各個遊戲公司的免費勞動者了。
  • 16Oracle was the laborer left stitching together her designs in a stuffy factory.而甲骨文不過是一位在悶熱的工廠里將她的時裝設計縫合在一起的苦力而已。
  • 17To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer who has kids to feed.要知道一天的價值,可問家有待哺孩兒掙日工資的勞動者;
  • 18Next, laborer must be to violate regulations system badly, the clue just goes again quite.其次,勞動者必須是嚴重違反規章制度,情節比較重才行。
  • 19That is to say, you pay laborer, not have put the labourer pay except produce value all pay him.即是說,您付工資給勞動者,並非已經把這位勞動者所付出的勞動所產生的價值全部都付給他了。
  • 20The wage laborer is not as much interested or solicitous in his work as the free landed proprietor.工資勞動者對於他的工作,也不像自由的地主那么關心或留神。
  • 21Basically, in 2009, the life of a wage laborer has the same essential features in every corner of the globe.在2009年,工資勞動者的生活,其基本特徵在全球的各個角落都是大致相同的。
  • 22In recognition of labor and respect laborer, on the basis of we are likely to create their own new moral.在重視勞動和尊重勞動者的基礎上,我們有可能來創造自己的新的道德。
  • 23He had gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer, the thoughtful visage of a philosopher.他有灰白頭髮,嚴肅的目光,面色焦黑,象個工人,精神沉鬱,象個哲學家。


