kisslink,是北京囡寶科技有限公司於2014年10月28日正式對外發布的一款無線路由器品牌,亦稱為吻路由,在美國品牌為keewifi。Kisslink真正實現了路由器的0配置,讓所有家庭成員都可以輕鬆暢享無線網路,連3歲baby也能輕鬆使用。kisslink路由器是真正的匠心之作。為了打造這一款產品,公司團隊不滿足於傳統路由器的外置天線加平板機身的外觀,專門聘請了知名設計師進行獨創性設計。最終,kisslink路由器以圖騰式的彎曲外形亮相。Kisslink被美國新聞媒體MSN評為2015全球最佳發明(Best New Inventions for 2015),只要插上網線和電源線,就可以直接上網,省去了繁瑣的“”;它也無需設定密碼,只需打開手機的無線網路連線,輕輕將手機放在kisslink路由器認證面板5cm之內(即用手機kiss一下路由器),再選擇kisslink網路便可以輕鬆連線上網。而這個名字“kisslink”正是其天使投資人徐小平取的,寓意是輕鬆上網。“kiss技術不同於以往基於軟體層面的密碼設定,我們的技術是基於硬體層面的,就像你按指紋一樣,每個手機都有自己獨特的‘指紋’,而kisslink在手機靠近它時,便可以迅速讀取該手機的指紋,從而迅速進行運算匹配。因為沒有密碼,所以才不會被破解,所以更加安全。”
Home routers are far simpler and more straightforward to operate than they used to be, but they can still prove confusing to the average user. The Keewifi Router wants to simplify everything even further — connecting up devices is a question of pushing a button rather than typing out a password and the whole design of the unit is intended to be as user-friendly as possible. It works straight out of the box too, but this ease-of-use doesn't mean that it's not secure: proximity technology is used in place of Wi-Fi passwords to verify that laptops, tablets and smartphones are allowed to get on the local network. In other words, something has to come very close to your router to gain access (once a device is recognised you can of course use it all over the house).
----------------------------MSN Best New Inventions For 2015
In an effort to further protect the general public’s privacy and security, theKeeWifirouter has been formulated for production. The engineering and design team behind this technological endeavor have produced a wireless router that forgoes traditional password encryption. Instead, to connect to the router one must simply tap, or hold his/her device device close to the syncing panel, which will proceed to authenticate within mere seconds.