

keening,英語單詞,主要用作動詞、名詞,作動詞時譯為“(為死者)慟哭,哀號(keen 的現在分詞)”,作名詞時譯為“嗚咽聲,呼嘯”。


  • 外文名:keening
  • 詞性:動詞、名詞
  • 美式發音:['kinɪŋ]
  • 釋義:(為死者)慟哭,哀號(keen 的現在分詞)|嗚咽聲,呼嘯


keen /kiːn/ CET4 TEM4 ( keener, keenest )
1.ADJ If you say that someone has a keen mind, you mean that they are very clever and aware of what is happening around them. 敏銳的 [ADJ n]
2. keenly ADV 敏銳地
3.ADJ If you have a keen eye or ear, you are able to notice things that are difficult to detect. 靈敏的
4. keenly ADV 靈敏地 [ADV with v]
5.ADJ A keen interest or emotion is one that is very intense. 強烈的 [英國英語]
6. keenly ADV 強烈地
7.ADJ If you are keen on doing something, you very much want to do it. 渴望的 [v-link ADJ]
8. keenness N-UNCOUNT 渴望
9.ADJ If you are keen on something, you like it a lot and are very enthusiastic about it. 熱衷的 [v-link ADJ 'on' n]
10.ADJ You use keen to indicate that someone has a lot of enthusiasm for a particular activity and spends a lot of time doing it. 著迷的
11.ADJ A keen fight or competition is one in which the competitors are all trying very hard to win, and it is not easy to predict who will win. 激烈的 [英國英語]
12. keenly ADV 激烈地
13.V to lament the dead 哀悼


Keening Woman 哭喪女
Boyu Keening 寶玉哭靈
Keening Banshee 哭號女妖
Keening Spirit 哀慟靈魂
Keening Stone 慟哭石
keening haze detail 痛苦迷霧
The Keening Dithers 唱片名
keening over her murdered son 慟哭她那被謀害的兒子


