Kayla Ferrel,中文名凱拉·費爾,1990年10月20日出生,出生於美國伊利諾州,是一名模特兒,獲得《全美超級模特兒新秀大賽》第十五季的第四名。
- 中文名:凱拉·費爾
- 外文名:kayla ferrel
- 國籍:,美國
- 出生日期:1990年10月20日
凱拉·費爾(英語:Kayla Ferrel,1990年10月20日-,美國模特兒,來自伊利諾州,《全美超級模特兒新秀大賽》第十五季的第四名。在比賽中,凱拉坦承喜歡女性,並矢志成為首位同性戀者冠軍。在第十一集,凱拉因她的模特兒身型比例及輪廓問題而被淘汰。
拍攝題材 | 入圍名次 | 附註 | |
1 | 青少年霸凌 | 2/14 | 霸凌文字:Queer、堅強詞語:Free |
2 | 墮落凡間的天使 | 2/12 | 主題:Evil |
3 | 深海芙蓉 | 7/11 | |
4 | 女子摔角手 | 4/10 | |
5 | 羅迪歐大道的美女照 | 8/9 | 勝出小挑戰+進入包尾二人 |
6 | 偶像級設計師模仿照 | 2/8 | 模仿對象:Vivienne Westwood+勝出小挑戰(獎品為擔任53屆葛萊美獎禮儀小姐) |
7 | H2T水之廣告 | 4/7 | |
9 | 貢多拉上的才子佳人 | 1/6 | 首名入圍 |
10 | 科莫湖雕像 | 1/5 | 首名入圍 |
11 | Disturbato 困擾 | 3/4 | 進入包尾三人+季軍 |
As a spunky redhead with an inspiring
backstory, a worthy goal (to become the first gay America's Next Top Model
winner) and an amazing modeling portfolio, Kayla Ferrel of cycle 15 came in as
one of the frontrunners in America's Next Top Model: All-Stars. Personally, I
was pretty sure -- and hopeful -- that we'd see her in the finals.
頂著一頭生機勃發的紅髮,帶著一段振奮人心的經歷、一個值得奮鬥的目標(成為第一個同性戀ANTM冠軍)、以及一組超讚的神照,15季的實力選手Kayla Ferrel重新回來,參與了本屆ANTM全明星賽季。從個人角度講,我特別肯定而且希望——觀眾都願意在決賽中看見她。
But, once again, I was very, very,
tragically wrong. Last Wednesday, Kayla was sent home, partly because her photo
portraying Snooki wasn't quite "hot mess" enough for the judges'
tastes, but mostly because Tyra thought that, week to week, Kayla was becoming
a "watered down" version of her former self.
On the contrary, Kayla told me when we
spoke on Friday, she wasn't watered down this cycle. Instead, the show
essentially (and rather ironically) set her up for failure, using the word that
helped her succeed in cycle 15: "free." Here's Kayla to explain:
How do you feel after the whole all-star
experience? Do you feel like an all-star?
Yeah, I mean, I guess when I talk to other
people they're like, "Yeah, on cycle 15 you werre definitely one of my
favorites." So I definitely think I'm an all-star when it came to my cycle
15, and yeah, I had a good experience. I had a lot of fun with it.
The last time we talked, I guess it was
about a year ago, after cycle 15, you said you were heading to Tokyo. So what
have you been up to in between?
I've actually done pretty well over there.
I've done some work in February. I have a lot of jobs. I actually signed with
an agency out there, so I accomplished my goal when it came to that. But I only
signed as an international model, so I only get to go out there four to five
times out of the year. I do go for about four to six weeks, and they book me
with a bunch of jobs. I have a blast every time I go out there. I'm really
excited because I'm going in February. And this time I told Laura I was gonna
take her with me for at least one of the weeks. She was really excited.
I can picture the two of you having a
hilarious reality show.
You should see us together. She's like
country bumpkin, and I'm kinda like not country bumpkin, so the two of us
together... It's pretty funny.
To be honest, I wish that we had seen more
of you this season. What do you think about how much you were shown this
I just feel a little bit gypped. On my
cycle 15, they showed me a lot. You got to see a lot of my background and my
past, the reason I was there and who I was. And I feel like on this cycle, the
all-stars cycle, you have so many stand-out personalities like Laura, or Lisa,
or maybe Angelea or Bianca. It was kind of like, they really didn't show me
like they did on cycle 15. My number one goal in actually coming back to
all-stars was so that people could see a different side of me. Because on cycle
15, I was airing out a lot of dirty laundry, and I was very emotional, and I
was going through a lot. I was 19 years old. It was a learning experience for
me. And then in this cycle, they don't get to see that I actually had a lot of
fun. This girl would be like, "You're like the funniest person I
know." I cracked jokes and I always messed with them. We had fun. They
really didn't get to see that. They showed me like I was the timid girl from
cycle 15. I'm kind of disappointed that who I was wasn't necessarily shown how
I wanted it to be, but it is what it is. I had a good time.
K:我只是有一點點受騙的感覺。在15季時,他們剪輯了很多有關我的內容,你可以在節目裡看到許多我的獨白,我過去的經歷,我參賽的原因,以及我對自己的定位。然而在這一季,在全明星賽季中,你看到了許多獨特鮮明的形象,比如 Laura, Lisa,或者也許還會有Angelea和Bianca,但這之中沒有我。可以這么說,他們並沒有像原來15季時那樣剪輯很多關於我的部分。重回ANTM參加全明星賽季,我最大的願望是希望人們能夠看到我的不同側面。15季時,大家看到的Kayla是一個總是掛出很多髒衣服,一個十分情緒化的有過很多經歷的19歲女孩。15季對我來說確實是個很好的學習體驗。但是,在本次全明星賽季,製片方們看不到我實際上乾過很多很有意思的事情,如果他們確實看到了,那么我應該是他們“見過的最有意思的人”。我各種開玩笑,與大家廝混在一起,幹了很多樂事。但是這些製片方都沒有看到,他們只是剪輯出一個來自15季的膽小女孩的形象。對此我有些失望,他們給我的剪輯並不能展示出我對自己形象的定位。但就是這樣,我依舊覺得在17季中玩得很快活。
From what you're saying, it sounds like
they edited you to support what the judges were saying about how you seemed
like a "watered down version" of yourself, or something to that
effect. What did you make of all of that feedback?
I started to develop a tough skin. Because
when I went in front of the judges, I felt like they never really had an
overwhelming amount of positive feedback for me from the beginning of the
cycle. In cycle 15, I'd say a good 95% of the time it was always positive. I
really heard positive things. I was happy and confident, I was really doing well.
Even though I wasn't confident in myself. It was really weird, but I was
confident I was doing well in the competition. Then this cycle, I've grown so
much, and a lot more confident about who I am, and now they're saying,
"You're a watered-down version of yourself." So for me it was really
frustrating. I was so confused, and I'm like "No, you've got it
wrong." In cycle 15 I was unconfident, I didn't know who I was. I needed
guidance and I needed help to figure out what was going on. I needed someone to
talk to. This cycle, I've actually been able to talk to someone, I've done
counseling and figured out who I am. I am so much more confident. I've gone on,
I've modeled and I've had a career overseas. But now they're saying I'm a
watered-down version of myself? I didn't get that. I felt I was a lot more
confident, but it really didn't feel that way on TV.
I wanted to ask you about your branding
word, "free," which always seemed like a trick, because you're being
forced to be "free," and you're under all these restrictions and you
have to follow all these instructions for every challenge. So how do you be
"free" in that environment?
I don't even think you can fully understand
how stressful it really was. I'm modeling, and I know what to do, I know how to
model. But then you hear Mr. Jay saying, "I don't feel like you're being
free." For me, free was a meaningful word because it was something I
really did pick in my cycle 15. It had meaning behind it. I picked that word.
It wasn't given to me. It was something I chose. So, to be given that, at
first, I was like, "This is great." But it ended up leading to my
demise, because I'd be on photo shoots and they'd be like, "You're not
free, you're not free." It's such a vague word. It can mean something to
one person and something else to another. How I felt, I was being free. I was
like, "I'll do whatever the hell I wanna do!" That's my version of
free. But it wasn't their version. So for me, it was negative being given this
word that was so vague. Some girls had words that were very understandable.
Like you understand what that word means like, "pure" or
"angelic." I don't remember their words, but some of them were a
little bit easier to portray.
K:我不認為作為旁觀者的你能夠充分理解超模屋裡的壓力究竟有多大。我是在任的模特,我知道作為模特該做些什麼,也知道怎樣做模特,但是卻聽到Mr. Jay對我說:“我不認為你現在的樣子展示出了你的品牌詞語‘free’
I've got some questions from our readers
for you. One of them wants to know: Are you planning on keeping your hair red?
I am. I personally like my red hair. When I
first was told I was gonna get red hair on cycle 15, I was so scared. I was
like "No! I'm going to look horrible." But I actually love it. I love
my red hair. The only reason I dyed it back in the first place was because I
had been working in Japan. My agent was like, "We need you to be something
that's easier to book you with. You know, red hair is so distinct. The black
hair will be so much easier to book you with a variety of things." Now my
hair isn't as red as it was, but it's still red. So I can still book jobs. I'm
really happy with it, and I'm definitely keeping my red hair.
That's great. It's sort of a signature look
for you now. How has Top Model changed your life?
Top Model, honestly, cheesy as it sounds,
has really helped me learn who I am. I went into the show like a bottle. I had
all these things held in. Originally, I was like, "I'm going to the show
and I'm going to have fun," and then when I got there, it's like all these
things that I never thought would come out, came out. Since then, I was able to
grow and fully understand myself. As much as I'd like to say that I hate that I
said as much as I said on Top Model, it actually helped me grow as a person. If
it wasn't for Top Model, I don't know how long I would have been holding all
that baggage in. It actually helped me become kind of who I am now.
Are you happy or sad that you were
eliminated before next week's music video challenge?
[Laughs] Um... happy! I'm not very
musically inclined. And I'm definitely not a good writer. I never really did
very good in school. I kinda went from home to home, so I went from school to
school, too. Maybe that was why. But yeah. I'm nervous for the girls. I'm definitely
gonna stay tuned in and watch that one, because I don't know how would I have
handled that. It would have been horrible. If I wasn't eliminated this week, it
probably would have been next week, anyway.
So is it safe to say that you're rooting
for Laura?
I'm in love with Laura, and I would love to
see her win. I'm also really rooting for Alison, too. Me and her, we ended up
pushing our beds together and becoming really good friends inthe house. We
would stay up and talk to each other all night about everything. I just think
she's so original and so unique. You know, you don't know a lot of Alisons, you
know what I'm saying? I kind of think that's what an all-star needs to be.
Someone who's really unique and original. So part of me wants to say Laura just
because I love her so much. Another part of me thinks Allison would be a really
good fit for what an all-star should be, so I don't know.