it is ok(Maxwell Rivera創作的歌曲)

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Maxwell Rivera(麥克斯韋里維拉)
Maxwell Rivera是位道地的紐約客,同時流有波多黎各和印地安血統,雖然從小在教堂的唱詩班中演出,卻沒有讓Maxwell正視看待音樂這條路,一直折騰到 17歲,利用朋友送的廉價卡西歐鍵盤開始嘗試創作,受到80年代節奏藍調的影響,隨即一腳踏進音樂之途。1991年在紐約各大Club演出,經過三年的琢磨,於1994年順利簽入Columbia國際唱片旗下。散發濃郁Neo-Soul媚惑情調,靈韻穿繞如絲綢般超乎想像的舒適感受,贏得四座黑人音樂最高榮譽Soul Train獎項加冕、連續四屆葛萊美的提名肯定。
Maxwell是來自紐約的節奏藍調性靈歌手,以一頭蓬鬆的頭髮及其浪漫感性、豐沛情感建構的音樂觀在樂壇卓然自成一格。96年步入樂壇發行首張專輯「Maxwell‘s Urban Hang Suite」,旋即專輯與單曲「Ascension(Don’t Ever Wonder)」雙雙打入全美節奏藍調榜Top 10,並且獲得“滾石”雜誌樂評票選為「最佳節奏藍調藝人」,”時代雜誌”亦將這張專輯選做1996年十大最傑出專輯之一,進而榮獲葛萊美獎「最佳節奏藍調專輯」獎項的提名。而在97年“Soul Train(靈魂列車)”音樂獎中,Maxwell更是抱走叄項大獎:「最佳節奏藍調/靈魂樂男性藝人單曲」、「最佳節奏藍調/靈魂樂男性藝人專輯」,以及「最佳節奏藍調/靈魂或饒舌樂新進藝人」等。由於首張專輯的傑出表現,使得Maxwell被視做九零年代末期Urban音樂最具代表性的人物。
It Is Ok歌詞
( and one and two ah ah )
when i really need me
myself and I baby
i don't want u to change my mind
ah ah
I forget this
forget about a night so wonderful so mense
Stiring ur finger in my pie
ah but
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok it's ok ( ah ah )
why don't u leave me
when i really need me
myself and I baby
i don't want u to change my mind
ah ah
I forget this
forget about a night so wonderful so mense
Stiring ur finger in my pie
ah but
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok it's ok
can you still me
baby i am ok
every night and everyday
u don't what i want
i know what i really was
stay away of me another day
we need another man
man is having mine
don't u wanna let it go
every other day every this is pay
come on come on come on come on
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok
and 1, and 2 一,二
why don't u leave me 為什麼留我一個人,
when i really need you , myself and I ,baby 在我最需要你的時候,寶貝
i don't want u to change my mind 我不想因為你改變我的想法
ah~ah~ I forget this 我忘了,
forget about the night so wonderful so mense 我忘了那個有著月色的美妙夜晚
Stiring ur finger in my pie 我們吃著香甜的點心
ah but... heat it up don't heat it up該不該讓愛欲燃燒著我,
i might have falling love with style我快要陷入愛情了
it's ok 這樣就好
i want u baby know 我想讓你知道
it's ok 這樣就好
love me tonight 今晚 給我的愛
it's ok 這樣就好
i want u baby know 我想讓你明白
it's ok , it's ok (X2) 這樣就好
rap: can you still me 能讓我安靜點嗎?,
baby i am ok 寶貝可不可以
every night and everyday 每日每夜,
u don't do what i want 你從不做我想要的,
i know what i really was 我知道真實的自己,
stay away of me another day 留在我身邊再多一天,
we need another man 如果有另一個人
man is having mine 和我在一起
don't u wanna let it go 你會趕走他么
every other day every this is pay 隔天還會想起么?
come on come on come on 來吧
but... heat it up don't heat it up i might have falling love with style 好了寶貝,熱起來吧,帶我墜入愛情
it's ok 就這樣吧


