- 外文名:irrepressibly
- 詞性:副詞
- 發音:[ˌɪrɪˈpresəbli]
- 釋義:鎮壓不住地;無法抑制地
2. irrepressibly ADV[usu ADV adj/-ed]短語搭配 Irrepressible anger 無名業火 Irrepressible thoughts 阻擋的思考 ; 抑制不住的想法 ; 無法壓制思想 irrepressible resilience 挫折復原力 Irrepressible Brazil 勢不可擋的巴西隊完勝智利 The Irrepressible Rothbard 擋不住的羅斯巴德 You Re Irrepressible 你無可救藥 ...
《挑戰層峰》是2006年Orion Publishing出版的圖書,作者是羅伯特·陸德倫。圖書信息 出版時間/Publication Date:2006-10-01 頁 數/Pages:608 裝 幀/Format:平裝 內容簡介 仍然是一個傳奇人物在自己的一生中,鷹,英雄或anti-hero GANDOLFO的道路,回來了,irrepressibly令人生氣,那么一個5億美元雀躍起來他的衣袖。...
promise? It's a wild ride on a broomstick that kids won't soon forget 媒體推薦 Mother Witch finally agrees to let Little Witch go to school, on one condition: Little Witch must promise to be very, very bad. But can the irrepressibly good Little Witch keep her promise? Full color.
《The Lost Art of Gratitude》是一本圖書,作者是Smith, Alexander McCall 內容簡介 The sensational sixth installment in the bestselling chronicles of the irrepressibly curious Isabel Dalhousie finds our inquisitive heroine and new mother facing two very troublesome people from her past. Isabel's...
Ginny was irrepressibly rebellious.傑妮難以馴服地叛逆。The film is imbued with the star's rebellious spirit.這部電影充滿了那位明星的反叛精神。The rebellious officers, having seized the radio station, broadcast the news of the overthrow of the monarchy.反叛的軍官們占領廣播電台後播發了推翻君主制的...
coach (William Baldwin), who has designs on his sister Peggy (24's Mary Lynn Rajskub); his juvenile-delinquent friends, who suck him into their petty crimes; and his God-fearing, self-loathing mother (Academy Award nominee Kathleen Quinlan). Through it all, Tracy remains irrepressibly ...
The play between function and form here is spontaneous and undogmatic: the ramps and stairs of the swimming pool are stamped irrepressibly onto the façades and shape the internal space. 功能和形式之間的作用是自然產生和非教條的:泳池的坡道和樓梯無法避免地顯現在立面上,並且形成內部空間。網路釋義...
consumed, cigarettes smoked, "alcohol units" imbibed and other unsuitable obsessions, of a year in the life of a bright London 30-something who deplores male "fuckwittage" while pining for a steady boyfriend. As dogged at making resolutions for self-improvement as she is irrepressibly ...
but do not express your feelings about it. 怒火中燒 短語搭配 seethe with 翻譯 ground seethe 地下沸騰 seethe e 洶湧 ; 使煮沸 seethe doctor 看醫生 axle seethe 軸座 to seethe 起泡沫 irrepressibly seethe 不可抑制的憤怒 seethe out roll out 滾了出來 seethe with joy 喜氣洋洋 ; 翻譯 ...