- 外文名:intraoperative
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˌɪntrəˈɒpərətɪv]
- 美式發音:[ˌɪntrəˈɑːpərətɪv]
術中磁共振成像(intraoperative MRI)是2020年全國科學技術名詞審定委員會公布的醫學影像技術學名詞,出自《醫學影像技術學名詞》第一版。定義 醫生的手術操作與術中磁共振成像接近同步進行,使術者能觀察到肉眼不能直接觀察到的手術野,...
術中喚醒intraoperative waken-up()是在神經外科手術中,術中喚醒是一種新技術。在神經外科手術中,術中喚醒是一種新技術。術中喚醒(intraoperative waken-up)又叫手術喚醒,手術喚醒最開始是用在諸如脊柱側彎矯正一類手術中。以前的...
術中超聲(intraoperative ultrasound)是指在手術中套用超聲進行診斷及鑑別診斷。1950年,Wild首先將A型超聲套用於腦腫瘤的手術中,繼而套用於腎結石、膽結石和肝臟腫瘤的治療中。1964年日本學者研究使用手術專用探頭,如“T”形或“I”形...
產品名稱(中文)磁共振導航系統 產品名稱(英文)IntraoperativeMagneticResonanceImageGuidanceSystem 規格型號PoleStarN-20 產品標準YZB/ISR1233-2005《磁共振導航系統》
13. Intraoperative and Laparoscopic Ultrasound: A Surgical Tool of Great Versatility 術中和腹腔鏡超聲:用途非常廣泛的外科工具 14. Electrocautery, Argon Beam Coagulation, Cryotherapy, and Other Hemostatic and Tissue Ablative ...
intraoperative radiotherapy術中放療 ; 手術中放射治療 ; 中放射治療 ; 可單獨進行術中放療 雙語例句 1.If thecancerhas notspreadfar,youmayhavechemotherapyandradiotherapyatthe sametime.如果癌症並沒有蔓延,到目前為止,您可能已經...
sigmoidectomy,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[外科] 乙狀結腸切除術”。短語搭配 Intraoperative sigmoidectomy window 開腹開窗術 laparoscopic-assisted sigmoidectomy 腹腔鏡輔助下乙狀結腸切除術 雙語例句 Results Complete ...
This volume on tissue expansion in surgery covers the proper indications for expansion, the procedures for both chronic and intraoperative expansion, the benefits and disadvantages of the procedures, and the management of ...
with over one thousand images, the Atlas' highly illustrative approach tackles the difficult subject of epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes, accompanied by sequential photographs of each management step. Intraoperative ...
resorbent,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時譯為“再吸收的”,作名詞時譯為“吸收劑”。短語搭配 resorbent t 吸收劑 resorbent resorptive 再吸收的 intraoperative resorbent autotransfusion 術中回收式自體輸血法 同...
cytologic, and diagnostic imaging appearance of every type of head and neck pathology, including brand-new coverage of thyroid and parathyroid disorders. You'll also find completely new guidance on identifying intraoperative spe...
also reviews all of the basic principles that underlie the selection and application of radiation as a treatment modality, including radiobiology, radiation physics, immobilization and simulation, high dose rate, intraoperative ...
surgery in step-by-step detail. The outstanding drawings are accompanied by brief, clear text descriptions filled with clinical tips and pearls. The illustrations are often paired with radiographs showing intraoperative progress...
intraoperative cholangiography 術中膽道造影 ; 膽道造影 ; 膽管造影 ; 術中膽管造影 transjugular cholangiography 經頸靜脈膽管造影 cholangiography cannula 膽管造影插管 peritoneoscopic cholangiography 腹腔鏡膽管造影 cholecystectomy ...
latest advances in this rapidly evolving specialty. The experts at the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) present new developments in 3D echocardiography, aortic and mitral valve disease, interventional and intraoperative ...
洗胃方法 Bronchoalceolar lavage 支氣管肺灌洗 intraoperative lavage 術中灌洗 lavage drainage 雙套管引流 repeated lavage 反覆沖洗 lavage technique 灌洗法 lavage administration 灌洗 lavage therapy 灌腸治療 stomach lavage 洗胃 ...