n. 隔熱,絕緣,隔音;隔熱(或絕緣、隔音)材料;隔絕狀態
Better insulation of your home will help to reduce heating bills. 增加房子的隔熱性能會有助於減少供暖費用。
High electricity bills point to a poor heating system or bad insulation. 高額的電費賬單表明供暖系統較差或者是隔熱材料不好。
The plastic resin is used in a wide range of products, including electrical wire insulation. 塑膠合成樹脂被廣泛套用到各種產品中,包括電線的絕緣層。
Buildings in Shanghai continue to spring up without loft insulation or double glazing. 在上海,沒有頂樓隔熱或雙層玻璃的建築不斷湧現。
He bought a new water boiler with a digitally controlled pump, and wrapped insulation around the pipes. 他買了一個帶有數字控制泵的新水鍋爐,並在管道周圍包裹了絕緣材料。
Hatchlings are simply too small to conserve body heat, even with insulation and countercurrent exchange systems. 剛孵出的小海龜太小了,即使有保溫和逆流交換系統,也無法保持體溫。
The low growth form can also permit the plants to take advantage of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover. 低矮生長形態也能讓植物利用冬季積雪提供的隔離環境。
That holds double for the landlord or developer, who won't actually see a penny of the savings his investment in better insulation or a better heating system might generate. 這對房東或開發商來說是雙倍的好處,因為他們實際上會看到,自己在更好的隔熱或更好的供暖系統上的投資不會節省一分錢。
They lived in happy insulation from brutal facts. 他們生活在幸福中,與殘酷事實相隔絕。
Insulation protects the leatherback everywhere but on its head and flippers. 除了頭部和鰭狀肢外,棱皮龜的全身都有鯨脂保護。
Often, you will only need this in the coldest weather, when the fleece adds extra insulation between your base layer and your outer layer. 通常你只會在最冷的天氣才需要這個,羊毛會在你的底層和外套之間增加一個額外的隔絕層。
Roof insulation retains heat in the home in winter. 屋頂隔熱層可在冬季保持室內溫度。
The insulation in your home should also be reviewed. 絕緣工作要重新檢查。
I do think it's insulation in very category to some degree. 我確實認為,這是一種孤立,在一定程度上,是範疇問題。
Install weather stripping, insulation, and storm Windows. 安裝擋風雨條和抵擋風雪的窗戶。
Better insulation standards for buildings can be had instantly. 更規範的建築物隔熱標準能很快出台。
The blown-in insulation and broken glass filled our hair and eyes. 吹進來的絕緣體和破碎的玻璃進入到我們的頭髮和眼睛裡。
Its U.S. operation, in Shelbyville, Ind., makes building insulation. 公司在美國印第安納州謝爾比·維爾市經營製造建築隔熱隔音材料業務。
Also, thieves sometimes burn off the insulation on electrical cabling anyway. 小偷有時候會想盡辦法燒掉電纜外面的絕緣部分。
The Challenger was launched next and another piece of insulation broke off. 接下來的是“挑戰者”號的發射升空,還是橡膠密封圈破裂。
The wooden core offers maximum thermal insulation, and thus efficient operation. 木芯能夠提供最大幅度的保溫隔熱性,從而有效地運作。
Primary considerations were airtightness, thermal mass and high levels of insulation. 最初考慮的是氣密性、熱容量和高級隔熱材料。
Structure: Wood frame construction with maximum thermal insulation and noise reduction 結構:木主體結構建築,擁有最佳隔熱和降噪性能
For their part, the radiators underneath are getting a new layer of insulation as well. 而對窗戶下方的散熱器來說,這也是一個新的隔熱層。
In 2003, the Space Shuttle Columbia was damaged by a dislodged piece of insulation. 在2003年哥倫比亞號太空梭由於一塊彈落得碎片受損。
Many people have already installed insulation and double-glazing, but more is to be done. 許多人已經安裝了絕緣和雙層玻璃,但這些還遠遠不夠。
Typically, the insulation will regain its ability to block water hours, or even days, later. 通常電纜的絕緣層在數小時甚至數天之後才能恢復其防水能力。
It was that layering of snow, police believe, that acted as insulation and saved her life. 警察確信,一定是那些積雪把她和暴風雪隔開並救了他。