



  • 外文名:instantly
  • 詞性:副詞、連詞
  • 英標:[ˈɪnstəntli]
  • 譯義: 立即地;馬上地;即刻地
  • 美標:[ˈɪnstəntli]


英 [ˈɪnstəntli] 美 [ˈɪnstəntli]
adv. 立刻,馬上;<舊>急切地,堅持地
conj. 一……就……


Love Instantly 愛立刻
instantly ad 立即
Watch Instantly 立即觀賞 ; 即時看 ; 立即看 ; 立即觀看
died instantly 當場死亡 ; 當場喪生
instantly-recallable 即時調出
instantly complete 即時完成 ; 瞬間完成
Instantly-dissolving drink 即溶飲料
Instantly Drunk Spray 速醉噴霧


  • The man was killed instantly. 那人立即被殺死了。
  • I was instantly branded as a rebel. 我立刻被歸為造反者。
  • I recognized it instantly and felt a quiver of panic. 我立刻認出它了,感到一陣驚恐的顫抖。
  • She can pick up a tune instantly on the piano. It's a gift. 她聽到曲子就能馬上用鋼琴彈出來,這是天分。
  • I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened. 我感到了一下輕輕的撞擊,立刻就明白髮生了什麼。
  • Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits. 計算機能立刻讀取數百萬條信息。
  • In a pinstriped suit he instantly looked like a stuffed shirt. 穿上一套細條紋西裝後,他馬上就顯得一本正經。
  • You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture. 你可以改善坐姿,腹部就會馬上顯得平些。
  • In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life. 電影中,槍能使人在瞬間斃命,而實際情況並非如此。
  • It became difficult to promote conventional ideas of excellence without being instantly accused of elitism. 倡議傳統優秀價值觀,很難不立刻招來精英主義的指責。
  • Almost instantly I loved her. 我幾乎立刻就愛上了她。
  • He must obey it instantly, and go. 他必須立即服從命令,然後前往。
  • Heidi obeyed and returned instantly. 海蒂聽從吩咐,馬上回來了。
  • Instantly he forgot his quarrel with her. 他立刻忘記了和她的爭吵。
  • "I complain of Michael," said Curly instantly. “我對麥可表示抗議。”科里立刻說。
  • Slightly cried instantly, "The Wendy lady lives." 斯萊利立刻喊道:“溫迪女士還活著。”
  • Some people told the truth instantly and instinctively. 有些人立即本能地說出了真相。
  • They must be followed instantly to get them back again. 必須立即跟著他們,讓他們回來。
  • "I don't think he is a cypher," Tootles cried instantly. “我認為他不是無足輕重的人。”圖圖立刻叫道。
  • I opened the letter instantly and read: I laughed and wept. 我立刻打開信讀了起來,我又笑又哭。
  • He instantly said: "I stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn!" 他立刻說:“我在路上停下跟哈克貝利·費恩講話了!”
  • There was a gleam of legs, and instantly the lagoon seemed deserted. 許多腿一閃,礁湖立刻顯得空無一人。
  • "I remember," said Slightly instantly, "there are birds called Wendies." “我記得,”斯萊利立刻說,“有一種鳥叫溫迪鳥。”
  • Instantly he disengaged himself, fell back a pace, and waited all attention. 他立刻掙脫出來,往後退了一步,全神貫注地等待著。
  • Hook did so instantly, but with a tragic feeling that Peter was showing good form. 胡克立刻做了,但他帶著一種悲劇性的感覺,覺得彼得表現得很好。
  • By means of modern technology we are able to communicate with each other instantly. 通過現代技術,我們可以即時通信。
  • The King exclaimed, turning to the jury, who instantly made a memorandum of the fact. 國王大叫道,轉過身看著陪審員,陪審員立即做了記錄。
  • Instantly a ring was formed around the gladiators, and the betting and cheering began. 大家立刻把角鬥士們圍成一圈,開始打賭和歡呼。
  • I fell in love with it instantly and continued with ballet dancing for about ten years. 我立刻就愛上了它,並繼續跳了大約十年的芭蕾舞。
  • The room was crowded with people dearest to her and the warmth and love was felt instantly. 房間裡擠滿了她最親近的人,她立刻感到了熱情與愛。

