n. 調查者;詢問者
I write personally to each inquirer. 我親自給每位問訊者回信。
She read the comics in the Philadelphia Inquirer. 她看了《費城調查者報》的連環漫畫。
Mirror in the Inquirer. 鏡子在問詢。
I have come as an inquirer, not to flaunt what I know. 我來這兒是一個提問者,並不是要炫耀我的知識。
The fellow turned a keen, watchful face on the inquirer. 這個小伙子把臉轉向問話的人,表情敏銳而機警。
The fellow turned a keen , watchful face on the inquirer. 這個小伙子把臉轉向問話的人, 表情敏銳而機警。
B Now what is the state of the inquirer who has come thus far? 現在是什麼狀態的詢問了前來迄今?
"It's easy to find the poverty," he told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “發現貧困很容易,”他告訴費城調查報。
If there are any damages, the inquirer shall be liable for compensation. 造成損失的,查閱人應當承擔賠償責任。
The following is the text of a letter I sent to an inquirer in 1991 regarding the tests. 下面這封信就是我對1991年關於我的測試的一些查詢的回答。
The boy's family reportedly sought legal action to combat the bill, The Inquirer reports. 據《問詢報》報導,為了拒絕這份賬單,小男孩的家人甚至提起了訴訟。
You can get it at the news - stands, "he added politely, seeing how pretty the inquirer was." “你可以在報攤上買到的。”看見來詢問的人這么漂亮,他客氣地又加了一句。
Another big thought, I wanna be a part of the politics, any part will be fine, even up for a poll inquirer. 還有另一個理想,我想從政,無論是什麼部門,甚至是民意調查機構,我也不介意。
As the Philadelphia Inquirer points out: "the public is basically clueless about this controversy, and no wonder." 如《費城問詢報》指出的:“也難怪市民對此爭議基本上不明白。”
Enquiries made by the buyer are to get information about the goods to be ordered, and are no binding on the inquirer. 買方發出的詢盤是為了獲得擬定購商品的有關信息,對發出詢盤的存在約束力。
Last Philadelphia's main newspaper, the Inquirer, endorsed him, completing his run of almost all the big papers in the state. 最後一家費城的主流報紙問詢者也表態支持他,使他爭取這大洲幾乎全部大報的努力宣告圓滿結束。
Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Trudy Rubin traveled to the Marefat School in April 2009 and found it "buzzing with activity." 費城調查報的專欄作家TrudyRubin在2009年的4月份訪問了Marefat學校,並且發現那兒“熙熙攘攘、熱熱鬧鬧”的。
When requested, formal answers will be made in writing to the inquirer with copies to the applicable code and standard groups. ASNT將書面正式答覆詢問者,並將副本送交有關法規和標準組織。
From the happy vagrant and anguished exiled prisoner to anxious inquirer, the poetic subject shows the change of Wen Yiduo s poetic emotions. 主體經過了快樂的流浪漢、痛苦的“流囚”到焦灼的拷問者這三個階段的變化,從而展現了聞一多詩歌情緒的變化過程。
The Minneapolis Star Tribune and the Philadelphia Inquirer are also on the brink, according to Lauren Fine, an industry expert at Kent State University. 據肯特州立大學的行業專家Lauren Fine稱,《明尼阿波利斯明星論壇報》和《費城問詢報》也處在懸崖邊緣。
Since 2008 it has expanded and reinvented itself as a multimedia news producer under the leadership of Robert Rosenthal, a former editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer. 自2008年以來,該機構就不斷擴張,在前《費城詢問報》總編輯r·羅森塔爾(Robert Rosenthal)的領導下,將自身重新打造成了一個多媒體新聞生產者。
Wax protected the inquirer from exposure to the foulness that permeated the majority of the texts, preventing one's anchor of reason from being too easily washed away. 蠟保護查詢者免受暴露在那滲透了大部分文本的污物,防止他的理性之錨被輕易的沖走。
"This team does play hard, and we have other things we can go to if they don't get the grasp of the offense early in the season," Jordan told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “這個球隊訓練的很努力,而且如果球隊在賽季初期不能適應的話我們還有很多其他的可以做,”喬丹和費城詢問報說。
Groups like the Raelians reflect the tastes of Inquirer readers and in turn provide many a thrilling headline for us all as we stand in line waiting to pay for our groceries. 而像拉耶爾教徒這樣的群體,則反映了該報讀者的趣味,反過來也為我們在排隊等著付款時提供了很多相當刺激的新聞標題。
The inquirer of the Registration Materials may copy the information in the Registration Materials, or ask the staff member of the Registration Organ to duplicate relevant Registration Materials. 登記資料的查閱人可以自行抄錄登記信息,也可以委託登記機構複製有關的登記資料。
The inquirer mentioned in Item 4 and Item 5 of Article 7 shall keep confidential of the contents of the Original Documents and may not divulge the privacy or trade secret of the parties concerned. 本規定第七條第(四)、(五)項所列查閱人,應當對查閱的原始憑證的內容保密,不得泄露當事人的隱私或者商業秘密。