



  • 外文名:ingenious
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 釋義:有獨創性的;機靈的,精製的;心靈手巧的
  • 英式讀音:[ɪnˈdʒiːniəs]


Ingenious Learning巧學
ingenious speculators投機商人
Ingenious Distortion巧妙變形


  • 1You must have managed to escape, you clever, ingenious, intelligent Toad!你一定是設法逃出來的,你這聰明機靈的癩蛤蟆!
  • 2They are motivated to find ingenious ways to persuade their interlocutor.他們受到激勵去尋找巧妙的方法去說服他們的對話者。
  • 3His smartness of the morning had seemed to Tom a good joke before, and very ingenious.湯姆之前覺得他早上耍的小聰明是個很好的笑話,而且很有獨創性。
  • 4It is the starting point to which the theorist returns after every ingenious excursion.它是理論家在每一次巧妙的旅行之後返回的出發點。
  • 5In its own right it is a tool of extraordinary sophistication, yet based on an idea of ingenious simplicity.就其本身而言,它是一種極其複雜的工具,但卻基於一種巧妙而簡單的理念。
  • 6It's this final movement of the simile, according to this ingenious argument by Geoffrey Hartman, that Hartman calls the counter-plot.根據哈特曼巧妙的論點,這就是這個比喻最後的樂章,他稱之為反計。
  • 7The rich, green canopy is teeming with life, and forest researchers have developed ingenious methods for accessing this mysterious ecosystem.富饒的綠樹冠上充滿了生命,森林研究人員已經研究出了進入這個神秘生態系統的巧妙方法。
  • 8Should you find yourself on the receiving end of this kind of complaining, there's an ingenious way to shut it down which is to agree with it, ardently.如果你發現自己是這種抱怨的接受者,有一個巧妙的方法來結束它,那就是強烈同意這種抱怨。
  • 9She's very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.她很善於找藉口。《牛津詞典》
  • 10Man is very ingenious.人類非常聰明。
  • 11He studied the Namib beetle, an ingenious species that lives in one of the driest places on earth.他研究了納米布甲蟲,這是一種靈巧的物種,生活在世界上最乾燥的地方之一。
  • 12The sculptures enthrall tourists with their ingenious construction.這些雕塑以其精妙的設計使很多遊客著迷。
  • 13He did an ingenious experiment.他做了一個獨創性的實驗。
  • 14Goofy, yes. But also ingenious.傻瓜式的,是啊,但是也很新穎。
  • 15Others block sounds in ingenious ways.其它板塊的聲音用來一種很巧妙的方式。
  • 16I got an ingenious solution to the problem.我有了解決這個問題的妙方。
  • 17This ingenious idea has immediate face validity.這一巧妙的主意有直接的表面效用。
  • 18Descartes comes up with an ingenious program.笛卡爾想出了一個天才的計畫。
  • 19It has devised many ingenious ways to do this.為此,他們設計了許多別出心裁的方式。
  • 20The design of the new opera house is ingenious.這個新的歌劇院的設計真的是很有創意。
  • 21She's had some ingenious ideas for saving money.她在存錢方面有非常多的好點子。
  • 22All clockwork, but some of them are quite ingenious.全部是依靠機械力,但有些是很有創意的。
  • 23He found two ways to save the books, both ingenious.他用兩種絕妙的方式拯救書籍。
  • 24Fortunately, his son inherited the father's 'ingenious mind.幸虧他的兒子繼承了父親機靈的思維。
  • 25Spider webs are more than homes, and they are ingenious traps.蜘蛛網對蜘蛛來說不僅僅是家,它們還是奇妙的引蟲入網的陷阱。
  • 26It is an ingenious stab at solving several nagging problems at once.這是個一勞永逸解決數個煩人的小問題的巧妙設計。
  • 27Ingenious technology has failed to give them what they so badly need.因為這是他們最需要的,卻是先進的技術未能給予的。
  • 28He was brilliant, acclaimed for an ingenious thesis on ionized gases.他很聰明,他的有獨創性的關於電離氣的論文被讚揚。
  • 29Proponents of Eurobonds have an ingenious answer to both these objections.歐元債券的支持者很巧妙的回應了反對的聲音。


