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  • 外文名:inferno
  • 英式音標:[ɪnˈfɜːnəʊ]
  • 美式音標:[ɪnˈfɜːrnoʊ]
  • 詞性:名詞


英 [ɪnˈfɜːnəʊ] 美 [ɪnˈfɜːrnoʊ]


  • n. 陰間,地獄;地獄之火
[ 複數 infernos ]


The Towering Inferno 沖天大火災
Little Inferno 小小煉獄


  • The building was now a raging inferno. 這座大樓現在正烈焰熊熊。《牛津詞典》
  • Rescue workers fought to get to victims inside the inferno. 救援人員奮力營救大火中的受害者。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • But what of the current inferno? 但是目前的火海卻將如何呢?
  • Let's start an inferno. 讓我們展開一個地獄吧。
  • Inferno by Dante Alighieri - (Download PDF). 煉獄(但丁)-下載。
  • Inferno Cone at Craters of the Moon in Idaho. 煉獄錐在愛達荷州在月球隕石坑。
  • It all looks like something out of Dante's Inferno. 所有這一切看起來就像是但丁《神曲》中的《地獄篇》。
  • A television commentator called the blaze an "inferno." 一位電視評論員稱這大火是“地獄之火”。
  • Helicopter crews far above the inferno felt the heat. 直升機機組在距離煉獄更高的上空仍感覺到了熱浪。
  • The place was a roaring, raging, roar ing, etc inferno. 那地方是一片熊熊的、滾滾的、咆哮的…火海。
  • The place was a blazing, raging, roaring , etc inferno. 那地方是一片熊熊的、滾滾的、咆哮的…火海。
  • Three asylum-seekers drowned fleeing the inferno. Two are still missing. 但是在4月16日,這艘船爆炸了,有三名難民為逃避火勢跳進海里被溺死,另有兩人失蹤。
  • Increases the Destiny of the Hero by 4. Only selectable by Inferno Heroes. 英雄的天命力(幸運)加4點。只有開局選擇地獄英雄時才能使用。
  • In just seconds, a spark or even the sun's heat alone sets off an inferno. 僅僅只是短短的數秒時間,一點火光甚至只是太陽的熱量就能變成地獄。
  • The Windows had iron bars on them leaving only one door to escape the inferno. 窗戶上裝著鐵欄桿,只留下一道門讓人逃離這座地獄。
  • The inferno spewed a deadly plume of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere. 這個像煉獄般的地方將一縷致死的放射性同位素噴入大氣層。
  • Instead, imagine a cross between the monsters from Dead Space and Dante's Inferno. 相反,設法想像從死海之間的空間和但丁的地獄的怪物交叉。
  • Fires burned for three days. Roads and Bridges to escape the inferno had been destroyed. 大火燃燒了三天,而可以逃生的道路和橋樑早已被摧毀。
  • Or, they would describe it as an elaborate hell, with levels and sections not unlike Dante's 'Inferno. 或者他們會將其描述為象但丁的《神曲》中有層次和區域的地獄。
  • Turner had rushed to the scene along with hundreds of others to see the inferno on the Banks of Thames. 透納當時和許多其他人一樣火速趕到現場觀看泰晤士河岸的熊熊烈火。
  • They should also have a clear idea of how best to descend the towering inferno should such an emergency arise. 如果發生這樣的緊急情況,他們也應該清楚地知道逃出這一高聳的地獄的最佳之道。
  • But those who climb Inferno Cone may find themselves disappointed because they can't find the source of the eruption. 但是,這些誰爬地獄錐可能會發現自己的失望,因為他們無法找到的爆發源。
  • After midnight she stands there in her black rig rooted to the spot. Back of her is the little alleyway that blazes like an inferno. 午夜過後她用黑假腿一動不動地站在那兒,身後是一條小胡同,裡面像一座地獄一樣燈火通明。


