



  • 外文名:infantryman
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英標:[ˈɪnfəntrimən]
  • 譯義:步兵
  • 美標:[ˈɪnfəntrimən]


英 [ˈɪnfəntrimən] 美 [ˈɪnfəntrimən]
n. 步兵
[ 複數 infantrymen ]


Future Infantryman 未來步兵 ; 德國未來步兵
Combat Infantryman Badge 作戰步兵徽章
infantry infantryman 步兵
Infantryman with Networked Equipment 網路化裝備步兵 ; 法國網路化裝備步兵
foot soldier infantryman 徒步行軍和打仗的士兵
Expert Infantryman Badge 步兵章
Line Infantryman 德軍前線步兵


  • How do you intimidate a combat infantryman? 你又能拿一個戰鬥兵怎么辦?
  • Union soldiers; Federal forces; a Federal infantryman. 聯軍;聯合武裝;聯合步兵。
  • Despite heavy enemy fire, a young infantryman rushes to the aid of his fallen sergeant. 一名步兵冒著敵人的重重火力,援救倒下的中士。
  • Some speculated he was shot by an infantryman who had stumbled upon him during mop-up operations. 有些人猜測,他是被一個在執行掃尾行動的步兵發現並射殺的。
  • A survey of American soldiers—the first conducted in 40 years—found that an infantryman typically carries around 120 pounds, or 55kg, on his back. 一次針對美國士兵的調查——40年來第一次——顯示一名步兵通常要背負120磅,合55公斤的裝備。
  • To an infantryman, military operations in urbanized terrain (MOUT) involves some form. of breaking down a door and spraying a room with machine guns. 對一個步兵來說,城市地形條件下的軍事行動包括幾種打破房門以及用機槍掃射房屋的方式。
  • The U.S. infantryman, while requiring far too luxurious logistical support, put up a nice fight in France; he was fresh well-fed, and unscarred by battle. 美國步兵雖然需要過於奢侈的後勤支持,但是在法國進行了頑強的戰鬥,他們精神飽滿,營養充足,並沒被戰爭所嚇倒。 正譯:美國步兵雖然需要過於奢侈的後勤支持,但是在法國進行了頑強的戰鬥,他們精神飽滿,營養充足,還沒受到戰爭的創傷。
  • Dragoon: (1501 ~ 2000) in late 16th-century Europe, a mounted soldier who fought as a light cavalryman on attack and as a dismounted infantryman on defense. 龍騎兵:(1501 ~ 2000)在16世紀後期的歐洲,進攻時騎馬作戰,防禦時下馬成為普通步兵的一種騎兵。
  • Some speculated he was shot by an infantryman who had stumbled upon him during mop-up operations. Others claimed he was killed after being tricked into turning himself in. 有些人臆測,他是因為掃蕩行動中,一位步兵不小心踉蹌撞上他而誤擊,其他人宣稱,他是因為中計遇擒後遭到射殺。
  • An infantryman on the Unionist side in the American civil war (1861-65) was, on his reckoning, five times as good at hitting his foe as his Mexican, British or Continental European counterpart. 他認為在美國內戰中(1861年—1865年),聯合派中的一名美國步兵的射擊水平要比墨西哥、英國或是歐陸國家的步兵高出5倍。


