Reid Mitchell,男,1955年4月出生,博士學位,中國海洋大學外國語學院教授。
- 中文名:ReidMitchell
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:歷史、創造性寫作
- 任職院校:中國海洋大學
1977年 紐奧良大學 學士學位 主攻歷史 在歷史和英文方面獲得殊榮
1979年 維吉尼亞州的威廉及瑪麗學院 碩士學位 歷史
1985年 加州伯克利大學 博士學位 歷史
1998年 沃倫威爾遜學院 文學碩士 創造性寫作
2014年至今 中國廣州中山大學 外國語學院
2012年-2014年 中國北京清華大學 外國語學院
2011年-2012年 中國泉州華僑大學 外國語學院
2010年-2011年 紐約州奧爾巴尼奧爾巴尼大學分校 歷史系
2009年-2010年 中國泉州華僑大學 外語學院
2008年-2009年 中國無錫江南大學 外國語學院
2005年-2006年 香港大學富布賴特美國學教授
2000年春季 美國杜蘭大學 客座教授
1998年春季 匈牙利羅蘭大學 布達佩斯
1993年-1999年 馬里蘭州巴爾的摩大學1998年-1999年 教授
1986年-1993年 普林斯頓大學 講師1986-1988年 助理教授1988-1993年
1985年-1986年 羅格斯大學 客座講師
1. 歷史
2. 創造性寫作
1. 高級英語寫作
2. 社會科學通論
3. 西方經典閱讀
Civil War Soldiers. Viking Press, 1988. historical monograph.
The Vacant Chair: the Northern Soldier Leaves Home. Oxford University Press, 1993. historical monograph.
All on a Mardi Gras Day: Episodes in the History of New Orleans Carnival. Harvard University Press, 1995. historical monograph.
A Man Under Authority. Turtle Point Press, 1997. novel.
The American Civil War. Longman Seminar Series, 2001. textbook. Italian edition: La guerra civile americana. il Mulino: Universale Paperbacks, 2003.
"Allen Tate's Image of the South," Master's thesis, the College of William and Mary, 1979.
"The Civil War Soldier," dissertation, University of California, 1985.
"The Creation of Confederate Loyalties," Abzug and Maizlish, ed., New Perspectives on Race and Slavery in America: Essays in Honor of Kenneth M. Stampp. University Press of Kentucky, 1986.
"The Northern Soldier and his Community," Maris A. Vinovskis, ed., Toward a Social History of the Civil War. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
"The Perseverance of the Soldiers," Gabor Boritt, ed., Why the Confederacy Lost. Oxford University Press, 1992. (papers delivered at the Civil War Institute, Gettysburg College, 1991.)
"Soldiering, Manhood, and Coming of Age: a Northern Volunteer," Clinton and Silber, eds., Divided Houses: Gender and the Civil War. Oxford University Press, 1992.
introduction to Rosenblatt and Rosenblatt, eds., Hard Marching Every Day: The Civil War Journal of Private Wilbur Fisk. University Press of Kansas, 1992.
introduction to Marcia Reed-Green, Letters Home: Henry Matrau of the Iron Brigade. University of Nebraska Press, 1993.
"'Our prison system, supposing we had any': The Confederate and the Union Prison Systems" Forster and Nagler, eds., On the Road to Total War: The American Civil War and the German Wars of Unification, 1861-1871. Cambridge University Press, 1997. also published as "Our Prison System, Supposing We Had Any: Die Kriegsgefangenpolitik der Konfoderierten und der Unionisten im Amerikanischen Burgerkrief," Rudige Overmans, ed., In Der Hands des Feindes:Kriegsgsefangenschaft von der Antike bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Bohlau Verlag, 1999.
introductions to the three volumes of Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
"The GI in Europe and the American Military Tradition," Addison and Calder, ed. Time to Kill: the Soldier's Experience of War in the West, 1939-1945. Pimlico, 1997. (papers delivered at a conference on the soldier's experience in the Second World War held at Edinburgh University in 1995.)
"Christian Solders? Perfecting the Confederacy," Miller, Stout, and Wilson, Religion and the American Civil War. Oxford University Press, 1998. (papers from a symposium on Civil War era religion held at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1994.)
"'Not the general but the soldier': the study of Civil War Soldiers" McPherson and Cooper, eds., Writing the Civil War: the Quest to Understand. University of South Carolina Press, 1998.
"The Infantryman in Combat," North & South, Volume 4, number 6, August 2001, 12-21.
“Significando Carnaval: Afro-Creole em New Orleans Do Seculo XIX e Inicio Do XX,” Maria Clementina Pereira Cunha, ed., Carnavaise e Oputras F(r)ertas, Campinas, Brazil: Editora de Unicamp, 2002.
“Carnival and Katrina,” Journal of American History, 94 (Dec. 2007), 789-794.
“Tsang’s Metamorphoses: A Review of Phoebe Tsang’s Contents of a Mermaid’s Purse,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, November 2009, Issue 9. [w.asiancha.issue/9/reidmitchell]
“Mao's Ghosts: reviews of Fiona Sze-Lorain's Water the Moon and Stephen Schroeder's A Dim Sum of the Day Before,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, September 2010, Issue 12.
“On The Shelf of Dead Objects: Kristine Ong Muslim's A Roomful of Machines,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, November, 2011, Issue 13.
“Learning to Hear Mani Rao: Mani Rao's Ghostmasters,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, November, 2011, Issue 13.
'Naming a Fish,” Eastlit, February 2014. [w.eastlit.eastlit-february-2014/eastlit-february-2014-content/wings-toward-sunlight/]
Book reviews in Reviews in American History, New York Times Book Review, Journal of Southern History, African American Review, Georgia Historical Quarterly, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, American Historical Review, the Asian Review of Books on the Web, and elsewhere.
"Conspiracy Tours," (short story) The Crescent Review, volume 13, number 3, 1995.
"The Hood Place," (short story) Alligator Juniper. Fall 1996.
“Accordion Music (short story), Bayou, 2002.
“Pick One,” Word Salad Poetry Magazine, Summer, 2007. [//]
“54 Leighton Road,” “Ten Dollars Hong Kong,” and “Hiring Mourners in Wan Chai,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, issue 1, November, 2007. [w.asiancha.index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=25&Itemid=88]
“Singapore River,” “When I imagine us,” “Ghost Bodies,” “Sanctuary,’ “In Praise of Youth,” Mascara Poetry, issue 2, October, 2007. [w.mascarapoetry.issue2/reid_mitchell.htm]
"Lilik in barlight", "Ambassador Mall", "Tangkuban Perahu" Asia Literary Review, (Spring 2008. No. 7), 179-180.
"Since I left Hong Kong", "Lux", "Old lines collected", "Pearls drop by drop", "Once upon a time", "Chinaberry tree" Poetry Macao (Issue#2 February 2008) [w.geocities.poetrymacaoissue2/poems/reid_mitchell.htm]
"Flowers are as permanent as brick" Cha: An Asian Literary Journal (Hong Kong, Issue#4, August 2008) [w.asiancha.index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=208&Itemid=124]
"When she asks me which one I love the best", "Fox spirits", "Spring cannot be locked in a garden" Softblow (Singapore, August 2008) [w.softblow.mitchell.html]
"Nephew" Origami Condom (Issue#6, 2008), 43.
"Emotional politics" Nth Position (July 2008). [w.nthposition.emotionalpolitics.php]
"Parchment Crane" The Pedestal Magazine (Issue#46, June 21-August 21 2008). [w.thepedestalmagazine.Secure/content/cb.asp?cbid=5374]
“Waiting,” and “The Width of One Eye” Asia Literary Review, (Hong Kong, Issue #4, August 2008).
“Paper Carnation,” Blue Fifth Review, (Fall 2008). [w.angelfire.zine/bluefifth/Fall2008/poems4F08.html]
“She Hides Her Mouth With Her Hand,” At-Large Magazine, (Fall, 2008). []
“Qing” and “Soot,” In Posse Review, (issue #25, 2008) [w.inpossereview.IPR_Mitchell.htm]
"Bride" (English original by me, Chinese translation by Tammy Ho Lai-ming) Poetry Sky Quarterly (Winter 2008).
“On Green Mango Street,” Quarterly Literary Review Singapore (Vol 8., No 1, January 2009) . [w.qlrs.poem.asp?id=662]
“Upcountry Daughters,” Blue Fog Journal. [//bluefogjournal.?s=Reid+Mitchel]
“My Last Yankee,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, (#7, May, 2009). [w.asiancha.index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=347&Itemid=176]
“To Work with a Sharp Tool,” Foundling Review, October, 2009, Issue 1. [w.foundlingreview.Oct2009Issue1Mitchell.html]
“Tiny Pyramids,” The Furnace Review, fall 2009. [w.thefurnacereview.fall09/]
“Felisberto Herandez,” “You Don’t Get One Thing Without the Other,” “No Trumpets,” Zone, autumn 2009. [//zonefornone.blogspot.2009/11/new-poems-from-reid-mitchell.html.] “You Don't Get One Thing Without the Other” reprinted Reprint Poetry, January 3, 2012. [//reprintpoetry.wordpress.]
“Never Give a Clock to a Dead Man,” Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2010. [w.qlrs.poem.asp?id=737]
“All Her Household are Clothed in Scarlet,” Up the Staircase, Issue 8, Winter 2010. [//]
“Mouth Pursed for a Kiss,” “Jabberwock Sandwiches,” “Wise Onion,” Asia Literary Review, No. 21, Autumn 2011, 182-184.
“Iron Arthritis,” “Silkest,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, No. 18, September 2012.
[w.asiancha.content/view/1281/366/] [w.asiancha.content/view/1226/356/]
“Lit By Fujian Moonlight,” “Woman With a Man’s Heart,” Unshod Quills, October 27, 2012.
“Sea Shells,” Reprint Poetry, November 4, 2012.
“Love Poem,” Asia Literary Review, No. 25, Autumn, 2012, 101.
“Hospital So Lazy It Let The Sick Girl Die,” Far Enough East, No 1, undated [December 21, 2012]
“Midnight Morning, Reprint Poetry, February 8, 2013.
“But Lord Where Would I Go?” Asia Literary Review, October 26, 2013. web exclusive. [w.asialiteraryreview.lord-where-would-i-go]
“Going Up the Country: a rendition of a poem by Tao Yuanming,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Issue 22, December 2013. [w.asiancha.content/view/1541/427/]
“Seeking Food Soul in Hong Kong: 'Pork chop bone missing bun;' 'If I can lick this fish, Xin Magazine, #3, (Winter 2013-2014), (Den Haag, Netherlands),
"For J. G. Ballard," Reprint Poetry, February 9, 2014. [//reprintpoetry.2014/02/09/reid-mitchell-4/]
"Li Po Brags Again," "Du Fu is Not Home," "Addressed to the True Dowager Empress," "First Farewell to Jinagnan," and "What Family She Has." Eastlit, March 2014. [w.eastlit.eastlit-march-2014/eastlit-march-2014-content/reid-mitchell-poetry/]
"I Planted a Banana Tree Outside My Window," Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, March 2014 (Issue 23). w.asiancha.content/view/1638/432/
" Su Dong Po's Red Pork," "Li Po Becomes a Catfish," and "Leaf Girl." Poetry Pacific, Spring Issue, 2014. //poetrypacific.blogspot.2014/05/3-poems-by-reid-mitchell.html
"Two Poems: A Cultured Lady and People’s Liberation Army Barracks, Hong Kong. 2014.07.01," Asia Literary Review, June 15, 2014. w.asialiteraryreview.two-poems-reid-mitchell
"You Will Have to Sell Your Bones" and "Last Year's Bride Warns the Lord of the River," Vaughan Rapatahana et al, Outloud Too, (Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, 2014), 93-95.
"Peaches to Market," Asia Litarary Review, August 11, 2014.w.asialiteraryreview.peaches-market
“Do Not Speak to Me Like Rain,” Germa'n Munoz, Tammy Ho, Juan Jose' Morales, eds., Desde Hong Kong, (Hong Kong: Chameleon Press, 2014), 38.
“High Water (for Qiu Jin),” “In Hong Kong,” and “I Smell a Familiar Hurricane in Guang Zhou,” Eastlit, March 2015. w.eastlit.eastlit-march-2015/eastlit-content-march-2015/high-water-other-poems/
Blog posts and editorials
“A Cup of Fine Tea: Tai Dong Huai's 'New Baby,”” A Cup of Fine Tea, August 12, 2010. [//finecha.wordpress.2010/08/12/a-cup-of-fine-tea-tai-dong-huai/]
“Minor Confessions of a Consulting Editor,” Cha, June 2013, Issue 21.
“Fulling Cloth in Autumn,” Asia Literary Review, December 13, 2013. [w.asialiteraryreview.fulling-cloth-autumn]
“Reihana Robinson's 'After the Fall or the Power of Reading,'” A Cup of Fine Tea, May 8, 2014.
“Shelving Books,” Asia Literary Review, September 11, 2014.
“MacBeth and the Good Woman: a Chinese Perspective,” Asia Literary Review, January 5, 2015.
Collaborations with Tammy Ho Lai-Ming
“Take away from me,” (poem), Poetry Monthly Magazine, (January 2007).
“Coffee,” “Ill-Adjusted,” and “A Locked Garden,” Poetry Super Highway, February 5, 2007. [//poetrysuperhighway.potw.html].
“Two Dialogues: “The Baker Must Always Find His Breakfast,” and “Black Box,” Caffeine Destiny, Spring 2007. [w.caffeinedestiny.poetry/twodialogues.html]
“Brutal End of the Affair,” “Learn to Call it Texture,” and “A Small Circle of Chains,” Admit2, May 17, 2007. []
“Remembrance and Happenstance,” Barrow Street, (Summer, 2007), 38.
“Two Birds and One Future,” “After the Ball,” Gentle Strength Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 1, (Summer, 2007.)
“Perfect Teeth,” Fringe, Issue #12 (October, 2007). []
“And the sun stood still,” Ghoti, (Winter, 2007). [w.ghotimag.archives/Issue%2013/Lai-Ming.htm]
“Ebbing, Contract in Broken English,” Prick of the Spindle, Vol. 2.2, (June, 2008). [w.prickofthespindle.pages/vol.2.2/drama.htm]
“Morning hangovers,” “Something lives in holes,” “24 hour diner,” “Put all in boxes,” “A mouse in the head,” Admit2, (September, 2008). []
"Invitation", "Day in March", "Taste of blood", The chauffeur must know,” Rhythm Poetry Magazine (Fall/Winter 2008/2009) [//]
"Trembler and Thrasher" The Loamshire Review (expected, 2008)
"Old professions", "Filial piety" Qarrtsiluni (The Apocalypse Issue, October-December 2008)
[//qarrtsiluni.2008/12/15/old-professions/] [//qarrtsiluni.2009/01/02/filial-piety/]
“Debating Love,” Qarrtsiluni, (February 21, 2009). [//qarrtsiluni.2009/02/21/debating-love/]
“Variations on a theme,” Qarrtsiluni, (March 27, 2009). [//qarrtsiluni.2009/03/27/variations-on-a-theme/]
"Bioluminescence" DIAGRAM, Issue 9.5, (November, 2009) [//thediagram.9_5/lai-mingandmitchell.html]
"Strangers, one train" Admit2 (September 2009) []
“Crabbed Youth and Age,” “Mistake of a Small Bird,” Canopic Jar, Issue 24. (Spring, 2010).
“Caught in the Flood,” in Qarrtsiluni (July 2, 2010). [//qarrtsiluni.2010/07/02/caught-in-the-flood/ ]
“Reverse Metamorphosis,” poemeleon: a journal of poetry Volume 4, Issue 2 (Winter/Spring 2010). []
Other activities, including those related to history, American Studies, and Creative Writing:
participant in panel "Divided Houses," at a meeting of the Southern Historical Association, 1993.
Chair, "War in Memory and Anticipation," Anticipating Total War: the United States and Germany, 1871-1914, conference organized by the German Historical Institute, University of Augsburg, July 1994.
Chair, "War, Combat, and Democracy," session held at 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association.
Panel, "Chronicling Carnival," Tennessee Williams Literary Festival, New Orleans, March 1995.
comments on session, "Women Remember the Civil War," at meeting of the Southern Historical Association, 1995.
program committee for 1997 meeting of the Southern Historical Association.
paper, "The Unmaking of a Self-Made Man: John Bell Hood and the Tennessee Campaign," Deep Delta Civil War Symposium, Southeastern University of Louisiana, May 31, 1997.
lecture, "'Over the Carnage Prophetic Rose a Voice': Lysis and the American Civil War," October 1997 at Loyola College in Maryland as part of their Humanities Symposium 1997.
“Humor, Irony, and the Serious Novel: a consideration of John Barth’s The Floating Opera and Walker Percy’s The Moviegoer,” Master’s essay, Warren Wilson College, 1997.
Created and led workshop for summer residency: “Imaginary Evidence: Alice Munro, Truman Capote, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha.” Warren Wilson College, 1998.
Since 1998, member, Advisory Council, the Lincoln Prize.
Program Evaluator for the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, "Two Women and Their Cookbooks: Lena Richards and Mary Land: an exhibit organized by the Newcomb College Center Research for Research of Women, November 2--December 18, 2001."
"Imaginary Evidence: the historical fiction of Alice Munro," on the website "Writing History/Writing Fiction: a virtual conference session," sponsored by the History Department, SUNY-Albany,
reprinted in Sue Harper, Douglas Hilker, Peter J. Smith, Elements of English 12 (University Preparation) , Toronto: Harcourt Canada, Ltd., 2002.
paper, "Edward A. Pollard," The Douglas Southall Freeman and Southern Intellectual History Conferences, February 21-24, 2002.
dissertation committee for Chandra Miller Manning, Harvard University History Department.
comment, "Battle Front Parlors and Domestic Camps: Confronting Gender in the U.S. Civil War," session at the 2003 Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, April 2003.
paper, “Masculinity and Buster Keaton’s ‘The General,’” Film Scene Conference, Hong Kong University, 2006.
paper, “Tennessee Williams and New Orleans,” Fulbright/Asia Seminar on Writers of the American South. March 20-24, 2006 at Chinese University of Hong Kong.
selection committee for W. T. Chan Fellowships and Hong Kong Summer Service Program, 2006, Lingnan Foundation.
Program Evaluator for the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, “Bebop and Beyond: New Orleans and the Emergence of Modern Jazz,” November 16-17, 2006.
Paper, “Carnival and Katrina,” Second Howard Mahan Symposium, “Through the Eye of Katrina: the past as prologue,” University of South Alabama, March 7-10, 2007.
1994. 1993年林肯獎 內戰歷史的最佳圖書出版物二等獎