- 外文名:inessential
- 釋義:無關緊要的;無關緊要的東西
- 詞性:形容詞、名詞
- 英式讀音:[ˌɪnɪˈsenʃl]
《Nurses! Test Yourself in Essential Calculation Skills》是2011年出版的圖書,作者是Rogers, Katherine、Scott, William。內容簡介 "This book will be of great benefit to student nurses. Following the clear, step by step guides...
《essential advantage: how to win with a capabilities-driven strategy 英文原版》是2010年McGraw-Hill出版的圖書,作者是Paul Leinwand,Cesare Mainardi。內容簡介 Conventional wisdom on strategy is no longer a reliable guide.In ...
Nike Flex Essential 2-in-1 女子訓練短褲是耐克品牌旗下的一款產品。產品介紹 Nike Flex Essential 2-in-1 女子訓練短褲採用緊身彈性內層,搭配寬鬆梭織外層。出眾柔韌靈活性結合透氣設計。產品細節 外層短褲採用休閒版型,締造輕鬆休閒的...
《Man in the Box》是Alice In Chains演唱的歌曲。I'm the man in the box Buried in my shit Won't you come and save me,save me Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?Jesus Christ, deny your maker He who tries,...
authors use evolution as the thematic thread to tie all twenty chapters into a cohesive exploration of life. In Essential Biology, the clarity of writing complements an exciting new art program. The art works hand-in-...
《The Essential》是Era的一部音樂專輯,發行於2003年1月6日。簡介 專輯歌手Era 曲目 1 Heaven Is In The Back Seat Of My Cadillac_熱朱古力 2 Disco Queen_熱朱古力 3 Heartache No. 9_熱朱古力 4 Are You Getting Enough ...
《Essential Grammar in Use with Answers and Interactive eBook》是2015年3月30日Cambridge University Press出版的圖書,作者是Raymond Murphy。內容簡介 Essential Grammar in Use Fourth edition is a self-study reference and practice ...
《Lewin's Essential Genes X》是一本圖書,作者是Krebs, Jocelyn E.內容簡介 The field of molecular biology and molecular genetics is rapidly changing with new data acquired daily and new insights into well-studied processes ...
《Essential Interviewing》是Brooks Cole出版的圖書,作者是David R. Evans,Margaret T. Hearn,Max R. Uhlemann,Allen E. Ivey 內容簡介 With the latest research and methods to help you become an effective professional in ...
《2013 Collins Essential Road Atlas Europe》是一本圖書,作者是Collins UK 內容簡介 This fully-revised A4 spiral bound road atlas of Europe contains clear, detailed road mapping, route planning maps, large scale road maps ...
《Essential ASP.NET with Examples in Visual Basic.NET》是2003年2月出版的圖書,作者是Onion, Fritz。內容簡介 This book will provide the definitive resource for ASP.NET developers working in Visual Basic .NET, not just to...
《Essential Readings in Health Psychology》是2008年Open University Press出版的圖書,作者是Jane Ogden。內容簡介 "Essential Readings in Health Psychology" is a new collection of key papers brought together for the first time in...
Collins Spanish Essential Dictionary & Grammar is an up-to-date dictionary and a user-friendly grammar guide in one easily portable volume. Colour headwords, cultural notes and an easy-to-use grammar section make this the...
《Essential cultural relics of China in museums overseas》是2021年五洲傳播出版社出版的圖書。內容簡介 “海外館藏中國文物精萃”系列畫冊,精選翁同龢第五代傳人、著名收藏家翁萬戈及其夫人程華寶,早年遊歷世界各大博物館時拍攝的館藏...
《Essential Interventional Cardiology》是2008年出版的圖書,作者是Norell Michael S. M.D.。媒體推薦 "An excellent 'pocket' textbook covering the spectrum of interventional cardiological procedures in a very compact volume." -...
Essential Serum / Whitening Beauty Lotion 30ml Main ingredients: Vitamin B3, liquorice flavone, L- Vitamin C and Hyaluronic acid Offer sufficient nutrient, promote cells to renovate, deep repair and improve skin to be ...
3、對香氣起重要作用的微量成分: β-突厥酮(β-damascone)、玫瑰醚(roseoxide)、a-白蘇烯。花還含槲皮素(quercetin)、矢車菊雙甙(cyanin)、有機酸、β-胡蘿蔔素(β-carotene)、脂肪油等。主要功效 玫瑰精油是純天然植物精油...
N441.122 essential-of 12口,雙工SC/四工LC 空光纖配線架,1HU,白色,抽屜式 19'' *1HU*233mm N441.121 essential-of 24口,單工ST/FC耦合器 空光纖配線架,1HU,白色,抽屜式 19'' *1HU*233mm SNAP-IN系列 耐克森...
Michael Jackson與索尼音樂公司的於1991年簽定的契約結束了嗎?如果還沒有,那也接近尾聲了。今年7月5日,索尼音樂公司旗下的Epic唱片公司將發行新一套雙CD精選輯《精華傑克遜》(The Essential Michael Jackson)。如果Jackson最終成為了一...