- 外文名:individualistic
- 英式讀音:[ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuəˈlɪstɪk]
- 美式讀音:[ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuəˈlɪstɪk]
- 詞性:形容詞
英 [ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuəˈlɪstɪk] 美 [ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuəˈlɪstɪk]
individualistic school 體論學派 ; 個體論學派
individualistic education 個性化教育
Individualistic fallacy 體謬誤 ; 方法上的個人謬誤
individualistic reward structure 個別獎賞結構
individualistic system [經] 個人主義制度
individualistic economy [經] 個人主義經濟
Individualistic Paradigm 個人主義範式
the individualistic theory 個人創作說
- An analysis based on such assumptions could be valid for a highly competitive, individualistic society. 基於這種假設的分析可能對一個高度競爭、個人主義的社會有效。
- Most artists are very individualistic. 大多數藝術家都非常我行我素。
- His music is highly individualistic and may not appeal to everyone. 他的音樂很獨特,可能不是人人都喜歡的。
- The school's liberal, individualistic traditions were in danger of slipping into anarchy. 這所學校的自由主義和個人主義的傳統有滑入無政府狀態的危險。
- The current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe's shift from social democracy to the sharper, more individualistic climate of American-style capitalism. 現在這一代的獨居者是在歐洲從社會民主主義向更尖銳、更個人主義的美國式資本主義傾向轉變的過程中成長起來的。
- Onliest of my client's volunteers consistently used free individualistic shopping services. 我的客戶中只有志願者自願使用免費的個性化購物服務。
- People today are too individualistic. 今天人們過於個人主義。
- It is becoming an atomised, individualistic world. 世界正在變成一個分散如原子的,極端個人主義的地方。
- Their happiness is reduced to individualistic happiness. 幸福是減少個人主義的幸福。
- Americans are more individualistic and... flashier, I think. 美國人則更個人主義一些,而且也更愛出風頭一些,我是這么認為。
- Secularism tends to make people selfish and individualistic. 世俗主義偏向令人自私和個人化。
- Individualistic view of the world and the ability to rationalize unhealthy habits. 對於世界的個人主義的看法以及將不健康的習慣合理化的能力。
- Perhaps our understanding of ourselves has become too individualistic, too mechanical. 也許我們對自己的了解已經變得過於利己,過於呆板。
- The nature of doing meaningful things in the world means it can be lonely and individualistic. 做世界上有意義事情的本質可能是孤獨的和個人主義的。
- Researchers argue about why certain cultures have become more individualistic than others. 為何某些文化比其它文化更具個人主義色彩?許多研究者對此爭執不休。
- And that's what its central message is: very individualistic,very doctrinal,very theological. 也是它的核心訊息:,非常個人化,非常教條,神學性強。
- There's an awful lot of idiosyncratic, individualistic response to crises over Japan's history. 在日本的歷史上,在面對危機之時,日本也有許多特別的,驚心動魄的,個人主義化的事情“。
- Young women are more individualistic than their mothers, and are seeking out lesser-known brands. 年青女士比她們的母親更具個性化,開始追求一些不為眾人所知的品牌。
- As Scorpio moms have an individualistic attitude, their taste invariably goes towards-loving plant life. 天蠍座媽媽帶著濃重的個人主義色彩,她們的口味一成不變,最愛花花草草了。
- First came the earliest individualistic pioneers who depended on hunting and fishing for their livelihoods. 走在最前面的是早期的個人主義先驅者,他們靠狩獵捕魚為生。
- The researchers found that a focus on compensation was most appreciated by people who are more individualistic e.g. 研究者發現人們對道歉形式的關注焦點是補償,此舉最受那些利己主義者讚賞。
- I cannot agree with this school, which seems too individualistic, and unduly indifferent to the importance of knowledge. 我不同意這種觀點,它似乎過於個人主義了,也過分漠視知識的重要性。
- They were Jeffersonian in their disdain for patricians, Jacksonian in their belief in individualistic, competitive enterprise. 他們是鄙視貴族的傑弗遜主義者(Jeffersonian),信奉個人主義,崇尚企業自由競爭。
- Her father, a yacht and airplane designer, and her mother, a portrait painter, were both free spirits and very individualistic. 她的父親是一名遊艇和飛機設計師,母親是肖像畫家,兩人都無拘無束且崇尚個人主義。
- The Accenture study clearly shows that the buying-decision process is much more household- and ecosystem-centric than individualistic. 埃森哲研究清楚地表明,購買決策過程比起個人主義更以家庭和生態系統為中心。