- 外文名:incoordination
- 詞性:名詞
- 英標:[,ɪnkəʊɔːdɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]
- 譯義:不協調;不同等;不配合
- 美標:[,ɪnko,ɔrdn'eʃən]
Philippe Iujvidin Philippe Iujvidin,主要作品《屬你最壞》。電視劇作品
配位數(coordination number)是中心離子的重要特徵。直接同中心離子(或原子)配位的離子數目叫中心離子(或原子)的配位數。配位數的定義 配位數的定義是在化合物中直接與中心原子連線的配體的原子數目,多套用於配位化合物。通常,...
Fear of Muscular In-Coordination是一種精神 類疾病。精神症狀 強迫性的想法 除了恐懼之外,很難思考任何事情 非常糟糕的不協調圖像或電影 不真實或與自己分離的感覺 害怕失去控制或發瘋 怕暈倒 情緒症狀 預期焦慮:持續擔心即將到來的...
脾胃不和(incoordination between spleen and stomach)指氣機阻滯,脾胃失健,以脘腹痞脹,或胃脘嘈雜,食少納呆,或食後腹脹,噯氣腸鳴,大便不調,脈弦等證候。治療以調和脾胃為原則。病因及常見疾病 脾胃不和是脾胃納與化、升與降...
enzootic incoordination 地方性共濟失調 enzootic porcine 地方性豬 enzootic calcinosis 地方性家畜鈣質沉著症 雙語例句 These results indicate that progression of enzootic bovine leucosis is closely related to expression of P53...
髒躁・心腎不交證(hysteria with syndrome of incoordination between heart and kidney)是2010年公布的中醫藥學名詞。定義 心腎陰液虧虛,陽氣偏亢,既濟失調,以哭笑無常,呵欠頻作,頭暈耳鳴,心悸少寐,手足心熱,口乾不欲多飲,...
2. Zhang, J.-P.; Huang, X.-C.; Chen, X.-M.* Supramolecular Isomerism in Coordination Polymers.Chem. Soc. Rev.2009, 38, 2385-2396link 3. Zhang, J.-P.; Chen, X.-M.* Crystal engineering of binary metal ...
5. Feng-Mei Nie, Yu-Heng Deng, Yan-Mei Li and Yu-Fen Zhao, Synthesis and characterization of copper(II) complexes with nicotinate in different coordination style. J. Inorg. Biochem., 2003, 96, 201.6. Feng-Mei...
An Aggregated Solution for Coordination in Multiagent Systems. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 27 (2), 180-200 (IF:0.766)Bingcai Chen, Xin Tao, Manrou Yang, Chao Yu, Weimin Pan, Victor C. M....
evolution of the urban rail transit (time axis) and the key technology of those two transport methods (countermeasure axis) for solving the key issue of coordination in the process of the evolvement of the urban rail ...