- 外文名:impossibility
- 英式讀音:[ɪmˌpɑːsəˈbɪləti]
- 美式讀音:[ɪmˌpɑːsəˈbɪləti]
- 詞性:名詞
“難能定律”通常要用公式解釋,但用簡化的解說,一般讀者是應能知其大意的。簡介 阿羅(K. Arrow)的“難能定律”(Impossibility Theorem).假若社會有甲、乙二人,每人都能以優劣排列A、B、C三個選擇。甲的選擇排列是A、B、C;...
E.不可能性 (impossibility)第四章 能力與可能性(AbilityandPossibility)A.能力(ability)B.無能(inability)第五章 選擇性情態(Choosin9Modality)A.勸告 (advice)B.義務(moralobligation)C.偏愛(preference)第六章 試探性...
阿羅不可能定理(Arrow's impossibility theorem)的證明並不難,但是需要嚴格的數學邏輯思維。關於這個定理還有一段情節頗為曲折的故事。阿羅在大學期間就迷上了數學邏輯:讀四年級的時候,波蘭大邏輯學家塔斯基(Tarski)到阿羅所在的...
Hero (Hero)Don't you wanna be, don't you wanna be brother?Zero the Hero (Hero)When you gonna be, when you gonna be brother?Zero the Hero (Hero)Impossibility, it's a power team brother Really a Hero (Hero)
detail 可判處 punishable act 可罰性之行為 punishable impossibility 可罰的未遂犯 Punishable Behavior 應罰行為 Violations are punishable 違反規定的 non-punishable behavior 不可罰的行為 the punishable condition 客觀處罰條件 ...
森的帕累托自由不可能性定理(Sen's impossibility of a paretian libertarian theorem)或稱為森的帕累托自由悖論(Sen's paradox Paratian liberal)概述 森的帕累托自由不可能性定理指出:帕累托標準與個人自由主義可能會...
渴望”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 desiderate /dɪˈzɪdəˌreɪt/ 1.V to feel the lack of or need for; long for; miss 渴望; 希求; 亟需 短語搭配 desiderate an impossibility 希求不可能的事情 ...
UNIT 6 Certainty and uncertainty&Possibility and impossibility 肯定和不肯定,可能和不可能 黃金表達 熱身練習 真題體驗 專項練習 UNIT 7 Worries &Apologies 憂慮與道歉 黃金表達 熱身練習 真題體驗 專項練習 UNIT 8 Intentions and ...
In Iris Murdoch's 1954 debut novel, Jake Donaghue is an engaging young writer. In his overintellectualized angst, Jake details a convoluted romantic impossibility--he loves Anna, who loves Hugo, who loves Sadie, who ...
It's an impossibility day We only saw half of the ballet I said good night goodbye Seems like a good thing So you know it's a good lie You can run outta choices And still hear A voice in your head When you...
UNIT 19 Possibility and Impossibility UNIT 20 Concentration and Interruption UNIT 21 Interest and Boredom UNIT 22 Insisting and Urging UNIT 23 Reassuring and Persuading UNIT 24 Condition and Concession UNIT 25 Deducing and ...
imposition,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“徵收;強加;欺騙;不公平的負擔”。網路釋義 imposedstress作用應力 imposition徵稅;負擔;安置;強加 impossibility不可能;不可能的事 短語搭配 Label Imposition 標籤排版 quire...
《生者對死者無動於衷》(英語:The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living),是英國概念藝術家達米恩·赫斯特於1991年創作的裝置藝術。赫斯特把一條14英尺長的虎鯊放在裝滿甲醛的玻璃櫃裡。在2004年,該作被...