



  • 外文名:impartiality
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英標:[ˌɪmˌpɑːʃiˈæləti]
  • 譯義:公正,公平;不偏不倚
  • 美標:[ˌɪmˌpɑːrʃiˈæləti]


impartiality test 無私試驗
judiciary impartiality 司法公正
educational impartiality 教育公平


  • 1To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham.在以後的某一時刻偏袒某一方,就意味著先前假定的公正只是一種假象。
  • 2The MDC questions Mr Mbeki's impartiality.民革運對姆貝基的公正予以質疑。
  • 3He has compromised his reputation for impartiality.他已經危機他公正的名聲。
  • 4Impartiality is absolutely essential to a judge.法官最要緊的是公正無私。
  • 5Arbitration must be conducted with impartiality.仲裁裁決必須公正。
  • 6Lawyers are blocked from challenging the judges' impartiality.律師們無法對法官的公正性提出質疑。
  • 7And anyway, how could I rely on Numbers, their cold impartiality?而且,我又怎么能依賴這些數字?依賴它們冰冷的公正?
  • 8Ensure absolutely impartiality and Confidentiality throughout.自始至終確保完全的公正與保密。
  • 9WHO needs to be able to provide information with integrity and impartiality.世衛組織必須能夠提供誠實和公正的信息。
  • 10Justice Scott will presumably take a dim view of the impartiality of Fiji's courts.斯科特法官大概會對斐濟法院的公正性表示懷疑。
  • 11The impartiality and efficiency are basic values of the contentious procedure.公正和效率是訴訟程式的基本價值。
  • 12The impartiality society is a society of mutual benefit, vitality and stability.以公正為基礎的社會是一個互惠、互利的、充滿活力和穩定的社會。
  • 13But countries are unlikely to heed its advice unless they believe in its impartiality.但各國不可能聽從它的建議,除非他們相信它是公正的。
  • 14The review shall be conducted under the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality.評審工作應當遵循公開、公平、公正的原則。
  • 15Never did a man employ the office of Speaker with less regard for its theoretical impartiality.從來沒有一個發言人像他那樣敢於藐視這個職位所應有的公平性。
  • 16the other party has concealed evidence which is sufficient to affect the impartiality of the award;對方當事人隱瞞了足以影響公正裁決的證據的;
  • 17The trust that Member States place in us is based on our commitment to impartiality and objectivity.會員國對我們的信任基於我們對公平性和客觀性的承諾。
  • 18If impartiality is already the exception rather than the rule, the Internet is now eroding it further.如果公正性已是例外而非規則,網際網路正在消除這一點。
  • 19The International Commercial Arbitration Association of the USA is well-known for its impartiality.美國的仲裁協會辦事公正,這一點眾人皆知。
  • 20Researching difference of gender is that people pay close attention to problem of gender impartiality.人們對性別差異的研究是對性別公正問題的關注。
  • 21Permission for port tallying shall be granted in adherence to the principles of openness, impartiality and fairness.實施港口理貨業務經營許可,應當遵循公開、公正、公平的原則。
  • 22The factors that influence the rural intergenerational impartiality include economic institution and social institution.影響農村代際公平的因素包括經濟制度和社會制度兩大方面。
  • 23Yet there is cross-party consensus that an Ofpress, licensing journalists or imposing impartiality, would be a step too far.不過兩黨關於報業管理達成了一個共識,那就是記者採訪必須持有許可證或者強制報紙採取客觀態度的規定有些矯枉過正。
  • 24Amano told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna that he has full confidence in the inspectors' impartiality.天野之彌在維也納國際原子能機構召開的一個會議上表示,他對核查人員的公正性有充分的信心。
  • 25Mr Chavez called this "ridiculous", questioning the impartiality of Mr Noble, who is American, and labelling him a "gringo policeman".查維茲先生稱這很“荒謬”,質疑Noble先生——他是美國人——的公正性,並給他貼上了“老外警察”的標籤。
  • 26As an important position of agriculture in our country, there is great significance in studying rural intergenerational impartiality.鑒於農業在我國的重要地位,研究農村代際公平問題具有重大意義。
  • 27Users aren't against service providers and businesses from the get-to, they just like their information free of bias and false impartiality.用戶從開始就反對服務提供商和企業,他們只是喜歡自己的信息沒有偏見和虛假的公平。


