



  • 外文名:immensely
  • 英式讀音:[ɪˈmensli]
  • 美式讀音:[ɪˈmensli]
  • 詞性:副詞
網路釋義 ,短語搭配,雙語例句,


巨大的,廣大的;無邊無際的;非常好的 immensely 極大地;無限地;廣大地;龐大地 immensity 巨大;無限;廣大


store immensely 貯藏豐富
immensely deep 深得無限地
help immensely 有力地促成


  • 1His only experience of gardening so far proved immensely satisfying.他僅有的園藝經歷到目前為止非常令人滿意。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2There is another problem: people become immensely inventive in hitting targets.還有另外一個問題:人們在達成目標方面變得極其有創意。
  • 3We also know that the global climate system is immensely complicated and that everything is in some way connected, and so the system is capable of fluctuating in unexpected ways.我們還知道,全球氣候系統極其複雜,一切都以某種方式聯繫在一起,因此,這個系統能夠以意想不到的方式波動。
  • 4We enjoyed ourselves immensely.我們快活極了。《牛津詞典》
  • 5I enjoyed this film immensely.我非常喜歡這部電影。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6A little shade helps them immensely.稍微遮蔭會對它們大有幫助。
  • 7"Go on, Toad," said the Mole, immensely interested.“說下去,托德。”鼴鼠莫爾興致勃勃地說。
  • 8The light source must therefore be immensely brighter if it is to be used as a headlight to illuminate the path, than if it is to be used as a signal to others.與用作被人識別的信號相比,如果用作照亮路途的頭燈的話,光源必須要明亮很多。
  • 9He felt immensely better, he said.他說他覺得好多了。
  • 10Nevertheless, RAID-0 is immensely useful.儘管如此,RAID - 0還是極其有用的。
  • 11When you play, enjoy yourself immensely.玩耍的時候就盡情享受。
  • 12And yes, my productivity suffered. Immensely.沒錯,我的生產力受到了極大的挑戰。
  • 13This will immensely affect your mood and health.這也將不斷地改善你的身心健康。
  • 14Software development is an immensely complex task.軟體開發是極為複雜的事情。
  • 15This can be immensely frustrating to new designers.對於菜鳥設計師來說,這的確令人沮喪。
  • 16Evidently, he is immensely charmed with Miss Millar.他對米勒小姐顯然很鐘情。
  • 17Today, it is an immensely popular tourist attraction.今天,天涯海角是極受歡迎的旅遊勝地。
  • 18Our focus on quality has proven to be immensely successful.我們對質量的關注已證明是非常成功的。
  • 19It was challenging and immensely rewarding-and just the start.這是具有挑戰性的、非常值得的——而這才僅僅是開始。
  • 20But most were immensely grateful to live in the era that they did.然而大部分的人仍對其所經歷的時代懷有無限感激之情。
  • 21I am very pleased that he has taken on this immensely complex task.我很高興由他承擔這一極為複雜的任務。
  • 22I've also listed some tools below that will help immensely with this.我在下面也列舉了一些很有用的工具。
  • 23They also encouraged me to blog about it, and that helped immensely too.他們還鼓勵我為此寫篇部落格——這一點也完全幫助了我。
  • 24This is an industry in decline, albeit from an immensely profitable peak.即使從一個極大的可獲利最大值來看,這也是一個衰敗的產業。
  • 25This keeps the server code immensely simple, while still running very quickly.這使伺服器代碼非常簡單,而運行的速度仍非常快。
  • 26Look at the characteristics you noted of the person you dislike immensely.無限的關注你所記錄的你不喜歡的人的特性。


