imagery in healing

imagery in healing

《imagery in healing》是2002年出版的圖書,作者是Jeanne Achterberg。


  • 中文名:imagery in healing
  • 作者:Jeanne Achterberg
  • 語言:英語
  • 出版時間:2002年
  • ISBN:9781570629341 


This influential book shows how the systematic use of mentalimagery can have a positive influence on the course of disease andcan help patients to cope with pain. In Imagery in Healing, JeanneAchterberg brings together modern scientific research and thepractices of the earliest healers to support her claim that imageryis the world's oldest and most powerful healing resource. The bookhas become a classic in the field of alternative medicine andcontinues to be read by new generations of health careprofessionals and lay people.
In Imagery in Healing, Achterberg explores in detail the role ofthe imagination in the healing process. She begins with anexploration of the tradition of shamanism, "the medicine of theimagination," surveying this time-honored way of touching the nexusof the mind, body, and soul. She then traces the history of the useof imagery within Western medicine, including a look atcontemporary examples of how health care professionals have drawnon the power of the imagination through such methods as hypnosis,biofeedback, and the placebo effect.
Ultimately, Achterberg looks to the science of immunology touncover the most effective ground for visualization, and shepresents data demonstrating how imagery can have a direct andprofound impact on the workings of the immune system. Drawing onart, science, history, anthropology, and medicine, Imagery inHealing offers a highly readable overview of the profound andcomplex relationship between the imagination and the body.


Jeanne Achterberg, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, and has served as associate professor and director of research in rehabilitation science at Southwestern Medical School in Dallas.

