- 外文名:illness
- 詞性:名詞
illness是一個英語單詞,名詞,作名詞時意思是“病;疾病”。單詞發音 英[ˈɪlnəs];美[ˈɪlnəs]短語搭配 chronic illness慢性病 ; 痼疾 ; 頑疾 ; 沉痼 foodborne illness食物中毒 ; 食源性疾病 ; 食品中毒 ; 食物...
《病ILLNESS》是連城讀書發行的小說,作者是TAB工作室。小說類型 東方玄幻 內容簡介 世界的規則在管理者(ADMINISTRATOR)看來其實很簡單:“禍”侵蝕人心,破壞世界。 人產生“垢” “管理者”引導“垢”吞噬“禍”,被“禍”控制的人恢復...
shrillness,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“尖銳刺耳”。短語搭配 shrillness s 食銳刺耳 雙語例句 The shrillness may disguise disagreement in Pyongyang about how to deal with Mr Lee and Mr Obama.在平壤,關於李明博...
《Illness Illusion》是GACKT演唱的歌曲。Artist:gackt Songs Title:illness illusion I yasashiku sasayaita anata no koe dokoniono tsutsu kooni mo watashimata konoyonate chuwa chuumoku detano dareka yasu raki okowashideshima i...
《The End of Illness》是2012年10月16日Simon & Schuster US出版的圖書,作者是David B. Agus、Kristin Loberg 。內容簡介 CAN WE LIVE ROBUSTLY UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH? Do we have to suffer from debilitating conditions and ...
絕症是一個多義詞,請在下列義項上選擇瀏覽(共2個義項) 添加義項 ▪辭彙 ▪小說收藏 772 21 [jué zhèng] 絕症 (辭彙) 鎖定 juézhèng [incurable disease;fatal illness]當時醫學還無法治好的有生命危險的疾病。有些有...
<名> 病痛;疾苦 [illness;sufferings]王曰:嗚呼!小子封,恫瘝乃身,敬哉!——《書·康誥》又如:瘝恫(病痛;疾苦)疾苦 [sufferings]民瘝不上聞,至此乎!如父老問所苦。——《農政全書》釋義 guān 曠廢 [neglect;be ...
[chronic disease;ailment disease;ailment illness] 積久難以治癒的病 平原王李被痼疾。——《後漢書·安帝紀》 其傷於縛者,即幸留,病數月乃瘳,或竟成痼疾。——清· 方苞《獄中雜記》 痼,久病也。——《玉篇》 鄧太后以皇子...
I myself have every cause of a deep thankfulness for not only by the grace of God, and through the faithful skill my doctors, surgeons and nurses have I come through my illness. 我自己也深懷感謝之情,不僅是因為...
to take to one's bed and never leave it again; to fall ill and die; to die of illness 出處 《夷堅乙志·光祿寺》 拼音 yī bìng bù qǐ 注音 ㄧㄅㄧㄥˋㄅㄨˋㄑㄧˇ 近義詞 一命嗚呼 目錄 1 成語出處 ...
It is indisputable that birds are harbouring this illness. 無可爭辯的是,鳥類攜帶著這種疾病。A: China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China sea islands and their adjacent waters, as well as sovereign rights ...
My relationships with friends have been irrevocably altered by their reactions to my illness.由於朋友們對我的病情所做出的反應,我和他們的關係已經徹底改變了。Lehman had only 48 hours before its liquidity and customer franchise...
疾病〖illness〗 歲凶,庸人訾厲,多死喪。——《管子·入國》 又如:訾厲(疾病,災害) 缺點〖defect〗 故子之所刺於禮者,亦非禮之訾也。——《禮記·檀弓下》 又如:訾缺(過錯與缺失) 姓。如:訾陬(複姓) 另見zǐ 訾 zǐ ...
depressive illness 抑鬱 ; 抑鬱病 depressive emotion 抑鬱情緒 depressive pseudodementia 抑鬱性假性痴呆 depressive dementia 抑鬱性痴呆 ; 翻譯 depressive schema 抑鬱圖式 Depressive equivalent 抑鬱等位症 depressive earthquake 陷落地震 ...
If you are bound and determined that "GOD" creates only good, then any physical deficiency, or illness or deformity becomes an affront to your belief, threatens it and makes you angry or resentful.如果你固執地認為上帝...
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。English illness; disease; ailment 古籍解釋 康熙字典 㿑【午集中】【疒部】康熙筆畫:19畫部外筆畫:14畫 康熙字典 㿑 《廣韻》以灼切《集韻》弋灼切,𠀤音藥。淫㿑,病也。
(interchangeable 怯) to be weaked by disease; weak; feeble, lean; emaciated, illness; disease; sick 古籍解釋 康熙字典 㾀【午集中】【疒部】康熙筆畫:10畫部外筆畫:5畫 康熙字典 㾀 《廣韻》去劫切《集韻》乞業切,...
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。English illness; disease 古籍解釋 康熙字典 㽴【午集中】【疒部】康熙筆畫:8畫部外筆畫:3畫 康熙字典 㽴 《廣韻》直兩切《集韻》雉兩切,𠀤音丈。病也。
(same as 疚) prolonged illness, mental discomfort, to stay in one place for a long period 康熙字典 㝌【寅集上】【宀部】康熙筆畫:6畫部外筆畫:3畫 《唐韻》《集韻》《類篇》居又切,音救。《說文》貧病也。引《...
sick; illness; disease, red 古籍解釋 康熙字典 䐋【辰集上】【月部】康熙筆畫:12畫部外筆畫:8畫 康熙字典 䐋 《篇海》倉紅切,音聰。本作㥖,赤色,在丹部。《正字通》雲附月部,非。《字彙補》子公切,音匆。病...
10進制: 15474,UTF-32: 00003C72,UTF-8: E3 B1 B2。㱲字位於中日韓統一表意文字擴充A區(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。English withered; faded; to die, a minor illness (of foot and hand)
Newborns infected with an enterovirus usually have mild illness, but rarely they may develop an overwhelming infection of many organs, including liver and heart, and die from the infection.新生兒感染腸病毒通常症狀輕微或無症狀...
[fall ill;be ill;suffer from an illness;be afflicted with a disease] 生病 2.患病率 huànbìnglǜ [prevalence;morbidity rate] [疾病、傳染媒介等的] 傳播程度。有時指對在某一時間內受某種疾病發病人口的百分比的研究。 3....
[illness;disease] 即疾病。治病的特長:專治疑難~。人類、動物、植物、微生物等生命形式出現異常狀態的外在表現特徵。由表及里,可排序為:病症,病徵,病證。注意,中醫通過望、聞、問、切等方法來了解的是病徵,而不是病症。引證...
[die of illness or malnutrition in prison] 瘐死 把他拿住了,在獄中瘐斃了他,算抵賈似道的命的。——《痛史》2. 瘐死yǔsǐ [die of hunger or disease in prison] 囚犯在獄中病死 今系者或以掠辜,若饑寒,瘐死獄中,何...
未分化性疾患 未分化性疾患(undifferentiated illness)是2014年公布的全科醫學與社區衛生名詞。定義 尚無法歸於某種具體疾病的症狀。多指疾病的早期,症狀無特異性、表現泛化。出處 《全科醫學與社區衛生名詞》第一版。