- 中文名:工業電子年會
- 外文名:Industrial Electronics Conference
- 縮寫:iecon
- 主要內容:控制系統及套用、機器人和機電一體化、電力電子和信號處理等
以第一作者在《IEEETransactionsonIndustrialElectronics》、IEEE-IECON、《電工技術學報》、《控制與決策》和《電力電子技術》等國內外權威刊物或會議上發表學術論文近40篇,論文被SCI、《EI》和《ISTP》收錄十餘篇。代表性著作 代表性論文...
17)Best Paper Award in Session of the IECON 2013 from the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 18)“Outstanding Reviewers of 2008”Award from the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society 19)“Outstanding Reviewers of 2012”...
22. Fei Lin; Zhiwen Ma; Guangyan Hu; Trillion Zheng; Wenchao Song, High performance induction motor speed control based on extended state observer with stator fluxes model, Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON 200...
[1]Yigeng Huangfu, Muhammad Saeed, Jiani Xu, M. umer Altaf, Usama Amir. Nonlinear parameter optimization of PI observer for highly accurate SOC estimation of Li-ion batteries. IECON 43th Annual Conference of the IEEE,...
3.Hui Zhang,Shu-Juan Wang. Qing-Sen Zhang,Guo-Fu Zhai. The research on rolling element bearing fault diagnosis based on wavelet packets transform. IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference). 2003,2. pp.1745-...
Zheng Tao, Dong Jiaye, Zhang Yuyang and Dong Ping, "Dynamic Multi-link Scheduling for Cellular Networks in High-Speed Transportation Systems," IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,...