- 外文名:hypochondrium
- 詞性:名詞
- 英標:[,haɪpəʊ'kɒndrɪəm]
- 譯義:季肋部;憂鬱症;疑病症
- 美標:[,haɪpə'kɑndrɪəm]
懸飲・飲停胸脅證(suspending fluid retention with syndrome of fluid retaining in chest and hypochondrium)是2010年公布的中醫藥學名詞。定義 水飲停於胸脅,氣機受阻,以胸脅脹悶疼痛,咳唾痛甚,氣息短促,或眩暈,身體轉側或呼吸時胸脅牽引作痛,舌淡,苔白滑,脈弦等為常見症的懸飲證候。出處 《中醫藥學...
飲停胸脅證 飲停胸脅證(syndrome of fluid retained in chest and hypochondrium)是2004年公布的中醫藥學名詞。定義 水飲停於胸脅,氣機受阻,以胸脅脹悶疼痛,咳嗽痛甚,氣息短促,或眩暈,身體轉側或呼吸時胸脅牽引作痛,舌苔白滑,脈弦為常見症的證候。出處 《中醫藥學名詞》。
hypochondriacal,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“過分擔心自己健康的;憂鬱症的”。網路釋義 .hypochondriacal 憂鬱症的 hypochondrium 憂鬱症 hypochromia 染色不足 短語搭配 hypochondriacal neurosis 疑病性神經症 ; 疑病神經官能症 ; 又稱疑病性神經症 hypochondriacal delusions 疑病妄想 hypochondriacal ...
ofthe chest and distention ofthe hypochondrium Chapter 6: Differentiation and treatment ofthe febrile diseases ofthe five intemal organs 1. Heat induced liver diseases 2. Heat induced heart disorders 3. Heat-induced spleen disorders 4. Heat induced lung disorders 5. Heat induced kidney disorders ...
8 Closed chest and hypochondrium injury 9 Subluxation of the sacroiliac joints 10 Piriformis syndrome 11 Lumbar myofasciitis 12 Shoulder periarthritis (frozen shoulder)13 External humeral epicondylitis 14 Internal humeral epicondylitis 15 Sprain/contusion of the wrist joint 16 Carpal-tunnel syndrome 17 ...