high-octane是一個英文詞組,adj. 強烈的, 極新穎的, (高辛烷值的, 高能量的)
強烈的, 極新穎的, (高辛烷值的, 高能量的)
high-octane是一個英文詞組,adj. 強烈的, 極新穎的, (高辛烷值的, 高能量的)
high-octane是一個英文詞組,adj. 強烈的, 極新穎的, (高辛烷值的, 高能量的)...... high-octane是一個英文詞組,adj. 強烈的, 極新穎的, (高辛烷值的, ...
For more high-octane action, with better graphics and performance, search for the sequels "Drive or Die 2" and "Drive or Die 2 Free" on the app ...
She also introduces us to successful introverts from a witty, high-octane public speaker who recharges in solitude after his talks, to a record-breaking...
Follow Lightning McQueen and the cars on a high-octane adventure as they get their kicks on Route 66. Ths work is from the Academy Award-winning ...